Trump self-funding flip

We’ve fact-checked Trump’s “self-fundraising” campaign claim.

Now, "he's done a complete 180," fundraising like everyone else and taking money from big donors.
We’ve fact-checked Trump’s “self-fundraising” campaign claim.

Now, "he's done a complete 180," fundraising like everyone else and taking money from big donors.


Well, someone certainly has done a 180 here that's for sure. Now suddenly someone wants to stay completely on topic and not get personal at all. :)

Who are you supporting Troll? Answer the damn question. It's about time someone put a personal spotlight on you for a change, instead of you doing it to everyone else on here. Or can you not handle what you like to dish out?
Trump’s inaugural fundraiser on May 25 will be a dinner hosted by investor Thomas Barrack Jr., who was a business associate of Trump’s in the 1980s, and is the founder and executive chairman of Colony Capital.
Trump’s inaugural fundraiser on May 25 will be a dinner hosted by investor Thomas Barrack Jr., who was a business associate of Trump’s in the 1980s, and is the founder and executive chairman of Colony Capital.


As usual, bullies can't handle their own medicine. They love to make it personal with everyone else - but the minute you try to make it personal about them they suddenly want to stay strictly on topic and not answer any questions. :)
I predicted that Fale would claim that all politicians lie and say he doesn't care, and I was 100% correct.

I could care less if Trump lies. We have all lied before (including you and me). None of us are perfect. So I have nothing to excuse. I'm not voting for Trump because I think he's perfect or has never lied. I am voting for Trump because he is proposing the kind of policies I want to see enacted.
Trump’s inaugural fundraiser on May 25 will be a dinner hosted by investor Thomas Barrack Jr., who was a business associate of Trump’s in the 1980s, and is the founder and executive chairman of Colony Capital.

In his own words; "His contributors own him."
In his own words; "His contributors own him."

They do, Brother Leon. The funding flip is complete.

Trump recently named Steven Mnuchin – chairman and CEO of Dune Capital Management, a private investment firm, and a major co-financier of Warner Brothers movies such as Mad Max and American Sniper – as his national finance chairman to reach his $1 billion fundraising target.

Trump hopes Mnuchin’s fundraising prowess can land him coveted Hollywood and Wall Street support.
I predicted that Fale would claim that all politicians lie and say he doesn't care, and I was 100% correct.

I"m still waiting to hear what politician you are supporting Troll?

You love to make it personal and make an issue out of who others are supporting, yet hilariously you are mum when it comes to details about who you are supporting.

You are a pathetic online bully Troll. That's all you are. You personally attack others yet desperately try to change the subject every time someone puts the personal spot light on you instead. In other words: you're a little bitch hiding behind a monitor screen.
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So who do you support?

And I could care less if Trump lies. We have all lied before (including you and me). None of us are perfect. So I have nothing to excuse. I'm not voting for Trump because I think he's perfect or has never lied.

I am voting for Trump because he is proposing the kind of policies I want to see enacted.
Teflon Don Trump has complete flipped on funding.

How can his faithful, failing acolytes be sure he won't flip on other things, like the border wall?

Oh, wait...

Trump burst onto the presidential scene with a promise to build a wall and reverse the damaging effects of illegal immigration.

For conservatives, Trump’s talk concerning immigration was refreshing. Suddenly, the billionaire candidate was leading the race.

In recent weeks, however, Trump appears to have hedged on his once-firm stance. There's a recording held by the New York Times where Trump reportedly offered a much-softer stance on immigration in order to attempt to solicit the newspaper’s endorsement. The meeting was off-the-record, so the media outlet has refused to release the recording unless Trump communicates that he wants it released.

Trump was asked about his comments on the recording and the candidate explained that his view on immigration is “flexible.”

For those who have been burned by politicians, “flexible” feels like a euphemism for “willing to flip.”

Trump explained we would only need about a thousand miles or so because of already-existing “natural barriers.”

These “natural barriers,” however, entail everything from roaring rivers to tiny streams that can hardly serve as a deterrent to immigration.

Shortly after Trump’s comments, Brandon Darby of Breitbart began noting that the “natural barriers” about which Trump spoke are hardly formidable obstacles.
Teflon Don Trump has complete flipped on funding.

How can his faithful, failing acolytes be sure he won't flip on other things, like the border wall?

Oh, wait...

Trump burst onto the presidential scene with a promise to build a wall and reverse the damaging effects of illegal immigration.

For conservatives, Trump’s talk concerning immigration was refreshing. Suddenly, the billionaire candidate was leading the race.

In recent weeks, however, Trump appears to have hedged on his once-firm stance. There's a recording held by the New York Times where Trump reportedly offered a much-softer stance on immigration in order to attempt to solicit the newspaper’s endorsement. The meeting was off-the-record, so the media outlet has refused to release the recording unless Trump communicates that he wants it released.

Trump was asked about his comments on the recording and the candidate explained that his view on immigration is “flexible.”

For those who have been burned by politicians, “flexible” feels like a euphemism for “willing to flip.”

Trump explained we would only need about a thousand miles or so because of already-existing “natural barriers.”

These “natural barriers,” however, entail everything from roaring rivers to tiny streams that can hardly serve as a deterrent to immigration.

Shortly after Trump’s comments, Brandon Darby of Breitbart began noting that the “natural barriers” about which Trump spoke are hardly formidable obstacles.

Still avoiding the question I see. :)

Stop dishing out what you can't handle. It makes you look weak and vacillating.

If you don't want other posters to get personal with you, then stop getting personal with them.
Teflon Don Trump has complete flipped on funding.

How can his faithful, failing acolytes be sure he won't flip on other things, like the border wall?

Oh, wait...

Trump burst onto the presidential scene with a promise to build a wall and reverse the damaging effects of illegal immigration.

For conservatives, Trump’s talk concerning immigration was refreshing. Suddenly, the billionaire candidate was leading the race.

In recent weeks, however, Trump appears to have hedged on his once-firm stance. There's a recording held by the New York Times where Trump reportedly offered a much-softer stance on immigration in order to attempt to solicit the newspaper’s endorsement. The meeting was off-the-record, so the media outlet has refused to release the recording unless Trump communicates that he wants it released.

Trump was asked about his comments on the recording and the candidate explained that his view on immigration is “flexible.”

For those who have been burned by politicians, “flexible” feels like a euphemism for “willing to flip.”

Trump explained we would only need about a thousand miles or so because of already-existing “natural barriers.”

These “natural barriers,” however, entail everything from roaring rivers to tiny streams that can hardly serve as a deterrent to immigration.

Shortly after Trump’s comments, Brandon Darby of Breitbart began noting that the “natural barriers” about which Trump spoke are hardly formidable obstacles.

Now the Trump campaign is walking backward faster than Michael Jackson on Jesus Juice.
They are saying the wall and Muslim bans were really only "suggestions".

Here is one of Donald Trump’s spokesmen, Barry Bennett, going on CNN to debate Donald Trump’s policies. Instead, what he says is that Donald Trump is making suggestions. The spokesman says that Trump’s proposals to ban muslims and to build a wall are just suggestions, not really proposals.
Now the Trump campaign is walking backward faster than Michael Jackson on Jesus Juice.
They are saying the wall and Muslim bans were really only "suggestions".

Technically it was just a suggestion.

Trump is just a candidate at this point. He's not the President or congress and cannot dictate policies. What he can do is suggest policy, which is what he has been doing. No clue what the silly anti-trump fanatics find so controversial about that comment. The guy farts and they scream and act like he did something terrible. lol