Trump self-funding flip

Trump seems to flip flop more than most.

You support him anyway.

Very telling.

Not really no. Mrs. Clinton has flip flopped just as much as Trump has. But she has a D next to her name, so you'll of course give her a pass. :) That's what is more telling.

I support Trump because of his policy proposals. He has been consistent on building the border wall and punishing businesses who move offshore to manufacture. That's what I care about. I would be willing to support Mrs. Clinton if she were [It]o flip-flop[/I] around to agreeing with these proposals.
Not really no. Mrs. Clinton has flip flopped just as much as Trump has. But she has a D next to her name, so you'll of course give her a pass. I support Trump because of his policy proposals. He has been consistent on building the border wall and punishing businesses who move offshore to manufacture. That's what I care about.

You think I support the Hildebeast, and that's how you excuse Teflon Don's award-winning litany of lies?
Would you still support him if he really shot someone in the middle of 5th avenue?

I added this to my post Leon. This is why I support Trump:

I care about bringing good jobs back to this country and rebuilding our middle class. And the only way we are going to be able to do that is by stopping the corporate interests in Washington from importing cheap illegal labor across our southern border or moving offshore to do it in countries like China or Mexico.

There is a reason the wealth disparity in this country has grown by leaps and bounds. There is a reason poverty is at record levels. We cannot survive as a country with everyone working at Wal Mart with a few corporate big wigs and shareholders controlling all of this country's wealth.

We have to stop the importation of cheap labor (border wall, border security, enforcement of our immigration law) and the offshoring of our manufacturing jobs (which was always the source of our middle class). Trump's proposal of slapping a 35% tax on businesses who more offshore to manufacture would go a long way to fixing that problem.

As far as shooting someone on 5th avenue... I don't know. It would depend on the circumstances I guess. A political election is suppose to be about voting for what kind of policies you want to see put in place. This isn't a dating service. I'm not voting for someone based on their personality or how sweet or nice they are.
You think I support the Hildebeast, and that's how you excuse Teflon Don's award-winning litany of lies?

So who do you support?

And I could care less if Trump lies. We have all lied before (including you and me). None of us are perfect. So I have nothing to excuse. I'm not voting for Trump because I think he's perfect or has never lied.

I am voting for Trump because he is proposing the kind of policies I want to see enacted.
So who do you support? And I could care less if Trump lies. We have all lied before (including you and me). None of us are perfect. So I have nothing to excuse.

You wanted to return to the topic.

The topic is Trump's self-funding flip.

He flipped.

You excuse him.

He is weak and vacillating.

You are weak and vacillating.

He lied.

You lie.

You and Teflon Don were made for each other.
I added this to my post Leon. This is why I support Trump:

I care about bringing good jobs back to this country and rebuilding our middle class. And the only way we are going to be able to do that is by stopping the corporate interests in Washington from importing cheap illegal labor across our southern border or moving offshore to do it in countries like China or Mexico.

There is a reason the wealth disparity in this country has grown by leaps and bounds. There is a reason poverty is at record levels. We cannot survive as a country with everyone working at Wal Mart with a few corporate big wigs and shareholders controlling all of this country's wealth.

We have to stop the importation of cheap labor (border wall, border security, enforcement of our immigration law) and the offshoring of our manufacturing jobs (which was always the source of our middle class). Trump's proposal of slapping a 35% tax on businesses who more offshore to manufacture would go a long way to fixing that problem.

As far as shooting someone on 5th avenue... I don't know. It would depend on the circumstances I guess. A political election is suppose to be about voting for what kind of policies you want to see put in place. This isn't a dating service. I'm not voting for someone based on their personality or how sweet or nice they are.

I'll take that as a yes.
You wanted to return to the topic.

The topic is Trump's self-funding flip.

He flipped.

You excuse him.

He is weak and vacillating.

You are weak and vacillating.

He lied.

You lie.

You and Teflon Don were made for each other.


Well I tried. It seems you don't want to do anything but troll however. If anyone is weak and vacillating its you I"m afraid, as this post so eloquently proves.

I'm not excusing his so-called flip flops . I simply don't give a shit about them. I have more important things to care about this election then rather or not the RNC contributes funds to Trump's campaign.

So long as Trump remains consistent on the policies I care about - namely stopping the importation of cheap labor and the exportation of our manufacture jobs to countries abroad to take advantage of cheap labor there he will have my vote. And I suspect that's how many of his supporters feel.

Setting priorities is not the same as making excuses.

You never answered my question btw. Who are you supporting?
So long as Trump remains consistent on the policies I care about - namely stopping the importation of cheap labor and the exportation of our manufacture jobs to countries abroad to take advantage of cheap labor there he will have my vote. And I suspect that's how many of his supporters feel. Setting priorities is not the same as making excuses.

Telling lies is not setting priorities or remaining consistent. ;)
So who do you support?

And I could care less if Trump lies. We have all lied before (including you and me). None of us are perfect. So I have nothing to excuse. I'm not voting for Trump because I think he's perfect or has never lied.

I am voting for Trump because he is proposing the kind of policies I want to see enacted.

How will you react if he is lying about his policy positions?
Telling lies is not setting priorities or remaining consistent. ;)

And what lies have I supposedly told?

And yes - Trump has remained consistent on the border wall and punishing corporations who move offshore to manufacture. And he had better - because if he shifts his stance on those two issues he will lose my support.
And what lies have I supposedly told?

How should I know? But you have told lies.

We have all lied before (including you and me).

And yes - Trump has remained consistent on the border wall and punishing corporations who move offshore to manufacture. And he had better - because he shifts his stance on those two issues he will lose my support.

So you say.