Trump’s aberrant behavior is getting worse. Why are Americans ignoring his decline?

Look at this board. The morons tend to make the most 'noise' (Grok and his bold font), but none of it merits a response.
That whole 'when they go low, we go high' doesn't work in politics.

Because the voting population does tend to include a large % of idiots, the noise spreads faster and wider than the facts.

Just the way trump loves it.
Yes, but consider the demographics.

JPP is not a cross-section of the "voting population".

Yes, like all authoritarian assholes.
Look at this board. The morons tend to make the most 'noise' (Grok and his bold font), but none of it merits a response.
That whole 'when they go low, we go high' doesn't work in politics.

Because the voting population does tend to include a large % of idiots, the noise spreads faster and wider than the facts.

Just the way trump loves it.

Ahh another imbecile type desperately scrambling to try and make what is into what their wee little pathetic mentality would rather it be because all they know how to do primarily is lie especially to themselves.
Look at this board. The morons tend to make the most 'noise' (Grok and his bold font), but none of it merits a response.
That whole 'when they go low, we go high' doesn't work in politics.

Because the voting population does tend to include a large % of idiots, the noise spreads faster and wider than the facts.

Just the way trump loves it.

bring it on lol ;)
Turning the democratic process into a reality show has attracted millions who never voted in their lives.

They are on the edge of their collective seats, as if they were waiting to hear who the baby daddy is on Springer.

lol I like you which is why I bait you to get angry lmao
Ahh another imbecile type desperately scrambling to try and make what is into what their wee little pathetic mentality would rather it be because all they know how to do primarily is lie especially to themselves.
Just in time. The board moron shows up and offers awful prose.

What happened? The heat in your isn't efficiency apartment isn't working tonight?

Why are you so bent on virtual suicide? Is it because you really want to kill yourself? Why die early when we all die eventually?

Death is inevitable for everyone on this forum. Why rush the process when you can use it to your advantage???
Sorry I have included so much of the attached link here but everything needed to be said. As it concludes that sick leaders attract sick followers I don't expect Trumpers to pay any attention and brush it off, I'm just hoping a few of them will read it and say "wait a minute, that's not the type of guy we want running the country".

I vote policy positions, not personalities.

We have any number of Americans with despicable political positions,
and the orangutan is certainly one of them,
but in his case, it's the personal attributes that really stand out.

Trump is a crude vulgarian with no perceptible redeeming values at all,
but it's also obvious that those who support him,
even if it were for policy positions,
don't seem to notice that.

How trashy does a person have to be to not see Trump as a grotesque character?

How low on the social ladder would one have to be to not see him as an embarrassment to the nation?

How illiterate would one have to be to not recognize his inability to express a cogent thought?

How little class would a person have to have to not actual "skeeve" Trump?
Not to feel crawly in his proximity?

How low can Americans get?
More than 74,000,000 Americans voted for Trump in 2020.
Is it not scary to even live in a nation with so many deficient, worthless, malignant people?
Are they even people? Don't they seem more like devolved mutants?

I ride around outside the city, and even in Massachusetts, one can see Trump signs on lawns.
Who would deface one's own property like that?

Would you put up a lawn sign that says, We're terrorists in this home?
Would you put up a sign that says, We support child molestation?
Would you adorn your manicured lawn with huge, smelly piles of pig excrement?

I say this with 100% sincerity.
None of those things are more self-humiliating and damning than a Trump sign.

You're saying to the world, I am a person of no value.
My presence on this planet is a heartbreaking flaw in nature.
Just being willing to tolerate my existence is a major character flaw in you.

We live among abominable trumpanzees.
You're opposed to genocidal purges.
What's your solution, then?

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