Trump vows to defund schools requiring vaccines for students if he’s reelected

masks and vaccinated for Covid? light of what we now know, EVERYONE with half a brain should be in favor of defunding schools that demanded that.....1) we now know that Covid was not a high risk among school age children and 2) we now know that the vax had no impact on the spreading of Covid
That's not what Trump is saying. He is saying he will defund schools that require vaccinations. Are you for or against that policy. It's a one word answer.
That's not what Trump is saying. He is saying he will defund schools that require vaccinations. Are you for or against that policy. It's a one word answer.
actually it is.......he just isn't saying your lies.....yes, I am against a repeat of mask and ineffective Covid vax word,,,.yes.....and four more're a mindless liar.....
Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines do not and never did contain thimerosal (Mercury). Varicella (chickenpox), inactivated polio (IPV), and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines have also never contained thimerosal.(mercury )

Flu vaccines contained thimerosal. The reason MMR and Chicken pox vaccines did not have mercury is because they were supplied in single use vials because and consequently did not need thimerosal.

The whole mercury in vaccines causes autism has been debunked. But regardless measles, mumps, and rubella all are far more dangerous to kids than COVID is. Plus unlike Covid vaccine which does not prevent transmission the MMR vaccine is actually 97% effective at stopping transmission of MMR.
Look at her!
fucking're the only fuckwit whho's proposed it another of HarmUs' unpublished plans?.....
No, Donald Trump is the only fuckwit who's proposed that"

Donald Trump, Former President of the United States (R) and Current U.S. Presidential Candidate: And on day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, and I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.
Yea they don't need no stinkiin' polio or measles vaccines
Not mandated ones.
Former President Trump has increasingly employed anti-vaccine rhetoric at his rallies, and this weekend was no different. Here he is at an event organized by the conservative Christian Faith and Freedom Coalition Saturday.
He isn't anti-vaccine. He's anti-mandate.
Donald Trump, Former President of the United States (R) and Current U.S. Presidential Candidate: And on day one, I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory,
and I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.
There's a program which was launched in 1994 called the Vaccine for Children's Program, which pays for all vaccines for children who are either uninsured or underinsured, which can be as many as 50 to 55 percent of children in this country.
Not a mandate.
It's something that would require a congressional act to overturn,
Trump isn't seeking to overturn it.
so I can't imagine that ever happening.
Someday you should learn English. Then you would know the difference between a vaccine and a mandate.
But I think what former President Trump does is, by sort of damning vaccines,
He's not damning them.
by claiming that vaccines are in any way unsafe or harmful,
Every vaccine carries a risk of it's use. A good friend of mine contracted polio through the polio vaccine and lost the use of his legs as a child.
he has a platform,
Unlike Kamala.
and he misuses that platform,
You can't misuse a campaign platform.
and he scares people unnecessarily, thus putting their children in harm's way.
You hate children. Don't use them as pawns.
Medical experts say that implications for schools and for public health across the country could be enormous.
'Expert' worship goes nowhere. You don't get to speak for everyone. Omniscience fallacy.
At least you documented your propaganda source that you mindlessly parrot from.
Please stop giving me reasons to like Trump more.
Figure it out yet Guano?

This looks like fun, doesn't it?

Trump is talking about de funding schools that require vaccines,
he isn't talking about the COVID vaccines but VACCINES .
There is no vaccine for Covid in the United States. mRNA treatments are not vaccines.
yes lets go back to kids getting polio , more mumps , and everything else we use to get.
he is such an ass.
Have a nice day
No one is banning any vaccine. Cases of polio and mumps still occur.
Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines do not and never did contain thimerosal (Mercury). Varicella (chickenpox), inactivated polio (IPV), and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines have also never contained thimerosal.(mercury )

Flu vaccines contained thimerosal. The reason MMR and Chicken pox vaccines did not have mercury is because they were supplied in single use vials because and consequently did not need thimerosal.

The whole mercury in vaccines causes autism has been debunked. But regardless measles, mumps, and rubella all are far more dangerous to kids than COVID is. Plus unlike Covid vaccine which does not prevent transmission the MMR vaccine is actually 97% effective at stopping transmission of MMR.
MMR does not stop transmission.
So, basically every school in the country.
Not all schools require any vaccine. The only 'vaccine' mandated was the Covid treatment. If a school is still mandating any vaccine or mask, they should be defunded. Trump is doing the right thing.
Go for it orange Jesus.
Trump is not Jesus Christ.
Schools receive almost all of their funding from local taxes.
Bullshit. Schools get over half their funding from the federal government. Even more for college and universities.
Trump is a buffoon trying desperately to appear like an actual politician with policy proposals. Instead he comes off looking like a dumb fuck to everyone not in his cult.
I already know of your TDS and your belief in the Church of Hate.
This is not consistent with his call to defund the dept of education.

Let us be clear, the Revolution plan is to federalize schools as well as police.
Few if any schools are requiring a Covid vaccine. Most schools require the other vaccines, which now trump is trying to ban.
No school may require any vaccine. There is no vaccine for Covid. mRNA treatments are not a vaccine.
Then again, it can be argued that trump's words have no meaning. he says he is going to ban all vaccine requirements, but will he really?
Yes...and good that he will. Such mandates have NO PLACE in schools or anywhere else.