Trump Says Shoplifters Should be Shot, but Does He Know Who Most Shoplifters Are?

I think that when a shoplifter is caught by an employee, the front doors and rear receiving doors should be automatically locked until the matter is resolved by the stores anti-theft team- including the Fire emergency doors.

The doors should be all managed by the anti-theft team and should be initiated by a single switch in their control room.

wouldn't that leave all the innocent shoppers at the mercy of the vicious criminal shoplifter?......
It is fascinating that the same people who refuse to have their receipts inspected at the door, also want possible shoplifters shot. They clearly do not want themselves shot, so I think they just want Black suspected shoplifters shot. They expect white suspected shoplifters to be spared.

Go stuff your racism. It's not welcome here.
Almost every store has an office, that is usually also designated a control room. Usually the security cameras feed into that room. Some more sophisticated stores have an offsite control room.

Nope. You are just making shit up. Most stores have no such office or room. Security cameras need no 'feed'.
wouldn't that leave all the innocent shoppers at the mercy of the vicious criminal shoplifter?......

Yes it would. If that shoplifter is violent in some way (fentanyl, anyone?) such as what happened with George Floyd, other shoppers ARE at risk. That kind of thing is why the police were called in the first place.
Instead, it resulted in a media circus, put innocent men behind bars, and inspired Democrat sponsored and funded destruction of American cities.

This kind of racism by Democrats that is supported by city governments means such businesses must open their doors to looters and violent people, or close and leave that city for good.
When former President Trump hysterically called for shoplifters to be shot in a speech last week before California Republicans, we know who he thinks he’s talking about: Black and Brown people. “We will immediately stop all of the pillaging and theft,” Trump said. “Very simply: If you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store. Shot!”

According to a 2014 study in the American Journal of Psychiatry, 77.5 percent of shoplifters are White, significantly above their 59 percent of the national population. Only 8 percent of shoplifters are Black and only another 8 percent are Latino, well below their shares of the national population. That study said, “Shoplifting was significantly more common in individuals with at least some college education, among those with individual incomes over $35,000 and family incomes over $70,000.”

Yet ANOTHER thread in which guno puts his racism on full display.
Quite right. A good example of this is Detroit. It was once a beautiful city. Now it looks like a bombsight. In the downtown core, only two things move...rats and muggers.

I'd call it more like "postapocalyptic" than bombed out:



WW 2 bombing




Note how in Detroit and the postapocalyptic scenes there are no people in sight? That's because their either, dead, hiding in fear, or zombies... Detroit has all three.
When former President Trump hysterically called for shoplifters to be shot in a speech last week before California Republicans, we know who he thinks he’s talking about: Black and Brown people. “We will immediately stop all of the pillaging and theft,” Trump said. “Very simply: If you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store. Shot!”

According to a 2014 study in the American Journal of Psychiatry, 77.5 percent of shoplifters are White, significantly above their 59 percent of the national population. Only 8 percent of shoplifters are Black and only another 8 percent are Latino, well below their shares of the national population. That study said, “Shoplifting was significantly more common in individuals with at least some college education, among those with individual incomes over $35,000 and family incomes over $70,000.”

Guano, who gives a shit? Follow the law and even fake jews will not have a problem.
Looters and smash and grab shoplifters, particularly ones working in groups, should be shot, or tazed, or beaten within an inch of their lives, etc.

Shoot all shoplifters. Racce is irrelevant.

But it's all identity politics with leftists though.

And Terry above who it trying to define the bulk of shoplifting, and lost money, because it is more likely a white criminal in that group.

Terry is doing their best to target this by the racial group she chooses to hate.
Not if the store clerks were armed with tasers, pepper spray, and batons... Then the shoplifter would beg the police to take them to jail...

Batons can kill, and some clerks do use them. They are cheaper and more effective than tasers or pepper spray, particularly if someone is wacked out on drugs.
And Terry above who it trying to define the bulk of shoplifting, and lost money, because it is more likely a white criminal in that group.

Terry is doing their best to target this by the racial group she chooses to hate.

It's "he" and I don't care what race the shoplifter is.
Batons can kill, and some clerks do use them. They are cheaper and more effective than tasers or pepper spray, particularly if someone is wacked out on drugs.

But all three are far more fun. Beating the shoplifter while they roll around uncontrollably convulsing and twitching, as they scream like a little girl, makes thumping on them much easier and far more entertaining.
And Terry above who it trying to define the bulk of shoplifting, and lost money, because it is more likely a white criminal in that group.
Well if whites are more likely to work in groups, fuck 'em then. Who cares what race they are? Criminals need to learn the consequences. I personally prefer caning. Seems to be quite effective in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.