Trump self-funding flip

Not enough is being made of this. In the beginning, Trump's campaign was about 2 things: the wall, and self-funding.

The self-funding was a BIG deal, and his main differentiator with his GOP opponents. The reason our gov't had failed was largely because politicians who didn't have his billions needed money to campaign, and because of that, they were beholden to donors once they got elected. Trump was going to change all that - no one could influence him, he said, because he was so rich and wouldn't need any of their money.

Not only is he doing an about-face on that promise, and completely abandoning the reasoning of it - this also shows how poorly he planned, or how little he understands things, or both. Did he really not anticipate that Presidential campaigns can be expensive? How was he not able to think that through? What other naive positions is he taking now that he's going to "learn" the hard way aren't possible, once he takes office?

His Faithful don't care.

He is their Teflon Don, and he knows it.

Not enough is being made of this. In the beginning, Trump's campaign was about 2 things: the wall, and self-funding.

The self-funding was a BIG deal, and his main differentiator with his GOP opponents. The reason our gov't had failed was largely because politicians who didn't have his billions needed money to campaign, and because of that, they were beholden to donors once they got elected. Trump was going to change all that - no one could influence him, he said, because he was so rich and wouldn't need any of their money.

Not only is he doing an about-face on that promise, and completely abandoning the reasoning of it - this also shows how poorly he planned, or how little he understands things, or both. Did he really not anticipate that Presidential campaigns can be expensive? How was he not able to think that through? What other naive positions is he taking now that he's going to "learn" the hard way aren't possible, once he takes office?


The two main themes of Trump's campaign was the border wall and his opposition to the current greed-trade deals such as NAFTA and China Trade agreement and punishing business who move offshore to manufacture.

Many democrats like to conveniently ignore that bedrock principle of Trump's campaign because they know that's where the people are - and it represents a huge weakness in the Hillary campaign which is very friendly to corporate interest. Hell, it was her husband who signed NAFTA into law and she has already said it herself that she plans on putting her husband in charge of our economy. I could not think of a worse idea.

Trump has never said he would not allow the RNC to fundraise for him. He did make an issue out of the fact he was funding his own campaign during the primary. But that was just to stress that he was not indentured to corporate interests. And it shows, as he opposes illegal immigration (which corporations support due to the influx of cheap labor) and his opposition to current trade policy (which corporations also support as they able to offshore for cheap labor).

It's the policies of the candidate that proves whether or not they are beholden to corporate interest. And so long as Trump remains steadfast in his commitment to enforce immigration law and punish corporations who move offshore to manufacture he will retain and grow his support.

"By self-funding my campaign, I am not controlled by my donors, special interests or lobbyists. I am only working for the people of the U.S.!"

And he did largely self-fund his campaign. But he is now basically the nominee so his agenda is the national campaign.

Trump never said he wasn't going to allow the RNC to fundraise for him. It would make no sense at this point for him not to allow them to. He is now the nominee and his agenda is now the agenda of the Republican party rather the Establishment likes it or not.

As I stated: it's the policies themselves that ultimately prove one way or the other whether the candidate is in bed with corporate interests or not. And considering Mr. Trump's campaign themes run contrary to corporate interests (namely stopping cheap labor both here at home and abroad)
Not enough is being made of this. In the beginning, Trump's campaign was about 2 things: the wall, and self-funding.

The self-funding was a BIG deal, and his main differentiator with his GOP opponents. The reason our gov't had failed was largely because politicians who didn't have his billions needed money to campaign, and because of that, they were beholden to donors once they got elected. Trump was going to change all that - no one could influence him, he said, because he was so rich and wouldn't need any of their money.

Not only is he doing an about-face on that promise, and completely abandoning the reasoning of it - this also shows how poorly he planned, or how little he understands things, or both. Did he really not anticipate that Presidential campaigns can be expensive? How was he not able to think that through? What other naive positions is he taking now that he's going to "learn" the hard way aren't possible, once he takes office?

Is that like the flip you made when you said you wouldn't vote for someone that supported the Iraq war resolution after having voted for Kerry despite the fact that he did vote for it?

The two main themes of Trump's campaign was the border wall and his opposition to the current greed-trade deals such as NAFTA and China Trade agreement and punishing business who move offshore to manufacture.

Many democrats like to conveniently ignore that bedrock principle of Trump's campaign because they know that's where the people are - and it represents a huge weakness in the Hillary campaign which is very friendly to corporate interest. Hell, it was her husband who signed NAFTA into law and she has already said it herself that she plans on putting her husband in charge of our economy. I could not think of a worse idea.

Trump has never said he would not allow the RNC to fundraise for him. He did make an issue out of the fact he was funding his own campaign during the primary. But that was just to stress that he was not indentured to corporate interests. And it shows, as he opposes illegal immigration (which corporations support due to the influx of cheap labor) and his opposition to current trade policy (which corporations also support as they able to offshore for cheap labor).

It's the policies of the candidate that proves whether or not they are beholden to corporate interest. And so long as Trump remains steadfast in his commitment to enforce immigration law and punish corporations who move offshore to manufacture he will retain and grow his support.

Trump is never doing a wall. He said it 1) to win over voters and 2) that's how he negotiates, throw out the most extreme position and negotiate from there
And he did largely self-fund his campaign. But he is now basically the nominee so his agenda is the national campaign.

Trump never said he wasn't going to allow the RNC to fundraise for him. It would make no sense at this point for him not to allow them to. He is now the nominee and his agenda is now the agenda of the Republican party rather the Establishment likes it or not.

As I stated: it's the policies themselves that ultimately prove one way or the other whether the candidate is in bed with corporate interests or not. And considering Mr. Trump's campaign themes run contrary to corporate interests (namely stopping cheap labor both here at home and abroad)

Trump never self-funded his campaign.

Trump was never really self-funding, at least not in any traditional sense.

Trump’s claims of self-funding have always been dubious at best and actively misleading at worst.

The money Trump has “spent” on his campaign has been not in the form of donations to his campaign, but in the form of loans.

Fully one-quarter of his total comes from, you guessed it, donations to the campaign. Until last fall, they were the major fuel for Trump’s run. Politifact’s Lauren Carroll notes, “From the start of his campaign in April through October last year, individual contributions made up about 67 percent of total money raised for his campaign.”

A good chunk of the money that Trump’s campaign is spending is actually going right back to companies controlled by Donald Trump, as payment for services rendered.

Trump has made self-funding a major point of his campaign, proof that unlike his rivals, he’s not beholden to anyone.

And it’s been a staple of his stump speeches.
Is that like the flip you made when you said you wouldn't vote for someone that supported the Iraq war resolution after having voted for Kerry despite the fact that he did vote for it?

Um, nope. Because I didn't say that in 2004. I said that in 2016. I never "flipped" - unless you can find where I said that before the '04 election.


Still have problems w/ the language & tense, I see.
The hairsplitting on this thread is funny - now it's "no RNC funding," and "it wasn't really a main point of his campaign."

It was a cornerstone. No outside money = not beholden to donors. Every word he said on that - and there were many - is meaningless now.
Not enough is being made of this. In the beginning, Trump's campaign was about 2 things: the wall, and self-funding.

The self-funding was a BIG deal, and his main differentiator with his GOP opponents. The reason our gov't had failed was largely because politicians who didn't have his billions needed money to campaign, and because of that, they were beholden to donors once they got elected. Trump was going to change all that - no one could influence him, he said, because he was so rich and wouldn't need any of their money.

Not only is he doing an about-face on that promise, and completely abandoning the reasoning of it - this also shows how poorly he planned, or how little he understands things, or both. Did he really not anticipate that Presidential campaigns can be expensive? How was he not able to think that through? What other naive positions is he taking now that he's going to "learn" the hard way aren't possible, once he takes office?

Don't vote for him. Maybe between this and GayRods "Dangerous Don" you two can take him down
The hairsplitting on this thread is funny - now it's "no RNC funding," and "it wasn't really a main point of his campaign."

It was a cornerstone. No outside money = not beholden to donors. Every word he said on that - and there were many - is meaningless now.

Did you think it was a big deal when Obama flipped flop on his funding promise?
Did you think it was a big deal when Obama flipped flop on his funding promise?

I actually think it's hilarious that you're trying to equate the 2. For starters, Obama never talked about self-funding.

And second, it was never one of the major aspects of his campaign.

So, no - it wasn't as big a deal. Not even close.
Trump is never doing a wall. He said it 1) to win over voters and 2) that's how he negotiates, throw out the most extreme position and negotiate from there

On many parts of the border, a wall already exists....its not extreme at all....
The hairsplitting on this thread is funny - now it's "no RNC funding," and "it wasn't really a main point of his campaign."

It was a cornerstone. No outside money = not beholden to donors. Every word he said on that - and there were many - is meaningless now.

What makes you think he was talking about anything other than his 'primary' campaign.....

The general election campaign is something that won't even exist until the the primary is over he is nominated....