Trump says Adam Schiff should be in jail

Should Schiff and Obama be indicted?

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The documents that Grennell just declassified, that you are blatantly pretending do not exist, because you are a hack, state definitively that Flynn never lied to the traitor Strzok.

Now, in a separate matter, Pence believed that Flynn lied to him about the interview.

That's funny. The DOJ is arguing that Flynn did lie but the lies weren't material in their motion to drop the charges. Are you accusing the DOJ of lying in their court filings?
Anything to distract people from the fact that Trump inherited the best economy we had in decades and still managed to turn America into a third world country.

Wrong, Pebble by Pebble.

The source of the virus from China is China. They lied about the source and their number of fatalities. They would not share data with our health professionals that might have mitigated their virus from China. They nailed shut the doors of those with the virus from China They did not stop flights out of China and the virus from China spread around the world.

China must be held accountable for the hundreds of thousands of deaths and the economic loss around the world.

Count on the far left loon apologists to defend China and falsely blame it on our great president whose closure of flights from China saved countless lives.

The president is following the advice of the health professionals and the states are opening their economies following the guidelines.
No, he wouldn't. Flynn in open court and in answer to the judge made the admissions. Unless Flynn wants to argue he lied to the court he doesn't have a case at all and that certainly wouldn't make for a strong case.

A defendant is allowed to change their plea. It happens numerous times every day.
President Trump torched RAT Adam Schiff for gleefully pushing the Russia collusion hoax and gaslighting the world for four years by falsely claiming there was evidence to support that and the malicious persecution of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Newly-released transcripts now prove that the Obama FBI and top Obama officials had admitted under oath that there was no evidence of Russia collusion — nor was there any evidence to prosecute former National Security Adviser Flynn.

Congressman Adam Schiff, an attorney, is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He knew for the past four years that RATS and Obama holdovers in the FBI lied to Americans, but he continued to push the false anti-Trump narrative during countless TV interviews on CNN and MSNBC.

At a round-table discussion with several members of Congress Friday, Trump expressed disgust that RATS had shamelessly lied to the world about the Russia hoax and cheerfully destroyed the career and life of three-star Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Why? It was all part of the left’s ruthless power grab and coup attempt against a sitting United States president.

“This is a corrupt deal, and we caught them cold,” President Trump said. “Tremendous dishonesty from Schiff and others. These are not stupid people. They know it was a hoax. They know better than anyone in this room that it was a hoax. They set it up. I watched Shifty Schiff. Nine inches around the neck.”

Trump continued: “I watch this guy, he uses the world’s smallest collar. But I watched him and he acts so aggrieved. He got caught! If he weren’t in the halls of Congress, he’d be in jail because he made up phony stories and phony speeches. He’s a sick, sick man and he’s a corrupt politician.”

The documents that Grennell just declassified, that you are blatantly pretending do not exist, because you are a hack, state definitively that Flynn never lied to the traitor Strzok.

Now, in a separate matter, Pence believed that Flynn lied to him about the interview.

WTH does Strzok have to do with my question? You are such a hack that you're using this cheesy deflection to keep from answering. This isn't about what Flynn said to the FBI but about what he said to Pence, a conversation between the two men.

So who is lying, Pence or Flynn?
That's funny. The DOJ is arguing that Flynn did lie but the lies weren't material in their motion to drop the charges. Are you accusing the DOJ of lying in their court filings?

No, the DOJ is not saying that. Turn off Chuck Todd and pay attention to real news. A month ago the belief was that Flynn lied to the FBI, but not in an illegal manner (e.g. not in a way that interfered with an investigation). The documents that Grennell declassified last week show that Flynn never lied to the FBI at all.
WTH does Strzok have to do with my question? You are such a hack that you're using this cheesy deflection to keep from answering. This isn't about what Flynn said to the FBI but about what he said to Pence, a conversation between the two men.

So who is lying, Pence or Flynn?

Are you fucking retarded? This is almost exclusively about what in the exact fuck Flynn said to the traitor Strzok, because it was under the pretext of false statements to the FBI that Flynn was ever prosecuted to begin with. For fucks sake.
Think of the craziness of it all. trump, a fervent birther, thinks that people should go to prison for making accusations against the president?

The cult of trump(formerly the Republican Party) has really lost its way.
No, the DOJ is not saying that. Turn off Chuck Todd and pay attention to real news. A month ago the belief was that Flynn lied to the FBI, but not in an illegal manner (e.g. not in a way that interfered with an investigation). The documents that Grennell declassified last week show that Flynn never lied to the FBI at all.

Perhaps you should read the court filing. DOJ states this to the court last week:

Mr. Flynn entered a guilty plea—which he has since sought to withdraw—to a single
count of making false statements in a January 24, 2017 interview with investigators of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”). See ECF Nos. 3-4. This crime, however, requires a
statement to be not simply false, but “materially” false with respect to a matter under
investigation. 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2). Materiality is an essential element of the offense.
The Government is not
persuaded that the January 24, 2017 interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative
basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn’s statements were material even if untrue.

The DOJ had access to the documents you now claim proved Flynn didn't lie. If that is the case, why doesn't the DOJ state Flynn didn't lie? Perhaps it is you that needs to read the real documents and stop paying attention to your fake news sources.
A defendant is allowed to change their plea. It happens numerous times every day.

Not after a defendant has pled guilty and the court has accepted that plea not once but twice. Unless there is proof of a miscarriage of justice of the defendant was denied proper counsel, I doubt you can find me a single instance of a court allowing a change in plea.

But the fact that he DID plead guilty is what destroys any case of libel. He can't argue that someone libeled him for something he claimed he did when questioned in court. Not only would that make Flynn lose the libel case, he would be responsible for all court costs of the other side.
President Trump torched RAT Adam Schiff for gleefully pushing the Russia collusion hoax and gaslighting the world for four years by falsely claiming there was evidence to support that and the malicious persecution of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Newly-released transcripts now prove that the Obama FBI and top Obama officials had admitted under oath that there was no evidence of Russia collusion — nor was there any evidence to prosecute former National Security Adviser Flynn.

Congressman Adam Schiff, an attorney, is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He knew for the past four years that RATS and Obama holdovers in the FBI lied to Americans, but he continued to push the false anti-Trump narrative during countless TV interviews on CNN and MSNBC.

At a round-table discussion with several members of Congress Friday, Trump expressed disgust that RATS had shamelessly lied to the world about the Russia hoax and cheerfully destroyed the career and life of three-star Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Why? It was all part of the left’s ruthless power grab and coup attempt against a sitting United States president.

“This is a corrupt deal, and we caught them cold,” President Trump said. “Tremendous dishonesty from Schiff and others. These are not stupid people. They know it was a hoax. They know better than anyone in this room that it was a hoax. They set it up. I watched Shifty Schiff. Nine inches around the neck.”

Trump continued: “I watch this guy, he uses the world’s smallest collar. But I watched him and he acts so aggrieved. He got caught! If he weren’t in the halls of Congress, he’d be in jail because he made up phony stories and phony speeches. He’s a sick, sick man and he’s a corrupt politician.”

Of those voting yes or no, 75% voted yes.
Not after a defendant has pled guilty and the court has accepted that plea not once but twice. Unless there is proof of a miscarriage of justice of the defendant was denied proper counsel, I doubt you can find me a single instance of a court allowing a change in plea.

But the fact that he DID plead guilty is what destroys any case of libel. He can't argue that someone libeled him for something he claimed he did when questioned in court. Not only would that make Flynn lose the libel case, he would be responsible for all court costs of the other side.

Horse mierda, Dick.

He pleaded guilty after he was bankrupted and the prosecutors threatened to go after his son.

Plea changes happen everyday in America.

He is a free man and I believe he will win his suit.

He should get his old job as NSA too.
Perhaps you should read the court filing. DOJ states this to the court last week:

Mr. Flynn entered a guilty plea—which he has since sought to withdraw—to a single
count of making false statements in a January 24, 2017 interview with investigators of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”). See ECF Nos. 3-4. This crime, however, requires a
statement to be not simply false, but “materially” false with respect to a matter under
investigation. 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2). Materiality is an essential element of the offense.
The Government is not
persuaded that the January 24, 2017 interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative
basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn’s statements were material even if untrue.

The DOJ had access to the documents you now claim proved Flynn didn't lie. If that is the case, why doesn't the DOJ state Flynn didn't lie? Perhaps it is you that needs to read the real documents and stop paying attention to your fake news sources.

The documents that Grennell declassified last week show that Flynn never even told immaterial lies.
Are you fucking retarded? This is almost exclusively about what in the exact fuck Flynn said to the traitor Strzok, because it was under the pretext of false statements to the FBI that Flynn was ever prosecuted to begin with. For fucks sake.

You are triggered lol. Listen, just light a candle and genuflect to your trump poster. If you believe anything Grennell and the corrupt grifters are trying to sell the public, you are too naive for words. I wouldn't believe any of them if their tongues came notarized.