Trump self-funding flip

For Trump it is. The border wall and fixing our trade problems are his two babies.

I agree, and also now for most of his supporters too. The border and trade are two easy ways to blame our internal problems on outsiders.
I agree, and also now for most of his supporters too. The border and trade are two easy ways to blame our internal problems on outsiders.

Many of Trump supporters are people who have suffered personally due the effects NAFTA, the China Trade Agreement, and other such policies. So it's not just ways to blame our problems on outsiders. It's a reckoning for policies that have literally wiped out factory towns all across this country.
Trump rolled-back his promise of a wall that could be used to effectively stop illegal immigration.

Trump, the RNC and at least 11 state parties have combined to create the Trump Victory Fund, a new joint fundraising committee where donors can hand over checks of nearly $500,000.

With this new joint fundraising committee, donors can max out to Trump's campaign ($5,400) and then some — guiding the extra money to the related political groups.

A joint fundraising committee finances advertising and party infrastructure, like get-out-the-vote efforts for candidates, benefits that Trump would be eager to accept in the general election.