Trump self-funding flip

Technically it was just a suggestion.

Trump is just a candidate at this point. He's not the President or congress and cannot dictate policies. What he can do is suggest policy, which is what he has been doing. No clue what the silly anti-trump fanatics find so controversial about that comment. The guy farts and they scream and act like he did something terrible. lol
Technically that was your deal breaker, wasn't it, Gaylord?
Technically that was your deal breaker, wasn't it, Gaylord?

Once again the pathetic troll tries to make the debate personal.

Who are you supporting Leon? Or are you like your little fuck buddy over there - loves to make it personal with other posters yet avoids any personal conversations about themselves like the plague.

So let's hear it, what politician and what policies are you supporting this election?

The Wall Street support may be more a necessity than a luxury. The financial services sector donated $90 million of total contributions throughout the last cycle, more than any other industry. They also gave three times more to Romney than Obama in 2012, and Trump may need to work hard for the same contribution; Hillary Clinton has taken in more campaign contributions from the financial services industry than all other candidates combined thus far.

Mnuchin, already operating in high gear, recently courted T. Boone Pickens (who is hosting a future Trump fundraiser), Georgette Mosbacher and former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown to appear in Las Vegas for the SkyBridge Alternatives Conference, known as SALT.

The Wall Street support may be more a necessity than a luxury. The financial services sector donated $90 million of total contributions throughout the last cycle, more than any other industry. They also gave three times more to Romney than Obama in 2012, and Trump may need to work hard for the same contribution; Hillary Clinton has taken in more campaign contributions from the financial services industry than all other candidates combined thus far.

Mnuchin, already operating in high gear, recently courted T. Boone Pickens (who is hosting a future Trump fundraiser), Georgette Mosbacher and former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown to appear in Las Vegas for the SkyBridge Alternatives Conference, known as SALT.

Still waiting for you to answer my question little bitch.
Once again the pathetic troll tries to make the debate personal.

Who are you supporting Leon? Or are you like your little fuck buddy over there - loves to make it personal with other posters yet avoids any personal conversations about themselves like the plague.

So let's hear it, what politician and what policies are you supporting this election?

Who's making it personal Gaylord?
Didn't you say you wouldn't support Trump if he flipped on his core policies?
Isn't that what he has done by walking his declared policies back and downgrading them to mere "suggetions"?
Who's making it personal Gaylord?
Didn't you say you wouldn't support Trump if he flipped on his core policies?
Isn't that what he has done by walking his declared policies back and downgrading them to mere "suggetions"?

lol so in other words yes, you are like your little fuck buddy and refuse to answer any personal questions about yourself.

Let's try this again: and make the topic about you instead of me for once. Let's see if you can handle your own medicine or if you are going to run away and hide like a little bitch too when you become the topic for a change instead of me.

What candidate are you supporting? Easy question. What's the answer?
Technically it was just a suggestion.

Trump is just a candidate at this point. He's not the President or congress and cannot dictate policies. What he can do is suggest policy, which is what he has been doing. No clue what the silly anti-trump fanatics find so controversial about that comment. The guy farts and they scream and act like he did something terrible. lol

You could say that everything is a suggestion until it becomes law but what makes people question Trump more than others is because his platform centers around these "suggestions" and for months he has made things like the border wall to be absolutes which millions of people have bought into. If all of his campaign promises and strong demands never happen because they were just suggestions not rooted in core principles that he will fight for then his supporters will definitely feel betrayed in my opinion, or they will make excuses for him. If elected he will need to spend his whole first term visibly fighting for these suggestions or else he will end up being the same type of politician that his supporters, and he, are supposedly fighting against. In my opinion there will be no wall or other suggestions that he has for his platform that he's been telling us to "believe me" about, but he will end up scapegoating someone or something for what should be his failure to deliver. We can only wait and see.
Didn't you say you wouldn't support Trump if he flipped on his core policies?

I predict that Darth...I mean, Fale will deny that Teflon Don walked anything back.

Trump drew millions to his campaign with his bold and uncompromising pledges to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border and deport all of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.

But faced with a report that he told the New York Times editorial board in an off-the-record meeting that his immigration views are in fact more flexible than he has let on, Trump appeared to confirm those suspicions. "Everything is negotiable," Trump said on Fox News when asked about the report.
You could say that everything is a suggestion until it becomes law but what makes people question Trump more than others is because his platform centers around these "suggestions" and for months he has made things like the border wall to be absolutes which millions of people have bought into. .

He's already said the border wall is not negotiable. So that's not something he's likely to bend on.

The border wall and his opposition to current trade law and punishing businesses who move off shore to manufacture are his two signature issues. So I would not expect him to budge much on those. On everything else - he is likely to wiggle some as he negotiates and compromises with congress. That is the case with all policies and politicians and most of Trump's supporters understand that.
lol so in other words yes, you are like your little fuck buddy and refuse to answer any personal questions about yourself.

Let's try this again: and make the topic about you instead of me for once. Let's see if you can handle your own medicine or if you are going to run away and hide like a little bitch too when you become the topic for a change instead of me.

The topic of this thread is; Trump self-funding flip, not you Gaylord.
I predict that Darth...I mean, Fale will deny that Teflon Don walked anything back.

Trump drew millions to his campaign with his bold and uncompromising pledges to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border and deport all of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.

But faced with a report that he told the New York Times editorial board in an off-the-record meeting that his immigration views are in fact more flexible than he has let on, Trump appeared to confirm those suspicions. "Everything is negotiable," Trump said on Fox News when asked about the report.

And I predict you will still refuse to answer my question like a little bitch. lol
The topic of this thread is; Trump self-funding flip, not you Gaylord.


Is that why you keep constantly trying to make me the topic?

Pretty funny how you little bitch trolls love to make it personal until someone puts you in the spotlight, then suddenly you want to stay on topic.

You two deserve each other.