Trump says Adam Schiff should be in jail

Should Schiff and Obama be indicted?

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Yes if this were a just country, not a banana republic the media and the DNC are turning us into.

At the very least Fylnn should have a strong case for libel against Shiff and the govt.
President Trump torched RAT Adam Schiff for gleefully pushing the Russia collusion hoax and gaslighting the world for four years by falsely claiming there was evidence to support that and the malicious persecution of Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Newly-released transcripts now prove that the Obama FBI and top Obama officials had admitted under oath that there was no evidence of Russia collusion — nor was there any evidence to prosecute former National Security Adviser Flynn.

Congressman Adam Schiff, an attorney, is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He knew for the past four years that RATS and Obama holdovers in the FBI lied to Americans, but he continued to push the false anti-Trump narrative during countless TV interviews on CNN and MSNBC.

At a round-table discussion with several members of Congress Friday, Trump expressed disgust that RATS had shamelessly lied to the world about the Russia hoax and cheerfully destroyed the career and life of three-star Lieutenant General Michael Flynn.

Why? It was all part of the left’s ruthless power grab and coup attempt against a sitting United States president.

“This is a corrupt deal, and we caught them cold,” President Trump said. “Tremendous dishonesty from Schiff and others. These are not stupid people. They know it was a hoax. They know better than anyone in this room that it was a hoax. They set it up. I watched Shifty Schiff. Nine inches around the neck.”

Trump continued: “I watch this guy, he uses the world’s smallest collar. But I watched him and he acts so aggrieved. He got caught! If he weren’t in the halls of Congress, he’d be in jail because he made up phony stories and phony speeches. He’s a sick, sick man and he’s a corrupt politician.”

This is also why Obama all of the sudden awoke from his exile to start campaigning for Biden. He's now realizing he could be in legal trouble if Trump is reelected. He needs to get sleepy Joe in there to end all this for him.
This is also why Obama all of the sudden awoke from his exile to start campaigning for Biden. He's now realizing he could be in legal trouble if Trump is reelected. He needs to get sleepy Joe in there to end all this for him.

He can do that without campaigning. Ballot harvesting worked in Orange County against all the odds. It will work in every jurisdiction in America this November.
Everyone reported on the transcript release ... are all of them not to be believed?

I'll reserve final judgement for when I read them for myself ... from the credible reporting on them so far it is obvious that Schiffhead and the left knew very early on there was never any collusion but they pressed ahead anyway.

Schiffhead is bad enough ... but when the CIA, FBM, DNI, and DOJ jump on the bandwagon and start falsely prosecuting people they must be held accountable.

You leftys don't care what they did to go after Trump ... you're just upset they didn't get him and ended up exposing themselves as corrupt cops and politicians.

Those naughty naughty lefties.
Those naughty naughty lefties.

So fitting that you would poke fun and make jokes about an administration, that you supported, that has now been exposed for using and abusing their office to go after their political opponents and even innocent Americans.

I expected nothing less from you leftys ... hypocrites and liars to the bitter end.
So fitting that you would poke fun and make jokes about an administration, that you supported, that has now been exposed for using and abusing their office to go after their political opponents and even innocent Americans.

I expected nothing less from you leftys ... hypocrites and liars to the bitter end.

That Statement that you just made, sounds just like Trump.
He can do that without campaigning. Ballot harvesting worked in Orange County against all the odds. It will work in every jurisdiction in America this November.

Especially if we go to mail in ballots. It will be ballot harvesting on steroids.
Especially if we go to mail in ballots. It will be ballot harvesting on steroids.

There's no "if". We are going to mail in ballots.

Sadly, many people don't seem to see the danger.

Force a mail-in ballot scenario, suspend prohibitions against ballot-harvesting (citing reasons of health and safety, of course), and then find judges in each state to forbid the invalidating of ballots where the signatures do not match the registration.

Apart from simply declaring themselves the winner at the end of a rifle barrel, the DEMOCRATS couldn't possibly have devised a more direct path to hijacking an election.

This is the greatest danger we face in 2020 — not the virus, not North Korea, not even the economic effects of the virus, but rather the clear intention of one party to steal an election by any means necessary.

Don't be distracted: this is one issue you must not let lie fallow.

They are arranging for the invalidation of your vote, right in front of your eyes.

We must prevent these changes, or, like a miraculous resurrection of Lenin, we will see the whole country "turn" blue November 3.


Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and Ron Wyden, D-Ore., have introduced legislation to promote and help fund mail-in ballot efforts.

“In light of the threats that this virus poses, every American should be able to cast a ballot by mail without excuse,” Klobuchar and Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., wrote, urging Congress to include funding for mail-in elections in emergency packages. “That means states will have to scale their vote-by-mail processes in a way that hasn’t been done before.”
This is also why Obama all of the sudden awoke from his exile to start campaigning for Biden. He's now realizing he could be in legal trouble if Trump is reelected. He needs to get sleepy Joe in there to end all this for him.

Why would trump have to wait until his reelection to get Obama into legal trouble?

I haven't seen any words from Obama that trump colluded with Russia.
Pence said Flynn was lying. "What I can tell you is I knew Flynn lied to me and I know the president made the right decision with regard to him."

Video at link:

Who is lying, Pence or Flynn?

The documents that Grennell just declassified, that you are blatantly pretending do not exist, because you are a hack, state definitively that Flynn never lied to the traitor Strzok.

Now, in a separate matter, Pence believed that Flynn lied to him about the interview.
Anything to distract people from the fact that Trump inherited the best economy we had in decades and still managed to turn America into a third world country.
Yes if this were a just country, not a banana republic the media and the DNC are turning us into.

At the very least Fylnn should have a strong case for libel against Shiff and the govt.

No, he wouldn't. Flynn in open court and in answer to the judge made the admissions. Unless Flynn wants to argue he lied to the court he doesn't have a case at all and that certainly wouldn't make for a strong case.