trump to Fire Dow Jones

The egg on the face of the Trump devotees who were trumpeting the market a few weeks ago is a silver lining, but a small one. This is really a drag.

Trump doesn't understand the economy, and his tax plan is hopelessly foolish. I'm genuinely concerned where this thing is headed & how long it might take to recover once he's finished his term.

Stop talking about things you know nothing about. Nothing has changed about the underlying economy.

The only thing that has changed is the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. You hate being wrong so you wish ill upon the US.
Stop talking about things you know nothing about. Nothing has changed about the underlying economy.

The only thing that has changed is the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. You hate being wrong so you wish ill upon the US.

The bolded is one thing I don't do. Can you show me where I've done that? Please be quick.

Another stupid thread and joke from morons who couldn't comprehend economics or markets if we injected it into their teeny tiny brains.

First; Trump didn't claim credit for the market increases during his short time in the White House; he touted it's increase which is a factual statement.

Secondly; the market recovered 567 points it will in days to come. To try and suggest Trump is responsible for everything is laughably moronic.

But them, you lying leftist morons do moronic quite well.
The bolded is one thing I don't do. Can you show me where I've done that? Please be quick.

You are doing it right now yucking it up by the drop in the DOW.

Don't pretend. You will only embarrass yourself further.

We get it. You hate Trump so any amount of pain experience by the American people suits you because you think it will cause them to stop supporting him. Kudos to you
The egg on the face of the Trump devotees who were trumpeting the market a few weeks ago is a silver lining, but a small one. This is really a drag.

How so ThingTard? The market is behaving spectacularly and the market recouped 567 points today. What is stupid is watching the FAKE media and liberal morons like you act like Trump looks stupid when the absolutely puerile and childish stupidity you people erupt with is truly moronic.

You leftist dumbfucks hgaven't been right yet in ANY of your laughably stupuid predictions; yet you idiots parade your stupidity as if you are always right. Trump is exposing you motons for the idiots we have always know you to be. You leftists lack the basic intelligence to comprehend the OBVIOUS. :rofl2:

Trump doesn't understand the economy,

What do liberal dumbfucks like you know? You idiots think that tax reductions are a bad thing. I can't imagine a more moronic position.

You haven't been right yet, and in eight years when the economy is booming and Trump has been re-elected, you idiots on the left still won't get it. You lack sufficient grey material between your ears to "get it."

and his tax plan is hopelessly foolish.

Yep; in liberal dumbfuck land allowing Americans to keep what they earn is foolish. See above.

I'm genuinely concerned where this thing is headed & how long it might take to recover once he's finished his term.

Another painfully stupid prediction destined to make you look dumber than you did in the election. The market is already recovering....and will continue on into infinitude as long as we keep the idiots from the Party of the Jackass politically marginalized.
You are doing it right now yucking it up by the drop in the DOW.

Don't pretend. You will only embarrass yourself further.

We get it. You hate Trump so any amount of pain experience by the American people suits you because you think it will cause them to stop supporting him. Kudos to you

Where am I "yucking it up?"

Please do not lie about me, which you have done. I love it when the market goes higher like it has, and I have told liberals that they make a mistake by talking the economy down and hoping that it crashes - they don't need that to beat Trump.

You found no post or verbiage that indicated that I 'wished ill upon the U.S.' This was a lie. I do not do that. Please do not lie about me.
This is a bit like listening to somebody say that it is cold in NYC therefore summer has been cancelled... Inflation is rising because people got raises so they raise the interest rate. This tends to get some people to take profit and put money into a more diverse portfolio. Short term fall in the stock market is expected, predicted, and reasonable.

...and necessary. But don't expect the non-thinking morons on the left to comprehend the OBVIOUS. They've gotten their FAKE media talking points and now stupidly parrot them.
I'm thinking upwards to 80% of Americans don't even own Stock ... but I bet Trump will make Bonds popular.

You don't think; you emotionally erupt and predictably get it all wrong. In truth, at least 52% of Americans have stock ownership. Most 401K's are invested in it.

What Trump has made popular is shining a bright light on the stupidity of Liberalism. You're one of many exhibits. ;)
Trump is completely in charge of the stock market and made it the huge success it is. I don't know what he did the last few days to drive it down 2000 points. But he must have done something wrong. Maybe it was Obamas fault.....Or it could be the president has near zero responsibility for the market. Trump politicized it, so he has to take his hits for being a jerk.

While this may well be true, the laughable point is how much Trump has bragged about the market going up, when it was simply following the trajectory it’s been on for the last eight years. If you brag like a maniac when it’s going up, what’s the logical reaction when it goes down?

Did he say he was responsible for it going up shit-for-brains?