Trump says Nancy Pelosi Responsible for J6 Riot

You watched with glee as America burned from coast to coast, traitor.

dumber - you think your rape and murder of the rule of law makes you "better?"

Your name suits you, dumber.

More proof you're a Down Under dumbass, dumbass. Texas was fine. Nothing happening in the contiguous lesser states either: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Oklahoma.

Try staying in your own lane with the other 'roo fuckwits.
Why does this fucktard keep posting to me?

You're never coming off ignore again, Douche Duck.

Promise? If you keep posting about me, then I'll know that you are still thinking about me, Down Under. It'll be our secret code. :thup:

Most of those who call themselves "militias" are not about community defense. They are about terrorism; violently imposing their will and ideology upon others to further a political agenda.

You are so right. The modern "militias" are absolutely nothing like the colonial militias. First off, it was highly illegal to create a militia without government authorization. They were all about law and order, not mob tyranny. The English knew how individuals, or small groups of armed men could descend into terrorism quickly, and preferred the rule of law. Rather than freedom from the law, they sought to put the government under the law with the rest of us.

The militias of old were like the National Guard. They were regular citizens, called upon in emergencies to help the community. The only difference was it was more of a draft situation, where you were expected to join whether you wanted to or not.