Trump self-funding flip

I predict that Fale will claim that all politicians lie about policy positions and say he doesn't care.

You should refrain from predicting things then, especially when it comes to me because you obviously suck at it.

Trump never said he was never going to accept money from the RNC anyway. You're whole stupid argument is based on a figment of your imagination. So even if I did care about this issue (which I do not) it wouldn't make any sense anyway.

I'm still waiting to hear you are supporting by the way? It's funny to me how you love to get personal with everyone else, yet shy away like a little flower when people ask you any personal questions. lol

You aren't very good at handling what you dish out I see.


So now you are going to resort to correcting spelling and grammar. Just sad.

I am still waiting to hear an answer to my question Troll, who are you supporting? or is it just other people we are allowed to get personal with. Not you of course. lol

Arree uy superting Saaanddders maaybe? Iff Noot Clinnton? (have fun correcting that one lol)
That's correct. So I say. And I think I'm more familiar with what I will be doing than you are - some random forum troll who has never met me or knows absolutely nothing about me.

You seem emotional. Do you need a moment? Maybe a tissue?
You seem emotional. Do you need a moment? Maybe a tissue?

You certainly do sound emotional.

I am still waiting to hear who you are supporting? Or are personal questions about you not allowed?

You love to make it personal with everyone else but you I see. :)

The problem with your little video is that he did mostly self-fund his campaign....

No where in that video did Trump say he was not going to allow the RNC to contribute to his presidential campaign should he win the primary.

I am still waiting to see who you are supporting Troll? Or are personal questions about you off limits?. It's just everyone else who is fair game right. Not you - oh no - we can't talk about anything personal regarding you. You just want to trash everyone else personally but when it comes to you - that's not the topic right? lol
The problem with your little video is that he did mostly self-fund his campaign....

No where in that video did Trump say he was not going to allow the RNC to contribute to his presidential campaign should he win the primary.

I am still waiting to hear you are supporting Troll? Or are personal questions about you off limit?. It's just everyone else who is fair game right. Not you - oh no - we can't talk about anything personal regarding you. You just want to trash everyone else personally but when it comes to you - that's not the topic right? lol

Yup, he's crying.
Yup, he's crying.


You have an issue here is a tissue Leon. You go dry your eyes now.

Who are you supporting Leon? Or are personal questions about you off-limits as well?

I love how Forum Trolls love to make it personal about everyone else - but the minute you put them on the defensive personally and treat them with the same medicine the treat others they suddenly go silent and have nothing to say.
You certainly do sound emotional. I am still waiting to hear who you are supporting? Or are personal questions about you not allowed? You love to make it personal with everyone else but you I see.

Ok I am done with you. Good bye.

I would prefer that you talk to someone else. So as I said, good bye.

Well I tried to end it, he just would not let me.

Let's get back on the topic.


You have an issue here is a tissue Leon. You go dry your eyes now.

Who are you supporting Leon? Or are personal questions about you off-limits as well?

I love how Forum Trolls love to make it personal about everyone else - but the minute you put them on the defensive personally and treat them with the same medicine the treat others they suddenly go silent and have nothing to say.

Do they?
Yup, he's crying.
