Trump says Adam Schiff should be in jail

Should Schiff and Obama be indicted?

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Earl, what document????? If you're referring to Fox News(Fake News), that's not credible.
“The Justice Department said it is abandoning the prosecution of the retired Army general after “a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information.”

These are the documents that the House Democrats were forced to release, not FOX News documents.

“Come on, man.”
First of all we don't know who hacked the server because the DNC refused to turn "it" over. I've read that there are many servers but who knows ... the DNC refuses to cooperate.

Second of all the Russians were not helping Trump ... they gave their political dirt to Hillary's guy that was used to illegally spy on Trump's campaign and after his inauguration.

His name was Christopher Steele ... perhaps you've heard of him.

Fox news(Fake New) disinformation not accepted here.
“The Justice Department said it is abandoning the prosecution of the retired Army general after “a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information.”

These are the documents that the House Democrats were forced to release, not FOX News documents.

“Come on, man.”

Fox news(Fake New) disinformation not accepted here.

Trumper, this was all covered nicely by the this thread, posted by Legion, with a link that is not a FOX News link. You should trust FOX News, more viewers do than any other cable news in America.

Trump says Adam Schiff should be in jail
President Trump torched RAT Adam Schiff for gleefully pushing the Russia collusion hoax and gaslighting the world for four years by falsely claiming there was evidence to support that and the malicious persecution of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Newly-released transcripts now prove that the Obama FBI and top Obama officials had admitted under oath that there was no evidence of Russia collusion — nor was there any evidence to prosecute former National Security Adviser Flynn.

Congressman Adam Schiff, an attorney, is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He knew for the past four years that RATS and Obama holdovers in the FBI lied to Americans, but he continued to push the false anti-Trump narrative during countless TV interviews on CNN and MSNBC.

At a round-table discussion with several members of Congress Friday, Trump expressed disgust that RATS had shamelessly lied to the world about the Russia hoax and cheerfully destroyed the career and life of three-star Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Why? It was all part of the left’s ruthless power grab and coup attempt against a sitting United States president.

“This is a corrupt deal, and we caught them cold,” President Trump said. “Tremendous dishonesty from Schiff and others. These are not stupid people. They know it was a hoax. They know better than anyone in this room that it was a hoax. They set it up. I watched Shifty Schiff. Nine inches around the neck.”

Trump continued: “I watch this guy, he uses the world’s smallest collar. But I watched him and he acts so aggrieved. He got caught! If he weren’t in the halls of Congress, he’d be in jail because he made up phony stories and phony speeches. He’s a sick, sick man and he’s a corrupt politician.”
Those newly released documents were released by the House Democrats after being forced to do so. Not by FOX, Trumper.

“Newly-released transcripts now prove that the Obama FBI and top Obama officials had admitted under oath that there was no evidence of Russia collusion — nor was there any evidence to prosecute former National Security Adviser Flynn.”
Fox news(Fake New) disinformation not accepted here.

Another lefty who hasn't bothered to read the IG or Mueller reports for themselves.

Your ignorance is understandable ... you watch the msm ... they didn't tell you the DNC refuses to hand over the "server" or that Hillary paid for Steele's pee-pee stories.
Remember, Trumper, read the post (from Legion) then respond.

They all knew...including Obama and Biden, that Gen. Flynn was innocent (the DOJ has dropped the charges).

Does this not bother you that Gen. Flynn was the victim, not the perpetrator.

No nonsense about ...he pled guilty, he was facing financial ruin and threats to his son.

Doesn't bother them a bit ... merely a means to an end ... if innocent people have to be railroaded and laws broken to stop the Bad Orange Man then so be it.

That's how you know they're leftys ... they are willing to do all of this because their candidate didn't win ... that's how Dutch Uncle busted himself.

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power shares an unflattering stage with a text-loving FBI agent and his Trump-hating paramour from the bureau.

Fired agent Peter Strzok and ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page are infamous today for texting on FBI phones their anti-Trump sentiments while having an illicit sex affair. They played key roles in the now-debunked Russia collusion investigation.

It turns out that Power — the diplomat whose authority inexplicably was used to unmask hundreds of Americans’ names in secret intelligence reports during the 2016 election — engaged in similar Trump-bashing on her official government email.

The discovery could add a new dimension — a question of political bias — to a long-running congressional investigation into why Power's authority was used to unmask hundreds of Americans' names in secret National Security Agency intercepts during the 2016 election.

Power’s barbs toward Trump started as early as the GOP primaries, when she used her email to connect Oskar Eustis, the artistic director at the Public Theater in New York, with oft-quoted think tank scholar Norman Ornstein, the memos show.

After Trump stunned the world with his general election win over Hillary Clinton, the observations of Power and those emailing her on her official government account turned more vitriolic.
Earl, in 2021 when Trump gets the boot, this case could be reopen with a new AG, and Barr will probably be investigated.

No Trumpet, it now moves to the discovery phase of Flynn's wrongful prosecution trial where the coup plotters will be put under oath.

You f'n leftys are disgusting ... everyone knows you're lying ... that will not get rid of the stinking collusion delusion fish hanging around your neck.
Thank you for posting all of this Legion ...

kinda ironic that the leftys here are crying about evidence and why no one will believe them anymore.

Guess they never heard about the boy and his wolf.
Thank you for posting all of this Legion ...

kinda ironic that the leftys here are crying about evidence and why no one will believe them anymore.

Guess they never heard about the boy and his wolf.


I don’t have the patience to do the deep research that Legion does.

A great American.