Trump says Adam Schiff should be in jail

Should Schiff and Obama be indicted?

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Biden's henchman is a noted enemy of President Trump

Kahl has drawn media attention for his frequent anti-Trump tweets and boasts on his Twitter profile that he is the “Likely Ops Chief” of the “Echo Chamber” — clearly a sarcastic reference to reports about a 2017 document titled “The Echo Chamber” that was purportedly circulated among Trump advisers listing former Obama administration officials accused of working to undermine the Trump administration.

In social media remarks, Kahl called for “purging or marginalizing the ‘Axis of Ideologues’ in the West Wing” in order to ensure what he described as “any hope of a sane foreign policy” during the Trump administration.

Kahl took to Twitter to make those remarks on March 11, 2017, two months after he departed the White House along with the rest of the Obama administration.
Shifty, pencil-neck, lying Schiff isn't the president and never will be, Jacky.

Isn't it interesting that with all the leaks from Schiffhead's double-secret hearings it was never leaked that all of his witnesses testified they never saw a shred of evidence.

For those of us who have watched politics for some years we are not surprised at all ... it's also not surprising that leftys love their corrupt politicians like Schiffhead and Pelosi.
President Trump torched RAT Adam Schiff for gleefully pushing the Russia collusion hoax and gaslighting the world for four years by falsely claiming there was evidence to support that and the malicious persecution of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Newly-released transcripts now prove that the Obama FBI and top Obama officials had admitted under oath that there was no evidence of Russia collusion — nor was there any evidence to prosecute former National Security Adviser Flynn.

Congressman Adam Schiff, an attorney, is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He knew for the past four years that RATS and Obama holdovers in the FBI lied to Americans, but he continued to push the false anti-Trump narrative during countless TV interviews on CNN and MSNBC.

At a round-table discussion with several members of Congress Friday, Trump expressed disgust that RATS had shamelessly lied to the world about the Russia hoax and cheerfully destroyed the career and life of three-star Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Why? It was all part of the left’s ruthless power grab and coup attempt against a sitting United States president.

“This is a corrupt deal, and we caught them cold,” President Trump said. “Tremendous dishonesty from Schiff and others. These are not stupid people. They know it was a hoax. They know better than anyone in this room that it was a hoax. They set it up. I watched Shifty Schiff. Nine inches around the neck.”

Trump continued: “I watch this guy, he uses the world’s smallest collar. But I watched him and he acts so aggrieved. He got caught! If he weren’t in the halls of Congress, he’d be in jail because he made up phony stories and phony speeches. He’s a sick, sick man and he’s a corrupt politician.”

What trumped-up charges did you have in mind?????????????????
By the time this is all over Schiff and Obama WILL be in jail,...along with many others. They will target the weakest among them,....haul them in, put the pressure on,....and they will sing like birds.

In order for that to happen they must first have a trial ... then consider who the jurors will be in any DC court.

The FISA fiasco and the boneheaded rulings from Judge Sullivan in the Flynn case demonstrate there will be no justice in DC for the coup plotters.

This must be move to an objective part of the country with objective judges who will actually conduct their court in a non-political manner.
What trumped-up charges did you have in mind?????????????????

We know you don't care that Schiffhead was lying about all of it ... there never was any Russian collusion and Shiffhead knew that before starting his Schitt Show.

You leftys knew he was lying back in 2017 but you didn't care ... you were all in for the collusion delusion.

Sorry there Trumpet ... that stinking fish will be hung around your neck forever.
We know you don't care that Schiffhead was lying about all of it ... ther never was any Russian collusion and Shiffhead knew that before starting his Schitt Show.

You leftys knew he was lying back in 2017 but you didn't care ... you were all in for the collusion delusion.

Sorry there Trumpet ... that stinking fish will be hung around your neck forever.

If there was no Russian collusion, then why did the Russians hack the DNC server to help Trump???????????????????
We’ve known all along that his henchmen were, but it turns out Barack Obama, the “scandal-free president,” was also neck-deep in the Russia hoax and the framing of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

Of course, audio of a call between Obama and former staffer “leaked” where the ex-president proclaimed outrage over his plan coming to its ultimate and just end. Movies aren’t as scripted as that call and its release.

Its release was an attempt to do what RATS attempt to do: to lie to the American people.

If there’s one thing a progressive can’t stand it’s accountability.

Barack Obama and his minions don’t want any for their illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign, RATS in Congress don’t want it for their enabling of that illegal activity, and RATS in the media don’t want it for anything.
What trumped-up charges did you have in mind?????????????????

Remember, Trumper, read the post (from Legion) then respond.

They all knew...including Obama and Biden, that Gen. Flynn was innocent (the DOJ has dropped the charges).

Does this not bother you that Gen. Flynn was the victim, not the perpetrator.

No nonsense about ...he pled guilty, he was facing financial ruin and threats to his son.
Remember, Trumper, read the post (from Legion) then respond.

They all knew...including Obama and Biden, that Gen. Flynn was innocent (the DOJ has dropped the charges).

Does this not bother you that Gen. Flynn was the victim, not the perpetrator.

No non sense about ...he pled guilty, he was facing financial ruin and threats to his son.

Earl, that's all lies

For all their lies, they haven’t even faced as much as a round of tough questioning from anyone pretending to be a journalist.

None of the former Obama administration officials greeted with generous cable news contracts as they left their old jobs have been fired for spending three years lying to their audiences about having seen “proof of collusion.”

Adam Schiff is still lying.

John Brennan is still lying.

James Comey is still lying.

With all the proof, all the sworn testimony to the contrary they desperately tried to keep secret, they’re sticking with their stories because a compliant media will give them cover.

I am hopeful this time. A/G Barr and US Attorney Durham will do what they do and some of these corrupt Democrats will be in the slammer.
Remember, Trumper, read the post (from Legion) then respond.

They all knew...including Obama and Biden, that Gen. Flynn was innocent (the DOJ has dropped the charges).

Does this not bother you that Gen. Flynn was the victim, not the perpetrator.

No nonsense about ...he pled guilty, he was facing financial ruin and threats to his son.

Should Schiff and Obama be indicted?,
Earl, I was reply to this.
Earl, that's all lies

Read the documents that Shiftless, Lying Schiff and the House Democrats were forced to finally release showing that the charges were false and they knew it...even before the phony witch-hunt by Mueller.

Obama and the sexual predator, Fingers Biden, knew it too.
Read the documents that Shiftless, Lying Schiff and the House Democrats were forced to finally release showing that the charges were false and they knew it...even before the phony witch-hunt by Mueller.

Obama and the sexual predator, Fingers Biden, knew it too.

Earl, what document????? If you're referring to Fox News(Fake News), that's not credible.
If there was no Russian collusion, then why did the Russians hack the DNC server to help Trump???????????????????

First of all we don't know who hacked the server because the DNC refused to turn "it" over. I've read that there are many servers but who knows ... the DNC refuses to cooperate.

Second of all the Russians were not helping Trump ... they gave their political dirt to Hillary's guy that was used to illegally spy on Trump during his campaign and after his inauguration.

His name was Christopher Steele ... perhaps you've heard of him.