Trump suggests Obama be immediately removed and he be put back in!

That is what intelligent people do. What do you want to bet that the Toadstool never asked any former president for advice? He wouldn't even listen to the advice of the people he hired and paid.

If that spawn of Satan gets reelected, it'll be interesting to see who wants to be a part of his administration. The whole world knows that he's spiteful, vindictive and treats everybody like shit.
If that spawn of Satan gets reelected, it'll be interesting to see who wants to be a part of his administration. The whole world knows that he's spiteful, vindictive and treats everybody like shit.

I doubt if he'll lack for power-seeking hater applicants. Just look at the last fascist regime for evidence.
Using superlatives. Were you really a teacher? And you do not know that basic fact of debate? When did I call you names? So reading comprehension is another problem you have.

No, she was never a teacher. Thanks to her stalking me for years, I know her real name. She has no listed credentials despite her constant repetitive posting of the Ohio board of education website link. Which is useless, of course, without knowing her real name. :laugh:
Most of those types are on ignore, but Dachshund is a special kind of idiot that provides me with entertainment. When he gets going on my sex life, it's like watching a train wreck. I just can't look away. My bad. We all need guilty pleasures.

To each their own! It's weird how Reichwingers love discussing other ppl's sex lives, usually in negative and disgusting fashion. I suspect it's because theirs are non-existent. Guy Reichwingers are very prone to that sort of attempted insult. What's your opinion of a female Reichwinger, who gave birth to a woods colt, mocking a childless (by choice) lefty woman as "barren"? Same deal?
You missed all lessons on 'ethics' and also 'logic'. You lie constantly and make the most nonsensical statements and clearly do not care about facts.

Under Biden's leadership it is undeniable that in almost every measurable category America has been doing better than pretty much any other nation all dealing with the same post covid shutdown issues.

No politician can be blamed for what they inherit when they come in to office and Trump handed Biden chaos and shit. Biden, as i stated, has managed that to positive outcomes no other nations can compete with.

Those are facts you do not like, so you just keep repeating the same lie over and over.

Biden has done a great job. But RW media is desperate to convince the low-info, low-IQ viewers like Toxic TOP just the opposite. They won't vote for Trump or other (R) candidates if they're not scared, convinced that the sky is falling, and that America is DOOMED unless they can get the fascist fat fucker back in our WH. Just look at the mess the Toadstool left behind in the Oval Office! :rofl2:

That's pretty darn close to the truth... what was it that Obama had to say about Joe tending to mess things up.. little did he know just how bad it could get... and it can't get much worse than it is now...
Obama is retired and pretty much outside looking in. Biden is the president. How can you convince yourself of ridiculous things so easily? You must really want to believe that.