Trump to take a new tact

This shooting does not change who Yrump is, he may talk softer and kinder, but I doubt this makes him a better man. He’s had 77 years of being awful, that’s hard to change.
How is Trump awful and Biden awesome? You sad, pathetic, remarkably ignorant dipshit. :laugh:
well liars lie and Trump Biden is known to be one of the biggest liars the world has ever known.
But then again every ONCE in awhile a liar will tell the truth.
We will have to wait and see on this one.
Have a nice day
I fixed this. I can't correct the grade level grammar you bombard the forum with, however.
You are a PUSSY!
More projection from the whiney little cunt. Back to your basement shit-for-brains.
How do you feel about Trump saying he is going to take a softer tone and try to bring the country together?
I think he may make a couple of speeches in a softer tone but his crew will continue the usual bashing. Then after the shock wears off, trump will be back to his usual self. He has to be, he has nothing else except lies and insults.
There is a big part of Trump that wants to be popular and loved by a majority, but I think he knows that's pretty much impossible. It will be interesting how long he tries.