Trump self-funding flip

It would not be outrageous. In fact - it would cost pennies compared to the annual burden/cost illegal immigration has on our country - which is estimated to be well over 100 billion dollars annually. Compare that to the 8 -10 billion dollars the wall will cost us - and I'd say that was a sound investment if ever there was one.

This isn't to mention Trump plans to make Mexico pay the wall anyway.
Mexico won't pay for the wall and the way he proposes to make them pay is foolish and would cause an even bigger influx of illegals.

I have read building the wall would be on the scale of building the Eerie Channel. They have the Colorado and Rio Grande rivers to build over and around. There are Indian reservations and private property that have to be considered. It is a construction nightmare.
What experience is that? Aren't you "new" here?

Keep proving my point for me Troll.

You're all basically the same, no matter the forum. Avoid the actual topic and debate and instead desperately divert to individual poster instead. I have to say - you certainly are accurately named Troll.
Mexico won't pay for the wall and the way he proposes to make them pay is foolish and would cause an even bigger influx of illegals.

I have read building the wall would be on the scale of building the Eerie Channel. They have the Colorado and Rio Grande rivers to build over and around. There are Indian reservations and private property that have to be considered. It is a construction nightmare.

He has a pretty detailed plan on how to make Mexico pay for the wall. He plans to impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards – of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options].

Trump has also said there is no need to build a wall where natural barriers exist.
Is that legal, Fale?

Is that the same as "making Mexico pay for it, Fale?

Yes, it is legal you little forum troll you. We are a sovereign country and can renegotiate current trade laws.

And yes - it would be the same as making Mexico pay for it. I know this may be difficult for you to do, but do try to learn how to think outside of one dimensional-thinking.
Is that how it worked at the other forums, Fale?

In what other forums did making a baseless claim that you won't or can't support with evidence work, Fale?

List them, Fale.

I'll understand if you don't.

As I just told you little forum troll - if you want to make the claim that my post is false - then it''s job to prove your won claims. Not whine that I do it for you.

You must really live in your own little world if you think it's my job to prove your own points for you. lol
I'm not asking you to prove my points, Fale.

Yes you are you little forum troll.

You claimed my post was false. Well - prove it's false then. Becauise it's not my job to prove your own claims for you. And whining for me to do it isn't going to work I'm afraid.
So if I say your mom will pay for your online gaming subscription, and instead your dad pays for it by taking your allowance, you think that's the same as making your mom pay for it, Fale?

This is one of the stupidest things I have ever read. Doesn't even make sense. lol
Is Dale another Legion sock? Would surprise no one that Legion creates a new account so he can talk to himself.
I claimed your post was false?

Can you prove I said that, Fale?

I'll understand if you can't.

Little forum Troll - it's not my job to prove your own claims.

If you don't believe my postings and want to prove them wrong - that's your job. Not mine. Stop whining for me to prove your own arguments for you. It's pathetic.
What's pathetic is making a claim that you can't or won't prove, and pretending that's asking you to prove someone elses' claim, Fale.

No what's pathetic troll is whining for someone else to prove your points.

If you want to prove my claims are false - then you do it. It's not my job to make your own arguments for you. lol
Reading is fundamental, Fale.

I want you to prove that your claims are true.

I'll take care of my own claims, Fale.

I don't care what you want me to do. lol

I don't know what on earth gives you this fanciful idea that it's my job to do your own bidding on this forum. You really are quite the delusional little forum troll aren't you?

If you want my postings to be proved wrong then do it your own fucking self. Because it's not my job to make your own arguments for you.
We don't agree on that, Fale.

Want to try again?

Sure we do, little forum Troll.

But that's a good thing. They say the first step to self improvement is admitting you have a problem to begin with. So hopefully this will be the first step in what will likely be a very very long process of becoming smart.

I wish you all the luck. :)
I actually think it's hilarious that you're trying to equate the 2. For starters, Obama never talked about self-funding.

And second, it was never one of the major aspects of his campaign.

So, no - it wasn't as big a deal. Not even close.

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. He said he would stick with public funding only, just like McCain. He reversed that promise. Same thing. But of course you would see it different. lol.