"Trump: What you're seeing in the news 'is not what's happening"


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"Tuesday that what people are seeing and reading in the media about America's economy is "not what's happening."

""Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” Trump said, repeating a favored attack of his while pointing to where members of the press were gathered."


Interesting how the same day Donald tells the Kool aid drinkers that what they see in the media is all fake the Cohen/Trump tape surfaces proving a relationship that the Donald said he knew nothing about and was fake news when reported back in February.

Seems the Trump game plan is now to create an alternate reality for the Trumpkins. The right wing media has been doing that for decades, but now the Donald is employing his position as head of the Government to portray the same picture, taking the "media bias" rhetoric to a new level with Governmemt support

Getting awful close to "1984"
"Tuesday that what people are seeing and reading in the media about America's economy is "not what's happening."

""Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” Trump said, repeating a favored attack of his while pointing to where members of the press were gathered."


Trump is spot on and many have tuned out the lunatic media and their whiny leftist tantrums.

Interesting how the same day Donald tells the Kool aid drinkers that what they see in the media is all fake the Cohen/Trump tape surfaces proving a relationship that the Donald said he knew nothing about and was fake news when reported back in February.

This is only interested for low information dullards who watch MSNBC or CNN. So you need to ask yourself this question; (1) Was this illegal? Answer: NO.

Another massive NOTHING burger. But you leftist Fascists were fine when BillyBob was raping women and banging interns weren't you snowflake. I remember the media talking point; it was a matter between two adults. STFU hypocrites.

Seems the Trump game plan is now to create an alternate reality for the Trumpkins. The right wing media has been doing that for decades, but now the Donald is employing his position as head of the Government to portray the same picture, taking the "media bias" rhetoric to a new level with Governmemt support

Ironic in that the you stupidly swallow the alternate universe fed to you by the media, MSNBC and CNN. That's why you moronically think Democrats are still winning when all they have done over the last two decades is lose even more.

Getting awful close to "1984"

Dumb. But then, you own the word dumb don't you snowflake? Still think the Blue wave is coming? :rofl2:
Trump is spot on and many have tuned out the lunatic media and their whiny leftist tantrums.

This is only interested for low information dullards who watch MSNBC or CNN. So you need to ask yourself this question; (1) Was this illegal? Answer: NO.

Another massive NOTHING burger. But you leftist Fascists were fine when BillyBob was raping women and banging interns weren't you snowflake. I remember the media talking point; it was a matter between two adults. STFU hypocrites.

Ironic in that the you stupidly swallow the alternate universe fed to you by the media, MSNBC and CNN. That's why you moronically think Democrats are still winning when all they have done over the last two decades is lose even more.

Dumb. But then, you own the word dumb don't you snowflake? Still think the Blue wave is coming? :rofl2:

"Truthie" is always a trip

First, if so many have "turned off" the media as you say then why is Trump now stressing not believing them? especially to an audience of Kool aid drinkers?

Secondly, the "illegal" part is irrelevant, although it does just further prove Trump is the immoral sleazy dirtbag that at one time sworn Christians said they despised. Point being, which obviously went right over your head, is that your own Trump told America that the details reported surrounding these affairs were all fake news a couple of months ago, but now they have been proven fact, so who is the party shoveling out fake news?

And the rest of your post is talk radio rhetoric, and it is old talk radio rhetoric
Trump's supporters are morons .. and Trump knows it.

He can tell these morons that dog shit is a taco salad and they would go looking for salsa.
"Truthie" is always a trip

First, if so many have "turned off" the media as you say then why is Trump now stressing not believing them? especially to an audience of Kool aid drinkers?

Because he wants to get through to morons like you. Unfortunately, that would take a brain to comprehend.

Secondly, the "illegal" part is irrelevant,

How is it relevant if it is perfectly legal?

although it does just further prove Trump is the immoral sleazy dirtbag that at one time sworn Christians said they despised.

Yet, you and the media were perfectly okay supporting a dirty philandering sleazebag like BillyBob Clinton. Why? What does this have to do with Christians and your false narratives about them?

Point being, which obviously went right over your head, is that your own Trump told America that the details reported surrounding these affairs were all fake news a couple of months ago, but now they have been proven fact, so who is the party shoveling out fake news?

The actual point is that this narrative doesn't mean anything if it what Trump did was perfectly legal and long before he even began his Presidential campaign.

So explain to me why a cheapskate sleazebag like BillyBob Clinton was perfectly okay with you, but a guy like Trump who paid people to keep silent about his dealings isn't?

And the rest of your post is talk radio rhetoric, and it is old talk radio rhetoric

All of your bloviating is parroting MSNBC lies and bullshit. STFU, seriously.
The President had so much sexual baggage, that he had to create a corporation to hide it all and we're splittin' hairs over whether they paid check or cash?

Trump's supporters are morons .. and Trump knows it.

:lolup:The definition of IRONY. :rofl2:

He can tell these morons that dog shit is a taco salad and they would go looking for salsa.

Lie and lame. But then, that is your shtick isn't it snowflake?

The President had so much sexual baggage, that he had to create a corporation to hide it all and we're splittin' hairs over whether they paid check or cash?

Was it illegal? Yes or no? But you were okay with all of BillyBob's sexual predations right snowflake? You're a hyper partisan hack and hypocrite on steroids.
Was it illegal? Yes or no? But you were okay with all of BillyBob's sexual predations right snowflake? You're a hyper partisan hack and hypocrite on steroids.

Check or Cash ... ?

Why two weeks before the Election?

... you know, while parading Clinton accusers at a debate?
"Tuesday that what people are seeing and reading in the media about America's economy is "not what's happening."

""Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” Trump said, repeating a favored attack of his while pointing to where members of the press were gathered."


Interesting how the same day Donald tells the Kool aid drinkers that what they see in the media is all fake the Cohen/Trump tape surfaces proving a relationship that the Donald said he knew nothing about and was fake news when reported back in February.

Seems the Trump game plan is now to create an alternate reality for the Trumpkins. The right wing media has been doing that for decades, but now the Donald is employing his position as head of the Government to portray the same picture, taking the "media bias" rhetoric to a new level with Governmemt support

Getting awful close to "1984"

Trump's insanity is amusing to the sane. What's puzzling is the utter and total swallowing of everything he says by his base. As one pundit said last week, they swallow it hook, line, sinker, float, pole, and boat. You can post one of his more outrageous Tweets, complete with a link to his Twitter feed, and these idiots will deny he said that.
Check or Cash ... ?

Was this illegal? Yes or No? Try to have an honest eruption for once in your pathetic life.

Why two weeks before the Election?

Was this illegal? Yes or No? Try to have an honest eruption for once in your pathetic life.

... you know, while parading Clinton accusers at a debate?

You need to stop drinking so early in the morning; it will help you make more sense and grasp reality.
Trump's insanity is amusing to the sane.

The only one's exhibiting insanity are the Dishonest Media and liberal left. You would have to be sane to comprehend this however. I doubt there is a cure for you.

What's puzzling is the utter and total swallowing of everything he says by his base. As one pundit said last week, they swallow it hook, line, sinker, float, pole, and boat. You can post one of his more outrageous Tweets, complete with a link to his Twitter feed, and these idiots will deny he said that.

This is a strawman claim lacking anything remotely connected to a fact or reality. So who was that pundit you quote? Jake Tapper? :rofl2: Dunce. No wonder you're so stupid and clueless.
Trump is one of many men since creation to cheat on wives, go through divorces, try to cover up affairs, get away with it, try to silence affair partners, etc.
This particular legal transaction to buy the story from The Enquirer properly with a corporate check (so it could be memorialized) and get the other woman to shut up never came to full fruition.
Trump did nothing illegal, however Cohen recorded a conversation with a client which wrecks his own credibility.
Looks like Cohen had 12 tapes, just this 1 with Trump, the other 11 are dealings/recordings with others on non-Trump issues.

Laura Ingrham (FOX), Alan Dershowitz, Rudy Giuliani, Sol Wisenberg, Lannie Davis, Chris Cuomo (CNN) all had something to say last night.........

Why does a Strong Tough Guy like Donald Trump, have to PAY so many Women to Fuck him?

First, this is nothing more than speculative BS; secondly, would it be better if he treated them like dirt the way BillyBob treated his women and interns?
Trump is one of many men since creation to cheat on wives, go through divorces, try to cover up affairs, get away with it, try to silence affair partners, etc.
This particular legal transaction to buy the story from The Enquirer properly with a corporate check (so it could be memorialized) and get the other woman to shut up never came to full fruition.
Trump did nothing illegal, however Cohen recorded a conversation with a client which wrecks his own credibility.
Looks like Cohen had 12 tapes, just this 1 with Trump, the other 11 are dealings/recordings with others on non-Trump issues.

Laura Ingrham (FOX), Alan Dershowitz, Rudy Giuliani, Sol Wisenberg, Lannie Davis, Chris Cuomo (CNN) all had something to say last night.........

Great post; but you must remember that the lunatic left is uninterested in facts, reality or the truth. While you attempt to debate in an honest fashion, they will only erupt with more emotional bullshit and hypocrisy.
Because he wants to get through to morons like you. Unfortunately, that would take a brain to comprehend.

How is it relevant if it is perfectly legal?

Yet, you and the media were perfectly okay supporting a dirty philandering sleazebag like BillyBob Clinton. Why? What does this have to do with Christians and your false narratives about them?

The actual point is that this narrative doesn't mean anything if it what Trump did was perfectly legal and long before he even began his Presidential campaign.

So explain to me why a cheapskate sleazebag like BillyBob Clinton was perfectly okay with you, but a guy like Trump who paid people to keep silent about his dealings isn't?

All of your bloviating is parroting MSNBC lies and bullshit. STFU, seriously.

And he continues to be a trip, funny

One at a time, "cause he wants to get thru to you ........," so he says it at a rally full of Kool aid drinkers? Did you think a lot of those people attend Trump's gym rallies? He knew his audience and who he was trying to convince

Of course it is legal, adultery has never been illegal, although if you are a Christian I suppose the Seventh Amendment might apply, what it does is just further establishes the Donald as the dirty man his campaign tape portrayed him as

And again for the point, which you seemingly can't handle, is that just a few months ago Donald told America that the reported affairs and details about them reported in the media were all "fake news," and now, on the very day they are further proven to be true, he tells his Trumpkins that what the media reports isn't true and to listen to him

And, just to clue you in, the Cohen tapes are even being reported on Fox, although they are attacking the messenger rather than the implications, shocking