"Trump: What you're seeing in the news 'is not what's happening"

Read this somewhere...

If you have never had to pay for sex then you are a better deal maker than Trump.

Hahahahaha -- perfect.

One at a time, "cause he wants to get thru to you ........," so he says it at a rally full of Kool aid drinkers? Did you think a lot of those people attend Trump's gym rallies? He knew his audience and who he was trying to convince

Once again you moronically think you can construct and strawman claim and then demand we deconstruct it like a retard. STFU, seriously.

Of course it is legal, adultery has never been illegal,

Thank you for admitting this story is nothing more than a bunch of dimwitted mud slinging.

although if you are a Christian I suppose the Seventh Amendment might apply, what it does is just further establishes the Donald as the dirty man his campaign tape portrayed him as

I always have to laugh when immoral, lying, God hating liberal dunces attempt to lecture others about Christianity. STFU, seriously.

And again for the point, which you seemingly can't handle, is that just a few months ago Donald told America that the reported affairs and details about them reported in the media were all "fake news," and now, on the very day they are further proven to be true, he tells his Trumpkins that what the media reports isn't true and to listen to him

There you go lying again and constructing strawmen. But I get it, none of your lunatic rants can be supported by reality, the truth or facts.

The real point is on your shoulders thinking that stories like these have any relevance or will change the FACT that Trump is your President and there will be no blue wave in the Fall.

And, just to clue you in, the Cohen tapes are even being reported on Fox, although they are attacking the messenger rather than the implications, shocking

So what? At Fox, you are not getting the lunatic leftist slant about them you get on MSNBC or CNN. I do wish you had a brain.
Trump is one of many men since creation to cheat on wives, go through divorces, try to cover up affairs, get away with it, try to silence affair partners, etc.
This particular legal transaction to buy the story from The Enquirer properly with a corporate check (so it could be memorialized) and get the other woman to shut up never came to full fruition.
Trump did nothing illegal, however Cohen recorded a conversation with a client which wrecks his own credibility.
Looks like Cohen had 12 tapes, just this 1 with Trump, the other 11 are dealings/recordings with others on non-Trump issues.

Laura Ingrham (FOX), Alan Dershowitz, Rudy Giuliani, Sol Wisenberg, Lannie Davis, Chris Cuomo (CNN) all had something to say last

True, adultery isn't illegal, although for the supposed devote Christians who comprise a large segment of Trump's support you would think the Seventh Amendmet might apply at some point, and, many men have done the same, but I can't believe many have done it so often and regularly as Trump appears to have

Also interesting how the right wing media is now attemtimg to deflect attacking the messengers and playing games with semantics

But the point being here is that on the very day Trump advises his followers that they should listen only to him because the media doesn't portray an accurate picture, it is proven the same details reported by that media he called fake a few months ago were further validated as true. A thinking individual would question then why does Trump tell others not to listen to the media but to him?
Once again you moronically think you can construct and strawman claim and then demand we deconstruct it like a retard. STFU, seriously.

Thank you for admitting this story is nothing more than a bunch of dimwitted mud slinging.

I always have to laugh when immoral, lying, God hating liberal dunces attempt to lecture others about Christianity. STFU, seriously.

There you go lying again and constructing strawmen. But I get it, none of your lunatic rants can be supported by reality, the truth or facts.

The real point is on your shoulders thinking that stories like these have any relevance or will change the FACT that Trump is your President and there will be no blue wave in the Fall.

So what? At Fox, you are not getting the lunatic leftist slant about them you get on MSNBC or CNN. I do wish you had a brain.

"truthie, truthie, truthie," so predictable

When you see the repeated use of "strawman" in one reply, followed by a litany of "retard, dimwitted, lunatic, immoral, God hating, lying, and dunces," you know he is done, void of conflict, like the towel noting the canvas

"Tuesday that what people are seeing and reading in the media about America's economy is "not what's happening."

""Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” Trump said, repeating a favored attack of his while pointing to where members of the press were gathered."


Interesting how the same day Donald tells the Kool aid drinkers that what they see in the media is all fake the Cohen/Trump tape surfaces proving a relationship that the Donald said he knew nothing about and was fake news when reported back in February.

Seems the Trump game plan is now to create an alternate reality for the Trumpkins. The right wing media has been doing that for decades, but now the Donald is employing his position as head of the Government to portray the same picture, taking the "media bias" rhetoric to a new level with Governmemt support

Getting awful close to "1984"

This is not only sick, but scary.. Trump thinks his is the ONLY reality.. Americans should be horrified.
True, adultery isn't illegal, although for the supposed devote Christians who comprise a large segment of Trump's support you would think the Seventh Amendmet might apply at some point, and, many men have done the same, but I can't believe many have done it so often and regularly as Trump appears to have

Also interesting how the right wing media is now attemtimg to deflect attacking the messengers and playing games with semantics

But the point being here is that on the very day Trump advises his followers that they should listen only to him because the media doesn't portray an accurate picture, it is proven the same details reported by that media he called fake a few months ago were further validated as true. A thinking individual would question then why does Trump tell others not to listen to the media but to him?

I put up a FOX media video with varying views and questions.
As far as semantics, that's kind of what words spoken into an audio device are all about, LOL.............WORDS!
I won't rehash what I've already said in my post. Disagree? Fine. :cool:
Trump is who he is. He's president. Every 4 years some people get who they want, some don't. Life goes on.
"truthie, truthie, truthie," so predictable

When you see the repeated use of "strawman" in one reply, followed by a litany of "retard, dimwitted, lunatic, immoral, God hating, lying, and dunces," you know he is done, void of conflict, like the towel noting the canvas

Irony in that your whiny moronic deflections and lies are predictable. You still don't have a point do you? Other than the one on your shoulders.

This is not only sick, but scary.. Trump thinks his is the ONLY reality.. Americans should be horrified.

I am amused; what is "real" about the whiny liberal left and their pretense that Trump wasn't duly elected and they are going to resist? What is "real" about the FALSE narrative that we are still a racist nation. What is "real" about the FALSE narrative contained in the Black Lives Matter movement?

What is "real" in the laughably stupid claim that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to win an election? What is "real" about the BLUE wave that is supposed to be coming.

When it comes to what IS real, the left and the Democratic Party of the Jackass obviously lost touch with what is REAL.
Trump is one of many men since creation to cheat on wives, go through divorces, try to cover up affairs, get away with it, try to silence affair partners, etc.
This particular legal transaction to buy the story from The Enquirer properly with a corporate check (so it could be memorialized) and get the other woman to shut up never came to full fruition.
Trump did nothing illegal, however Cohen recorded a conversation with a client which wrecks his own credibility.
Looks like Cohen had 12 tapes, just this 1 with Trump, the other 11 are dealings/recordings with others on non-Trump issues.

Laura Ingrham (FOX), Alan Dershowitz, Rudy Giuliani, Sol Wisenberg, Lannie Davis, Chris Cuomo (CNN) all had something to say last night.........

I remember a time...

A time when the GOP found adultery to be a SIN, and condemned anyone who committed adultery.

GOP condemnation caused Gary Hart to drop out of the election.

They tried to IMPEACH Clinton for adultery.

Now however, they wholeheartedly embrace serial adulterers and refuse to hold them accountable.

THAT my friends, is HYPOCRISY.
I remember a time...

A time when the GOP found adultery to be a SIN, and condemned anyone who committed adultery.

GOP condemnation caused Gary Hart to drop out of the election.

They tried to IMPEACH Clinton for adultery.

Now however, they wholeheartedly embrace serial adulterers and refuse to hold them accountable.

THAT my friends, is HYPOCRISY.

Adultery is still a sin (as are many other vices...lying, stealing, vulgar speech, coveting, rage, hate, stirring up strife etc.).
I had nothing to do with wanting impeachment or ruination of Hart or Bubba.
It is an honest statement to SAY that Trump, Bubba and Hart are/were adulterers...it's an adjective...which describes a noun.
It's up to a woman to decide if she wants a relationship with a guy with a fidelity problem.
It's also up to a person to decide if they want a guy (or woman) with a fidelity problem in elected office.
Either we take into consideration all the flawed human sins of every single person we ever meet or deal with in life or we decide what are the SPECIFIC effects of the SPECIFIC relationship we are contemplating to enter into and proceed accordingly.
If I want a new Pastor, choir member, elder or Sunday school teacher...I'll consider appropriate qualifications.
If I'm looking for a doctor or auto maintenance shop...I'll consider appropriate qualifications.
If I'm voting for politicians regarding my government...I'll consider appropriate qualifications.
I can't remember a single time I ever screamed, cried or reduced myself to emotional vulgar tirades, calling for the death of a single U.S. politician in my life.
I've lived more years than I am going to live. Disagree with views on people in office all you want. Call me names PERSONALLY if it floats your boat. I don't believe I've ever responded in kind, perpetuating the name-calling. If I ever did, simply point it out and I'll apologize and be done with it. Life goes on. :cool:
Adultery is still a sin (as are many other vices...lying, stealing, vulgar speech, coveting, rage, hate, stirring up strife etc.).
I had nothing to do with wanting impeachment or ruination of Hart or Bubba.
It is an honest statement to SAY that Trump, Bubba and Hart are/were adulterers...it's an adjective...which describes a noun.
It's up to a woman to decide if she wants a relationship with a guy with a fidelity problem.
It's also up to a person to decide if they want a guy (or woman) with a fidelity problem in elected office.
Either we take into consideration all the flawed human sins of every single person we ever meet or deal with in life or we decide what are the SPECIFIC effects of the SPECIFIC relationship we are contemplating to enter into and proceed accordingly.
If I want a new Pastor, choir member, elder or Sunday school teacher...I'll consider appropriate qualifications.
If I'm looking for a doctor or auto maintenance shop...I'll consider appropriate qualifications.
If I'm voting for politicians regarding my government...I'll consider appropriate qualifications.
I can't remember a single time I ever screamed, cried or reduced myself to emotional vulgar tirades, calling for the death of a single U.S. politician in my life.
I've lived more years than I am going to live. Disagree with views on people in office all you want. Call me names PERSONALLY if it floats your boat. I don't believe I've ever responded in kind, perpetuating the name-calling. If I ever did, simply point it out and I'll apologize and be done with it. Life goes on. :cool:

Moral equivocation from hypocritical Trump supporters is no longer surprising.
Moral equivocation from hypocritical Trump supporters is no longer surprising.

Equivocation - the use of ambiguous language intended to mislead or deceive, or to give someone an "out" when confronted with hypocrisy.


"It is an honest statement to SAY that Trump, Bubba and Hart are/were adulterers...it's an adjective...which describes a noun."

I don't see the "out" for Trump.
Quit talking about the Republican party. it is gone. It is now the Trumplestilskin party. The Repubs dissolved rather than stand up to Trump. The concepts of fiscal conservative, balanced budgets, and lower debts are gone. The Trump party stands for what Trump says it does. Free trade, long gone..Tariffs, great, greatest thngs ever. European allies, don't need them. Trade pacts, shred them. NATO, dissolve it. Environment, it is the property of the wealthy. they will decide. Clean air, water and land are quaint concepts from the past. Emolumets clause, forgettaboutit. Presidential affairs, now perfectly fine. Being friends with dictators, super. This is America now and forever. Reality TV wins.
[h=1]Whistleblower provides emails that show Stormy Daniels' arrest was pre-planned[/h]

In an exclusive investigation, the Advocate has obtained emails from a whistleblower from inside the Columbus Police Department that outline the arrest of Stormy Daniels earlier this month may have been pre-planned days before she ever arrived in town.

Columbus Police arrested the adult entertainer — who claims to have had an affair with then-private citizen Donald Trump in 2006 — on July 12. Police said that Daniels violated an Ohio law by “touching” club-goers, who were actually undercover VICE officers. The charges were dismissed 12 hours later after Daniels hired Columbus defense attorney Chase Mallory. Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein said the elements were not met in the charges and that is why the cases were tossed out. Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs apologized and called it a “mistake.”

Within hours of her arrest, Daniels’ personal attorney Michael Avenatti called it a political hit-job and vowed to investigate.

A whistleblower from the City of Columbus contacted the Advocate with numerous emails between several high-ranking Columbus police detectives and VICE officers.

Read more: http://thefayetteadvocate.com/2018/...t-show-stormy-daniels-arrest-was-pre-planned/