trumppers spend months saying we are not a Democracy

Eh - some were. Hardly all. Most knew it was the logical choice.

Regardless, she has ignited the party & the nation, and turned the race around. Which is why many on the right are grasping for anything at the moment.

Honestly, instead of focusing on her laugh or the Democrats' "coup," Trump and Republicans should focus on policy. I'm not sure if they'd win, but they'd fair a lot better than all of this yelling at the clouds stuff.
Policy? What policy is the Kamal and the tampon focusing on? "Igniting" the party? It's fascinating that in March of this year joe Scarborough was telling us that Biden we saw then was "... intellectually and analytically the best biden ever" but now he's no where to be seen. Then on top of that the great "defenders of democracy " the Democrat party LMFAO have a candidate no one voted for. Explain how anyone with a functioning brain is supposed to take the Democrat party seriously.
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No, they would have contested him at the convention. Biden called for a floor vote at the convention. The party refused.
Why would they have contested the "... intellectually and analytically best Biden ever"? He beat Trump in 2020 and he was the best biden ever back in March according to joe Scarborough so why the change?
the level of dishonesty on this forum is bizarre.

Harris is extremely unlikable - which is why her strategy is to hide and let the media run cover for her.

It may work - because Trump is also extremely unlikable.

Both candidates clear objective is to hope the focus is on the other person. For Trump - that was working quite well when it was Biden.

the MSM will never help turn the focus back.
the level of dishonesty on this forum is bizarre.

Harris is extremely unlikable - which is why her strategy is to hide and let the media run cover for her.

It may work - because Trump is also extremely unlikable.

Both candidates clear objective is to hope the focus is on the other person. For Trump - that was working quite well when it was Biden.

the MSM will never help turn the focus back.
Kamala is fine. She is not likable to those who are not bigots or conned by Trump. You hate everyone who is not conned by the avatar of 2025, Trump.
Kamala is fine. She is not likable to those who are not bigots or conned by Trump. You hate everyone who is not conned by the avatar of 2025, Trump.
bullshit partisan douchebag. the only thing a Democrat can honestly like about her is the D next to her name - which explains her coming in last in a real primary with real choices
Then they cry, whine and bitch when the Democratic Party (not the government) replaces a candidate who retires with short notice, with a less Democratic process than usual.

Hypocrites who will make any excuse to be unhappy.

democrats spend months saying they will "save democracy," then crush democracy the first chance they get.

Hypocrites who will make any excuse to stay in power.
Was Kamala voted to be your nominee?

Or was Joe Biden?

We understand - democrats HATE democracy - almost as much as you hate America.
Joe Biden, but he dropped out, what are the Democrats to do?

Technically, pledged delegates were elected to vote for Biden, but the rules say that if the person the delegates are pledged for no longer stands for the office they are released of their obligation and can vote as they wish.
Had trump died or dropped out prior to the convention, what do you believe the Republicans would have done?
Then they cry, whine and bitch when the Democratic Party (not the government) replaces a candidate who retires with short notice, with a less Democratic process than usual.

Hypocrites who will make any excuse to be unhappy.
Political parties are private organizations that have never been democracies.

Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary are not democratic but play an outsized role in selecting the nominee.

Still, the vast majority of Democrats seem well energized with Kamala Harris, so it's not like she was forced down our throats.
More silly conspiracy theories on your part.

What are you yapping about?

Conspiracy theory? Do you know what the term means?

Hint: It doesn't mean "Historically factual event."

Obama and Pelosi forced Biden out - that is a coup.
What are you yapping about?

Conspiracy theory? Do you know what the term means?

Hint: It doesn't mean "Historically factual event."

Obama and Pelosi forced Biden out - that is a coup.
You are just pissed Kamala is kicking the old man's ass.
I mean....have you seen the enthusiasm on the Dem side?

There hasn't been anything like it since Obama. I get that the right doesn't like Harris - but Democrats absolutely love her.
if 50,000 of them stay home in Fulton County, GA.....Maricopa County, AZ.......Madison, WI.......Wayne County, MI........then it doesn't matter how much the rest of you love her........
You are just pissed Kamala is kicking the old man's ass.


Assumes elements not present in reality.

Do you think you can bluff your way to power?

Kamaltoe has dropped 4 points in a week and a half on the RCP average, and continues to tumble. She'll be upside down to Trump by this time next week.

The disaster that is your convention isn't giving her a bounce - maybe just the opposite. Perhaps that's because it has all the "Joy" of the Red Wedding on GOT.