Trump thug pummels protester on ground parents were sister got braces.....I got a popsicle stick and a rubber band......apparently, you got a sadist with a baseball bat.......

A man captured on video sucker-punching and stomping on a protester is a member of the Air Force.

Staff Sgt. Tony Pettway, a response force leader, was arrested on a charge of assault with injury.

Pettway's attack was captured on multiple videos, showing him ripping a sign out of the hand of a protester being escorted away and then punching the man.

After the victim is on the ground, Pettway then repeatedly kicks him.

People can be heard cheering as Trump talks about the scene.

Capt. Casey Osborne, 55th Fighter Wing Chief of Public Affairs, said: "We are reviewing the situation, fully cooperating with local authorities, and will take appropriate action. All DOD members are authorized to participate in the political process in their personal capacity without implying any endorsement from the DOD. We believe wholeheartedly in our fellow Americans' rights to express their views on political issues, and we strongly condemn any attempt to silence those views through force or violence."

A man who attended the GOP front-runner’s event in Tucson, Ariz., was caught on video viciously punching and kicking a protester being hauled out as the Republican front-runner was speaking.

The disturbing melee knocked protester Bryan Sanders, 33, to the ground at around 3 p.m. Saturday amid a rabid crowd jeering the soon-to-be assault victim and his sign — a photo of Trump’s face superimposed with a Confederate flag.

He is nursing a swollen jaw and bruised ribcage after the attacker landed a brutal sucker punch to Sanders’ right jaw.

The suspect, identified by Tucson police as Tony Pettway, 32, continued with a flurry of five to six punches before kicking and stomping on Sanders.

“I have nothing against the guy that attacked me," Sanders said. "I don’t know him. He’s just an angry person and his anger is being accentuated by the political movement.”

The assault was caught on video from multiple angles. It shows a swarm of police officers pushing through the Trump supporters to grab Pettway, who now faces an assault charge.

In another incident, Trump’s hotheaded campaign manager Corey Lewandowski — already accused of grabbing a woman reporter’s arm and shoving her to the ground at a March 8 Florida rally — was seen in a blue suit wading into the crowd.

Lewandowski went nose-to-nose with a young protester who found himself surrounded by an angry crowd. Video shows Lewandowski’s hand on the protester’s collar, as the man next to Lewandowski yanks the young man backward.

Trump said in a statement that Lewandowski hadn’t gotten physical with anyone at the rally.

Trump supporter Geroy Morgan, 62, was furious at the demonstrators.

“We come here, the silent majority, to express our opinions,” Morgan said. “They don’t have any rights.”

"THEY don't have any Rights..."

Another low information Rightie ignorant regarding the rights of the people.
Who's Bobo? I'll understand if you can't identify him.

I can't speak for your imaginary character, but ROBO who I know intimately, completely promotes and defends the rights of Trump protesters. Their problem is, there is no right to interrupt free speech. Actions that violate constitutional rights are not rights, they're crimes.

What about when the Tea Baggers spent their days interrupting the free speech of attendees to town hall meetings being conducted to discuss the ACA?
No. But it appears that the thuggery starts at the top:


Donald Trump’s campaign manager appeared to grab a protester by his collar during a rally Saturday in an incident captured on video.

Multiple videos, including CNN’s footage, show campaign manager Corey Lewandowski reaching for the man’s collar as a member of Trump’s security detail also grabs him from behind.

“Corey Lewandowski was speaking with a protester at today’s rally in Tucson, Arizona when the individual he was speaking with was pulled from behind by the man to Lewandowski’s left,” Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks said in response to a CNN inquiry, referring to a member of Trump’s private security detail.

“The video clearly shows the protester reacting to the man who pulled him, not to Mr. Lewandowski,” Hicks said, adding that Trump “does not condone violence at his rallies, which are private events paid for by the campaign.”

Lewandowski and the young man appear to exchange words in the moments before the altercation. Hicks said Lewandowski “simply asked the protester to leave.”

The incident comes after reporter Michelle Fields accused Lewandowski of grabbing her by the arm and yanking her backward as she tried to question Trump at a news conference. Lewandowski has denied that he touched her. Fields has pressed charges against him.

A good Cory had a hold on the protester and saved him from being pull from behind......bravo Cory....
A good Cory had a hold on the protester and saved him from being pull from behind......bravo Cory....

"Hicks said Lewandowski “simply asked the protester to leave.”

So you're calling Trump's spokeswoman a liar.

What about when the Tea Baggers spent their days interrupting the free speech of attendees to town hall meetings being conducted to discuss the ACA?

Don't worry Zap, I'll never accuse you of knowing the difference between a town hall meeting of taxpayers and a political rally for a political candidate.

Even then, there is no right to inciting a riot in a town hall meeting either. All protesters should remain off premises and exhibit all of the free speech they want as long as they break no laws.

For your education Zap, (though it's wasted on the deaf) a town hall meeting is a gathering of taxpayers in a "PUBLIC FORUM" in a "PUBLIC PLACE" and a political rally is a "PRIVATE GATHERING" of "SUPPORTERS" at a "PRIVATE" meeting of supporters. There's no right to incite a riot at either.

The Tea Party is NO excuse for the leftist thugs at the Trump rallies. If they get their asses kicked they ask for it!

And for the record, I despise Trump!