Trump vows to defund schools requiring vaccines for students if he’s reelected

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Yea they don't need no stinkiin' polio or measles vaccines

Former President Trump has increasingly employed anti-vaccine rhetoric at his rallies, and this weekend was no different. Here he is at an event organized by the conservative Christian Faith and Freedom Coalition Saturday.

Donald Trump, Former President of the United States (R) and Current U.S. Presidential Candidate: And on day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, and I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.

There's a program which was launched in 1994 called the Vaccine for Children's Program, which pays for all vaccines for children who are either uninsured or underinsured, which can be as many as 50 to 55 percent of children in this country.

It's something that would require a congressional act to overturn, so I can't imagine that ever happening. But I think what former President Trump does is, by sort of damning vaccines, by claiming that vaccines are in any way unsafe or harmful, he has a platform, and he misuses that platform, and he scares people unnecessarily, thus putting their children in harm's way.

Medical experts say that implications for schools and for public health across the country could be enormous.

Yea they don't need no stinkiin' polio or measles vaccines

Former President Trump has increasingly employed anti-vaccine rhetoric at his rallies, and this weekend was no different. Here he is at an event organized by the conservative Christian Faith and Freedom Coalition Saturday.

Donald Trump, Former President of the United States (R) and Current U.S. Presidential Candidate: And on day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, and I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.

There's a program which was launched in 1994 called the Vaccine for Children's Program, which pays for all vaccines for children who are either uninsured or underinsured, which can be as many as 50 to 55 percent of children in this country.

It's something that would require a congressional act to overturn, so I can't imagine that ever happening. But I think what former President Trump does is, by sort of damning vaccines, by claiming that vaccines are in any way unsafe or harmful, he has a platform, and he misuses that platform, and he scares people unnecessarily, thus putting their children in harm's way.

Medical experts say that implications for schools and for public health across the country could be enormous.

well it just shows all of us Trump isn't too smart.
the MMR shots have been working in this country for years why would we want to take the chance of having these diseases come back on a large scale?
He is such an asshole.
Have a nice day
well it just shows all of us Trump isn't too smart.
the MMR shots have been working in this country for years why would we want to take the chance of having these diseases come back on a large scale?
He is such an asshole.
Have a nice day
The MMR vaccine prevent transmission the COVID vaccines do not. COVID vaccines are not without risks and kids don't have many risks from COVID.
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The MMR vaccine prevent transmission the COVID vaccines do not. COVID vaccines are not without risks and kids don't have many risks from COVID.
Trump is talking about de funding schools that require vaccines, he isn't talking about the COVID vaccines but VACCINES .
yes lets go back to kids getting polio , more mumps , and everything else we use to get.
he is such an ass.
Have a nice day
The MMR vaccine prevent transmission the COVID vaccines do not. COVID vaccines are not without risks and kids don't have many risks from COVID.
you say vaccines are not without risk.
I know a lot of people think back when the MMR vaccine had mercury in it it didn't do any harm to kids, most it didn't some it did.
well I remember the day my son got his , well he got it about 2 pm and by 430 he had a 104 temp , and we finally got that down and with in a week he started withdrawing and going inside himself, he started rocking and it was like he was going deaf, he was fine before it , that day he was out in the pool playing with the other kids normal like the rest of them.
apparently he was allergic to the mercury that was in it back then.
well he ended up Autistic , and back then only 1 out of every 27,000 or so kids got it , the Doctors at Children's hospital had no idea what he had it was an intern that had just read about it who spoke up and explained to them it was Autism.
well if you look up mercury poisoning and Autism they look almost the same.
IMO it was the mercury in that shot back then that did it.
so as I said vaccines can do harm to some kids not all but some.
have a nice day
you say vaccines are not without risk.
I know a lot of people think back when the MMR vaccine had mercury in it it didn't do any harm to kids, most it didn't some it did.
well I remember the day my son got his , well he got it about 2 pm and by 430 he had a 104 temp , and we finally got that down and with in a week he started withdrawing and going inside himself, he started rocking and it was like he was going deaf, he was fine before it , that day he was out in the pool playing with the other kids normal like the rest of them.
apparently he was allergic to the mercury that was in it back then.
well he ended up Autistic , and back then only 1 out of every 27,000 or so kids got it , the Doctors at Children's hospital had no idea what he had it was an intern that had just read about it who spoke up and explained to them it was Autism.
well if you look up mercury poisoning and Autism they look almost the same.
IMO it was the mercury in that shot back then that did it.
so as I said vaccines can do harm to some kids not all but some.
have a nice day
Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines do not and never did contain thimerosal (Mercury). Varicella (chickenpox), inactivated polio (IPV), and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines have also never contained thimerosal.(mercury )

Flu vaccines contained thimerosal. The reason MMR and Chicken pox vaccines did not have mercury is because they were supplied in single use vials because and consequently did not need thimerosal.

The whole mercury in vaccines causes autism has been debunked. But regardless measles, mumps, and rubella all are far more dangerous to kids than COVID is. Plus unlike Covid vaccine which does not prevent transmission the MMR vaccine is actually 97% effective at stopping transmission of MMR.
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So, basically every school in the country. Go for it orange Jesus. Schools receive almost all of their funding from local taxes. Trump is a buffoon trying desperately to appear like an actual politician with policy proposals. Instead he comes off looking like a dumb fuck to everyone not in his cult.
Yea they don't need no stinkiin' polio or measles vaccines

Former President Trump has increasingly employed anti-vaccine rhetoric at his rallies, and this weekend was no different. Here he is at an event organized by the conservative Christian Faith and Freedom Coalition Saturday.

Donald Trump, Former President of the United States (R) and Current U.S. Presidential Candidate: And on day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, and I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.

There's a program which was launched in 1994 called the Vaccine for Children's Program, which pays for all vaccines for children who are either uninsured or underinsured, which can be as many as 50 to 55 percent of children in this country.

It's something that would require a congressional act to overturn, so I can't imagine that ever happening. But I think what former President Trump does is, by sort of damning vaccines, by claiming that vaccines are in any way unsafe or harmful, he has a platform, and he misuses that platform, and he scares people unnecessarily, thus putting their children in harm's way.

Medical experts say that implications for schools and for public health across the country could be enormous.

Please stop giving me reasons to like Trump more.
Figure it out yet Guano?
Yea they don't need no stinkiin' polio or measles vaccines

Former President Trump has increasingly employed anti-vaccine rhetoric at his rallies, and this weekend was no different. Here he is at an event organized by the conservative Christian Faith and Freedom Coalition Saturday.

Donald Trump, Former President of the United States (R) and Current U.S. Presidential Candidate: And on day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, and I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.

There's a program which was launched in 1994 called the Vaccine for Children's Program, which pays for all vaccines for children who are either uninsured or underinsured, which can be as many as 50 to 55 percent of children in this country.

It's something that would require a congressional act to overturn, so I can't imagine that ever happening. But I think what former President Trump does is, by sort of damning vaccines, by claiming that vaccines are in any way unsafe or harmful, he has a platform, and he misuses that platform, and he scares people unnecessarily, thus putting their children in harm's way.

Medical experts say that implications for schools and for public health across the country could be enormous.

pretty sad commentary on your choice of issues when you, yourself, admit that you've only imagined him making polio vaccines illegal......

the demmycrat strategy: make up stupid shit, accuse Trump of supporting it, condemn him for your own lies.....
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Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines do not and never did contain thimerosal (Mercury). Varicella (chickenpox), inactivated polio (IPV), and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines have also never contained thimerosal.(mercury )

Flu vaccines contained thimerosal. The reason MMR and Chicken pox vaccines did not have mercury is because they were supplied in single use vials because and consequently did not need thimerosal.

The whole mercury in vaccines causes autism has been debunked. But regardless measles, mumps, and rubella all are far more dangerous to kids than COVID is. Plus unlike Covid vaccine which does not prevent transmission the MMR vaccine is actually 97% effective at stopping transmission of MMR.
they were made in large batches then put in single dose vials, and from everything I read back in the late 70 said it had mercury in them.
the mercury was to extend shelf life ,
Have a nice day
Yea they don't need no stinkiin' polio or measles vaccines

Former President Trump has increasingly employed anti-vaccine rhetoric at his rallies, and this weekend was no different. Here he is at an event organized by the conservative Christian Faith and Freedom Coalition Saturday.

Donald Trump, Former President of the United States (R) and Current U.S. Presidential Candidate: And on day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, and I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.

There's a program which was launched in 1994 called the Vaccine for Children's Program, which pays for all vaccines for children who are either uninsured or underinsured, which can be as many as 50 to 55 percent of children in this country.

It's something that would require a congressional act to overturn, so I can't imagine that ever happening. But I think what former President Trump does is, by sort of damning vaccines, by claiming that vaccines are in any way unsafe or harmful, he has a platform, and he misuses that platform, and he scares people unnecessarily, thus putting their children in harm's way.

Medical experts say that implications for schools and for public health across the country could be enormous.

Just what America needs -- more pandemics. Paralyzed kids on vents for life. Babies born blind and deaf and with cognition deficits. Young men rendered infertile by a mumps infection. Sounds like the Toadstool is going after the RFK Jr. votes.
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Good. The vaccines do not prevent transmission of COVID the majority of kids are not in serious danger from COVID so there is no reason to require kids to take it. If they or their parents want them to take it fine let them do it.
Somehow I just knew JPP's most deranged Quackter would show up to spout some more of her health misinformation. Good job, Quackter! Takes a lot of guts to come out in favor of polio, tetanus, diphtheria, measles, rubella, etc.
Good. The vaccines do not prevent transmission of COVID the majority of kids are not in serious danger from COVID so there is no reason to require kids to take it. If they or their parents want them to take it fine let them do it.
Few if any schools are requiring a Covid vaccine. Most schools require the other vaccines, which now trump is trying to ban.

Then again, it can be argued that trump's words have no meaning. he says he is going to ban all vaccine requirements, but will he really?
meanwhile we have new measles cases in the country because Demmycrats flood the country with illegals from parts of the world where they DON'T vaccinate.......again, Demmycrats do what they accuse Trump of intending......
You don't get measles if you are vaccinated, dimwit. So if you are dumb enough not to get a measles vaccine for your kid, you should be arrested for child abuse.