Trump says Adam Schiff should be in jail

Should Schiff and Obama be indicted?

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Earl, in 2021 when Trump gets the boot, this case could be reopen with a new AG, and Barr will probably be investigated.

That's why the RAT party is pushing to keep voters away from polling places with the Chinese disease as their excuse.
President Trump torched RAT Adam Schiff for gleefully pushing the Russia collusion hoax and gaslighting the world for four years by falsely claiming there was evidence to support that and the malicious persecution of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Newly-released transcripts now prove that the Obama FBI and top Obama officials had admitted under oath that there was no evidence of Russia collusion — nor was there any evidence to prosecute former National Security Adviser Flynn.

Congressman Adam Schiff, an attorney, is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He knew for the past four years that RATS and Obama holdovers in the FBI lied to Americans, but he continued to push the false anti-Trump narrative during countless TV interviews on CNN and MSNBC.

At a round-table discussion with several members of Congress Friday, Trump expressed disgust that RATS had shamelessly lied to the world about the Russia hoax and cheerfully destroyed the career and life of three-star Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Why? It was all part of the left’s ruthless power grab and coup attempt against a sitting United States president.

“This is a corrupt deal, and we caught them cold,” President Trump said. “Tremendous dishonesty from Schiff and others. These are not stupid people. They know it was a hoax. They know better than anyone in this room that it was a hoax. They set it up. I watched Shifty Schiff. Nine inches around the neck.”

Trump continued: “I watch this guy, he uses the world’s smallest collar. But I watched him and he acts so aggrieved. He got caught! If he weren’t in the halls of Congress, he’d be in jail because he made up phony stories and phony speeches. He’s a sick, sick man and he’s a corrupt politician.”

Along with Eric Ciaramella and Sean Misko just for starters.
Schiff says Trump should be Impeached.

And his seditious coconspirators Sean Misko and Eric Ciaramella were overheard plotting to overthrow the President the day of the inauguration while both still worked for the NSC before Misko joined Adam Schiff's staff.
“Newly-released transcripts now prove that the Obama FBI and top Obama officials had admitted under oath that there was no evidence of Russia collusion — nor was there any evidence to prosecute former National Security Adviser Flynn.

“Congressman Adam Schiff, an attorney, is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He knew for the past four years that RATS and Obama holdovers in the FBI lied to Americans, but he continued to push the false anti-Trump narrative during countless TV interviews on CNN and MSNBC.”

If this were a Republican Congressman, the far keft loons would be walking across the ceiling, yet they are silent now.
Probably, but it is gratifying to watch the far left loons squirm now that the “investigators” are being exposed and, I believe, are now being honestly investigated.

Very gratifying and very deserved ... these collusion delusion leftys can never be allowed to forget they willfully went along with all of it ... even after they knew it was a hoax.

DU is here still posting "evidence" that the collusion delusion is real ... Trump really did collude with the Russians ... ya just can't make this shit up!

At the checkout I saw an article in a mag that Schiffhead has the "smoking gun" collusion evidence ... the next article was about a three-headed alien.
Earl, what document????? If you're referring to Fox News(Fake News), that's not credible.


Stop pretending that you care about anything that's posted to you ... it's called the "link game" ... ask for a link and then ignore it.

The documents he's referring to is the testimony from Schitthead's super secret hearings ... the documents where all the witnesses say they never saw a shed of collusion evidence.

But then you knew that ... you were just waiting to discredit whatever link he posts ... because you're a dishonest poster riddled with TDS.
The documents released Thursday as exhibits to the government's motion to dismiss the Flynn case reveal that Obama knew about Flynn's visit with then-Russian ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak.

This is what contributed to the formation of a strategy to "take out Flynn."

Obama knew about the FISA abuses because it is unlikely that the president was not alerted when the FBI went to the FISA court to get surveillance warrants.

This is Barack Obama's blue dress. We are supposed to believe that during the Obama administration, the FBI went rogue, the Department of Justice went rogue, the CIA went rogue, the DNI went rogue, the NSC went rogue?

You're not going to go to the FISA court going after a Trump surrogate without letting the president of the United States know.

You're not going to send spies in the opposition campaign without giving the president a heads up. You're not going to cook up a dossier like they did without the president of the United States knowing about the dossier.

This is a massive cover-up of the greatest scandal in American history.
Indeed, Obama and Fingers Biden were trying to protect their corrupt selves from being exposed by General Flynn.

It’s a miracle that they did not have him shot on the spot. as happens in banana republics.
Indeed, Obama and Fingers Biden were trying to protect their corrupt selves from being exposed by General Flynn.

It’s a miracle that they did not have him shot on the spot. as happens in banana republics.

They will have their chance next January, Earl. Ballot harvesting will make it possible.
Remember, Trumper, read the post (from Legion) then respond.

They all knew...including Obama and Biden, that Gen. Flynn was innocent (the DOJ has dropped the charges).

Does this not bother you that Gen. Flynn was the victim, not the perpetrator.

No nonsense about ...he pled guilty, he was facing financial ruin and threats to his son.

I call BS Mr. Earl. What did Flynn have to protect his son from?

Furthermore, Pence himself said that Flynn lied. Would Flynn lie to Pence and then tell the truth to the FBI? Did Flynn say under oath that he never lied to Pence?
I call BS Mr. Earl. What did Flynn have to protect his son from?

Furthermore, Pence himself said that Flynn lied. Would Flynn lie to Pence and then tell the truth to the FBI? Did Flynn say under oath that he never lied to Pence?

From corrupt tyrants (aka the Obama Administration).

Flynn supposedly lied to Pence, which boils down to insubordination. Guess who Flynn did not lie to?
Stop pretending that you care about anything that's posted to you ... it's called the "link game" ... ask for a link and then ignore it.

The documents he's referring to is the testimony from Schitthead's super secret hearings ... the documents where all the witnesses say they never saw a shed of collusion evidence.

But then you knew that ... you were just waiting to discredit whatever link he posts ... because you're a dishonest poster riddled with TDS.

If Fox News(Fake News) reported this, it's a lie.

I don’t have the patience to do the deep research that Legion does.

A great American.

Pardon my candor Mr. Earl, but could you be any more of a suck-up? Others here (cough cough) have done just as much deep research as leggiecrite so I guess that makes m-, er, others, great Americans also.
If Fox News(Fake News) reported this, it's a lie.

Everyone reported on the transcript release ... are all of them not to be believed?

I'll reserve final judgement for when I read them for myself ... from the credible reporting on them so far it is obvious that Schiffhead and the left knew very early on there was never any collusion but they pressed ahead anyway.

Schiffhead is bad enough ... but when the CIA, FBM, DNI, and DOJ jump on the bandwagon and start falsely prosecuting people they must be held accountable.

You leftys don't care what they did to go after Trump ... you're just upset they didn't get him and ended up exposing themselves as corrupt cops and politicians.
One of the two men is lying. Who do you want it to be?

"Corrupt tyrants" doesn't cut it, 3D. Give some specifics.

He posted an incredible article detailing Mueller and govt's wrongful prosecution of Gen. Flynn and then you ask for specifics.

You could not be more disingenuous or deceitful ... the information in that link is explosive and lays bare how the DOJ and FBI set up and then framed Gen. Flynn.

It's a waste of time playing the link game with you leftys ... you never read what's posted to you.
He posted an incredible article detailing Mueller and govt's wrongful prosecution of Gen. Flynn and then you ask for specifics.

You could not be more disingenuous or deceitful ... the information in that link is explosive and lays bare how the DOJ and FBI set up and then framed Gen. Flynn.

It's a waste of time playing the link game with you leftys ... you never read what's posted to you.

I read the article and it doesn't say one word about Pence, which is what I was discussing with 3D. Perhaps you'll answer the question for him... which man was lying, Pence or Flynn?

It is a waste of time expecting RWNJs to answer a specific question about a choice, when the answer won't reflect well on them no matter who they pick.
They will have their chance next January, Earl. Ballot harvesting will make it possible.

I sure hope you're wrong ... there are enough people to stop them ... even honest dems have a problem with this.

Kinda funny how the lefty supporters of voters rights don't seem to have a problem with any of this.

I wonder what their opinion would be if Republicans sent out people to "gather" votes after the election that were then used to overturn the results.