Trump self-funding flip

"If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election."
- Barack Obama, fall 2007

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. He said he would stick with public funding only, just like McCain. He reversed that promise. Same thing. But of course you would see it different. lol.

It is -Obama broke some promises, and I didn't vote for him in '12 as a result.

But the funding wasn't a cornerstone of his campaign. It's literally what Trump talked about half of the time. He was going to be this different guy, because he wouldn't need money and wouldn't be influenced as a result.

You should stop apologizing for him & trying to deflect by focusing on a guy I didn't even vote for 4 years ago. It's unbecoming.
"If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election."
- Barack Obama, fall 2007


Obama lied plenty. Here's the difference in this instance. You didn't hear people say "I'm voting for Obama because he's taking public financing." We have heard numerous people say one of the reasons they support Trump is because he's self funding and thus won't be beholden to special interests like everyone else. Trump speaks about it at almost every campaign stop.

You're free to support whoever you would like but there's what Trump said here and then there's reality.
He's doing the wall. Or at least he better else he will be kissing his second term good bye.

Trump will need to remain consistent and steadfast on the two core issues of his campaign - mainly the border and his opposition to current trade policy. He can wiggle around some on the other issues in order to assist negotiations. But on those two policies I expect him to remain firm.

Trump has already said the wall is not negotiable and he is inflexible on that issue.

1. He can't guarantee that Mexico would pay for a wall.

2. He can't guarantee that Congress would put building a wall in the budget.
It is -Obama broke some promises, and I didn't vote for him in '12 as a result.

But the funding wasn't a cornerstone of his campaign. It's literally what Trump talked about half of the time. He was going to be this different guy, because he wouldn't need money and wouldn't be influenced as a result.

You should stop apologizing for him & trying to deflect by focusing on a guy I didn't even vote for 4 years ago. It's unbecoming.

Obama being black didn't work for you in 2012 like it did in 2008.
Is something rotten in the state of Don-mark?

One of the top super-PACs supporting Teflon Don Trump has submitted a highly unusual report to the Federal Election Commission, claiming the vast majority of its income last month came from donors giving less than $200.

Super-PACs are outside groups that can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money. They are typically set up to haul in checks of tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and in some cases millions, from wealthy donors.

But in the case of Great America PAC, which is one of two main outside groups supporting Trump, the money appears to be coming from small-dollar donors who typically fund campaigns directly rather than giving to super-PACs.

Great America PAC raised $513,606 in April, but 81 percent of that money came from "unitemized" donations. That's the FEC's jargon for donors that give less than $200. The identities of these small-dollar donors can be kept hidden.

It's unprecedented for a top-flight presidential super-PAC to be taking the vast majority of its money from donors giving small amounts.

The unusually large amount of small donations could trigger a letter to the super-PAC from the commission based on its review policy.

Another atypical aspect of Great America PAC's April fundraising was that the largest individual donation for the month came from someone who works on the super-PAC's staff.

Great America PAC's lead fundraiser, California Republican operative Eric Beach, made a personal loan to the super-PAC of $50,000, according to the FEC report. But given it's a loan, this is money Beach can recoup down the track.
Is something rotten in the state of Don-mark?

One of the top super-PACs supporting Teflon Don Trump has submitted a highly unusual report to the Federal Election Commission, claiming the vast majority of its income last month came from donors giving less than $200.

Super-PACs are outside groups that can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money. They are typically set up to haul in checks of tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, and in some cases millions, from wealthy donors.

But in the case of Great America PAC, which is one of two main outside groups supporting Trump, the money appears to be coming from small-dollar donors who typically fund campaigns directly rather than giving to super-PACs.

Great America PAC raised $513,606 in April, but 81 percent of that money came from "unitemized" donations. That's the FEC's jargon for donors that give less than $200. The identities of these small-dollar donors can be kept hidden.

It's unprecedented for a top-flight presidential super-PAC to be taking the vast majority of its money from donors giving small amounts.

The unusually large amount of small donations could trigger a letter to the super-PAC from the commission based on its review policy.

Another atypical aspect of Great America PAC's April fundraising was that the largest individual donation for the month came from someone who works on the super-PAC's staff.

Great America PAC's lead fundraiser, California Republican operative Eric Beach, made a personal loan to the super-PAC of $50,000, according to the FEC report. But given it's a loan, this is money Beach can recoup down the track.

Cookin' the books at the Super PAC?
"If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election."
- Barack Obama, fall 2007


That is the problem with partisans. They only pretend to care about stuff like this so they can use it as ammunition against their political adversaries. When it is their own candidate who does it - they are all too eager to ignore it, excuse it, or rationalize it away.

In the end: all they care about is maintaining their party's power and control in Washington. Everything else is secondary.
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That is the problem with partisans. They only pretend to care about stuff like this so they can use it as ammunition against their political adversaries. When it is their own candidate who does it - they are all too eager to ignore it, excuse it, or rationalize it away.
In the end: all the care about is maintaining their party's power and control in Washington. Everything else is secondary.

I've noticed that about you already.
1. He can't guarantee that Mexico would pay for a wall.

2. He can't guarantee that Congress would put building a wall in the budget.

True. He can't mind-control congress and make them go along with all of his proposals. No candidate can.

What he can do though is put forth a detailed plan on how he intends to make Mexico pay for the wall (which he has). And he can run a national campaign to get the people behind his agenda (which he has).

If Trump wins in November - any Republican congressman who tries to block Trump's efforts to build the border wall will be committing political suicide. And they will likely know it.
I am in control. You are not.

Yes, forum Trolls are often delusional in that way.

I do have a weakness for feeling a need to respond to posters when they respond to me however, no matter how irrelevant or stupid the post. Keep it up and I'll be forced to put you on my ignore list though. So I should warn you - if you truly do find me as amusing as you claim - you had better lay off the trolling soon or you're going to lose me as amusement. :)