trump to Fire Dow Jones

The bolded is one thing I don't do. Can you show me where I've done that? Please be quick.

You've been wrong all your life shit-for-brains. Let's talk about your loony election predictions. How about that moronic Trump Russian collusion claim. Then there these moronic arguments about the stock market and it being about Trump. You're really too stupid for words and the irony is that you think you're smarter than the average bear. It is quite amazing to watch actually.
Where am I "yucking it up?"

There you go, being dishonest again. This thread is a testimony to leftist petty and boring stupidity.

I love it when the market goes higher like it has, and I have told liberals that they make a mistake by talking the economy down and hoping that it crashes - they don't need that to beat Trump.

Great topic; what do you think they need to do to beat Trump?