Trump self-funding flip

Stop whining to get back on topic. Who do you support? Stop being a pussy and answer the damn question.

I have to say, but it is humorous watching you squirm to avoid answering anything personal about yourself while trashing everyone else personally. You are certainly proving the stereotypes correct.


Now you suddenly want to get back on topic. That's pretty funny.

Who are you supporting? Stop being a pussy and just answer the question. Or is just who other people support you want to talk about and trash?

And the tears flow like a refreshing spring shower.


You should insert your picture into that post, then it would be accurate.

Who do you support Troll? Stop being a little bitch, man up - and just answer the damn question. You like to make a issue about who everyone else is personally supporting. It's time you man up and dealt with some of your own medicine. lol


Still waiting for you to answer the question. Who are you supporting Troll? Stop being a little bitch and answer the question.

You like to ask everyone else who they are supporting and then trash them for it? Well, be a man and tell us who you are supporting. We told you who we were. Stop being a little coward.
Do you think I should?

Who are you supporting Leon? Or are you just a cowardly little Forum Troll too who likes to trash everyone else over who they are supporting, yet too gutless to put their own personal support out there while they mock everyone else's?

I have to say, I've seen some pathetic forum Trolls in my time - but this forum is quickly taking the cake.
This page shows contributions grouped by contributor to the candidate's campaign committee plus any super PACs or hybrid PACs working on his or her behalf.

Donald Trump (R)

Election cycles covered: 2016


Who are you supporting Troll? I'm not going to let you off that easy so you may as well stop squirming and trying to change the subject every time I ask you something personal. Because you were perfectly content and happy not to change the topic so long as I was the topic and you were trashing the reasons for my support.

It's high time someone gave you a dose of your own medicine.
Who are you supporting Leon? Or are you just a cowardly little Forum Troll too who likes to trash everyone else over who they are supporting, yet too gutless to put their own personal support out there while they mock everyone else's?

I have to say, I've seen some pathetic forum Trolls in my time - but this forum is quickly taking the cake.

It is?