Trump suggests Obama be immediately removed and he be put back in!


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With each campaign stop Trump's dementia is on full display.

In the video below he again seems to think he ran against Obama and that Obama is currently POTUS.

Trump also has completely forgotten the economy challenges of 2020 while he was pushing to shut down the American economy to fight covid.

The 10 warning signs of dementia

Sign 1: Memory changes that affect day-to-day abilities
Are you, or the person you know, forgetting things often or struggling to retain new information?
It's normal to occasionally forget appointments, colleagues’ names or a friend’s phone number only to remember them a short while later. However, a person living with dementia may forget things more often or may have difficulty recalling information that has recently been learned.

In other videos we have Trump constantly forgetting what city he is in as well as forgetting people he has ran against, thinking Jeb Bush was GWB.
I got through exactly 3:30 of that unhinged diatribe before I couldn't take anymore of it.

It just blows my mind that he still has followers.

Boasting and bragging about how great totalitarian dictators and despots are while the crowd reacts like trained seals getting tossed a fish.

With each campaign stop Trump's dementia is on full display.

In the video below he again seems to think he ran against Obama and that Obama is currently POTUS.

Trump also has completely forgotten the economy challenges of 2020 while he was pushing to shut down the American economy to fight covid.

In other videos we have Trump constantly forgetting what city he is in as well as forgetting people he has ran against, thinking Jeb Bush was GWB.

Umm,......thats because Obama really is the President,...well shadow President so to speak. You dont REALLY think Biden is running anything do you? :laugh:
With each campaign stop Trump's dementia is on full display.

In the video below he again seems to think he ran against Obama and that Obama is currently POTUS.

Trump also has completely forgotten the economy challenges of 2020 while he was pushing to shut down the American economy to fight covid.

In other videos we have Trump constantly forgetting what city he is in as well as forgetting people he has ran against, thinking Jeb Bush was GWB.

So you actually believe obama is not heavily involved in telling Brandon what to do? Why are youi so stupid? Derp, Derp, Derp!
With each campaign stop Trump's dementia is on full display.

In the video below he again seems to think he ran against Obama and that Obama is currently POTUS.

Trump also has completely forgotten the economy challenges of 2020 while he was pushing to shut down the American economy to fight covid.

In other videos we have Trump constantly forgetting what city he is in as well as forgetting people he has ran against, thinking Jeb Bush was GWB.
This isn’t the first time he has done this. The Qanuts believe Obama controls Biden and apparently Trump has bought into the nutty conspiracy. I can’t believe how stupid some people are and the crazy stuff they believe.
With each campaign stop Trump's dementia is on full display.

In the video below he again seems to think he ran against Obama and that Obama is currently POTUS.

Trump also has completely forgotten the economy challenges of 2020 while he was pushing to shut down the American economy to fight covid.

In other videos we have Trump constantly forgetting what city he is in as well as forgetting people he has ran against, thinking Jeb Bush was GWB.

Trump makes President Biden sound like Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Trump is really losing it. The dementia is progressing fast. There's no denying it. Even the MAGA morons see it.

This isn’t the first time he has done this. The Qanuts believe Obama controls Biden and apparently Trump has bought into the nutty conspiracy. I can’t believe how stupid some people are and the crazy stuff they believe.

I am pretty sure it was the other way around, actually.

Trump made the mistake a few times of accidentally saying Obama, when he clearly meant Biden, and when he saw certain outlets calling that out as signs of dementia, he started the whole 'I meant Obama because he controls Biden' schtick, as a way to try and cover it up.

That is what his Magat derps have now digested and are repeating. BUt the first few times he said Obama, it was clear that is not what he meant as he would catch and try to correct himself after the fact.
Umm,......thats because Obama really is the President,...well shadow President so to speak. You dont REALLY think Biden is running anything do you? :laugh:

Why don't you tell all your friends and co-workers that you believe Obama is still President and watch them laugh in your fucking face.
You're in the cult, stoned.


Mark Twain must have been having a bad day when he came up with that aphorism. Because it makes no sense at all. The grat "Father of (political) Conservatism" was Edmund Burke, (1729 - 1797), and he loathed any kind of intemperate, political radicalism. Ditto the first Conservative Party which date back to the 1820s, I think, they had no inclination to "worship dead radicals", I can assure you.

So Mark Twain is speaking through his ass-hole.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Umm,......thats because Obama really is the President,...well shadow President so to speak. You dont REALLY think Biden is running anything do you? :laugh:

A true member of the cult will try to justify any outlandish thing their cult leader says even if they need to create a new reality to do so.

Congratulations on being a true member!!!
Unfortunately I do not believe Obama is running the Country. Biden is doing a good Job, but Obama was better.

I hope Obama is offering advice often, and I'm willing to bet he is. Presidents should lean hard on others for help.

I have a group of likeminded Attorneys I call often when I need an opinion or information on a new issue.
Why don't you tell all your friends and co-workers that you believe Obama is still President and watch them laugh in your fucking face.
You're in the cult, stoned.

OK, smart-ass...Even a nit-wit like you must understand that Joe Biden is not running America. He is clearly demented and is merely a puppet figurehead, one whose strings have been pulled by a faceless "Politburo" of radical leftists ever since he was inaugurated on 21st Jan, 2021 (after the November 2020 was stolen - in broad daylight - from Trump !).

If you're an authority on who is, and who isn't, running America right now, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and tell us all who is the real President.

In my opinion, there are a lot of reasons to suspect that Obama is calling the shots, such as: (1) He is a Black Marxist and an anti- White racist who hates America because it is a successful, White, Western country (2) That is why he flew pallets if bank nots in Swiss Francs and Euros (equivalent to $1.7 billions dollars (USD) ) in unmarked Cargo planes into Tehran as ransom for two American hostages. The Mullahs were delighted, of course. Obama also set up the "Iran Nuclear Deal" This deal was a fucking joke because the terms of the agreement required a lot of good will on the part of the Iranian government. But the Ayatollah and the Mullahs have always[/b} been lying bastards. When the Obama Nuclear Deal was signed off, they must have thought all their ("Nuclear") Christmases had come at once ! And guess who created the BLM movement from scratch ? That's right, Obama. A lot of Biden's failed policies have got Obama's Marxist, anti-American fingerprints on them , IMO.

But to get back to the question I have for you, if Biden is not running America- and that's a concrete , cold fact; then who - in your knowledgable opinion - IS ??

Either put up, or shut up, dude.

Dachshund - the WONDER HOUND

DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !!
Actually, an alien COPY of Obama is running the country, and Donald Trump, being the worlds smartest human being, has determined this to be true, and also determined that his cult may not be ready to accept such a bizarre notion, so he has gotten the DOJ to indict him so they will be distracted as he neutralizes the alien Obama and puts himself back in power. It's so brilliant it almost seems like he's stupid.
With each campaign stop Trump's dementia is on full display.

In the video below he again seems to think he ran against Obama and that Obama is currently POTUS.

Trump also has completely forgotten the economy challenges of 2020 while he was pushing to shut down the American economy to fight covid.

In other videos we have Trump constantly forgetting what city he is in as well as forgetting people he has ran against, thinking Jeb Bush was GWB.

What a sad caricature of ignorance, dishonesty and stupidity. But alas, you voted for Biden. :palm:
Unfortunately I do not believe Obama is running the Country. Biden is doing a good Job, but Obama was better.

I hope Obama is offering advice often, and I'm willing to bet he is. Presidents should lean hard on others for help.

I have a group of likeminded Attorneys I call often when I need an opinion or information on a new issue.

President Biden has been in government long enough to know you have to rely on other people's knowledge and experience to get a proper perspective on things.

That concept is lost on Trump. He fired most of his advisors.

When you vote for a Presidential candidate, you're actually voting for a team, not one person. I'll take Biden's Team Normal over Trump's Team Crazy.
Trump's team is a gaggle of ass-kissing, sycophants.

I got through exactly 3:30 of that unhinged diatribe before I couldn't take anymore of it.

It just blows my mind that he still has followers.

Boasting and bragging about how great totalitarian dictators and despots are while the crowd reacts like trained seals getting tossed a fish.

It's cute when unhinged leftists engaged in a never-ending tirade of "BUT TRUMP!" have conniptions without regard to the reality they voted for an incompetent, divisive, democracy threatening, incompetent Moron.

But alas, no one ever accused a Biden voter of being intelligent or smart.