Trump self-funding flip

Pretending that self-funding his campaign wasn't a core issue is laughable.

Is there any rationalization you won't try to convince yourself that you weren't lied to?

You'll continue to support him now matter what he does.

Don't lie.

I've already said he made an issue out self-funding. So don't accuse me of lying. Let's stick to the topic and not get personal. Just because we have a difference in opinion over what was the core of his campaign and what wasn't doesn't mean I am lying.

So long as Trump remains steadfast in his opposition to illegal immigration and greed trade (cheap labor both here at home and abroad) he is standing up to corporate interests. And that's what ultimately matters. Not some silly obsession over rather he is technically self-funding or not.

It's the policies that matter.

I agree. It is hilarious.

Trump has succeeded in moving the Republican Party's agenda toward standing up to the corporate interests and getting them on his side. And you for some reason expect him to refuse their aid?

They're on the same side now. It would be utterly stupid for him to refuse their help at this time.
Keep lying to yourself. Is it working?

I would prefer that you talk to someone else. Random strangers on the internet screaming liar at a poster they know nothing about is not a debate I find particularly interesting.

So as I said, good bye.

The core issues of Trump's campaign are the border wall and standing up to current trade policy and punishing corporations who move off shore to manufacture. Self-funding was part of his campaign - yes - but only in respect to the interest it may have on influencing his policies. Now that he has made his agenda of standing up to corporate interests and addressing this country's addiction to cheap labor (both here at home and abroad) there is no need for him to refuse the RNC's help any longer. They are now on the same side because he is their nominee.
He's doing the wall. Or at least he better else he will be kissing his second term good bye.

Trump will need to remain consistent and steadfast on the two core issues of his campaign - mainly the border and his opposition to current trade policy. He can wiggle around some on the other issues in order to assist negotiations. But on those two policies I expect him to remain firm.

Trump has already said the wall is not negotiable and he is inflexible on that issue.

To me one of the irony's of his campaign is that he gets support from people fed up with regular politicians who don't deliver on their promises and yet here he is making outlandish promises he can't keep, which will only frustrate his supporters even more.

Trump himself said when asked about the wall "everything's negotiable". Throw in the fact Mexico won't pay it nor would Congress approve funds for it. So maybe supporters will accept it not getting built if they feel Trump is not the reason it didn't but one way or the other we won't be seeing a wall.
To me one of the irony's of his campaign is that he gets support from people fed up with regular politicians who don't deliver on their promises and yet here he is making outlandish promises he can't keep, which will only frustrate his supporters even more.

Trump himself said when asked about the wall "everything's negotiable". Throw in the fact Mexico won't pay it nor would Congress approve funds for it. So maybe supporters will accept it not getting built if they feel Trump is not the reason it didn't but one way or the other we won't be seeing a wall.

After he made that comment that everything's negotiable he added that the wall was not. So you are taking him out of context.

It's also not an outlandish promise to build a wall on our border. That is something mankind has been doing since the stone age.
Wow, you're a lot like Trump. You say something you don't mean, and then prove that you're a liar almost immediately.

Keep lying to yourself, liar.

Is this all you do? Follow posters around who don't agree with you calling them names?

Pretty pathetic.
On many parts of the border, a wall already exists....its not extreme at all....
The cost would be outrageous, it is why Congress has not funded it. They proposed it and passed the law awhile ago, but Congress won't fund it, how is he going to get Congress to fund it?
Can't keep a promise very long, can you? Just like Teflon Don.



I tired to end the conversation on a civilized note. The only liar I see here is yourself - because I certainly did not many any promises to you.

You really are quite the liar aren't you.
The cost would be outrageous, it is why Congress has not funded it. They proposed it and passed the law awhile ago, but Congress won't fund it, how is he going to get Congress to fund it?

It would not be outrageous. In fact - it would cost pennies compared to the annual burden/cost illegal immigration has on our country - which is estimated to be well over 100 billion dollars annually. Compare that to the 8 -10 billion dollars the wall will cost us - and I'd say that was a sound investment if ever there was one.

This isn't to mention Trump plans to make Mexico pay the wall anyway.
After he made that comment that everything's negotiable he added that the wall was not. So you are taking him out of context.

It's also not an outlandish promise to build a wall on our border. That is something mankind has been doing since the stone age.

To each his own man but you're just setting yourself up for massive disappointment. And like I said it's not getting funded.
To each his own man but you're just setting yourself up for massive disappointment. And like I said it's not getting funded.

How do you know it's not going to get funded?

If you expect me to believe you know the future I would counter and say it's you setting yourself up for massive disappointment. :)
IT does not matter to Dangerous Donald supporters that he accepts big money donations.

Even though Dangerous Donald accepts big money donations, all he will have to do is go out and say that Bill Clinton accepted big money donations, and Dangerous Donald's supporters will be all over HRC for it. She will go down in the polls and he will go up. His voters don't care about reality, they only care about how good the bully is at being a bully.
IT does not matter to Dangerous Donald supporters that he accepts big money donations. Even though Dangerous Donald accepts big money donations, all he will have to do is go out and say that Bill Clinton accepted big money donations, and Dangerous Donald's supporters will be all over HRC for it. She will go down in the polls and he will go up. His voters don't care about reality, they only care about how good the bully is at being a bully.

IT does not matter to Dangerous Donald supporters that he accepts big money donations.

Even though Dangerous Donald accepts big money donations, all he will have to do is go out and say that Bill Clinton accepted big money donations, and Dangerous Donald's supporters will be all over HRC for it. She will go down in the polls and he will go up. His voters don't care about reality, they only care about how good the bully is at being a bully.

From my experience, it's the anti-Trump people who are the bullies. And this thread proves that nicely - because they are incapable of defending their positions - resorting instead to name-calling because that's all they have.