Trump’s fascist talk is what’s ‘poisoning the blood of our country’

Sure he is. What do you think Jack Smith was appointed as a special council to do? The Democrats are the ones that don't want free and fair elections as clearly evidenced by their attempts to pass both the "For the Voter's Act" and the "John Lewis Voting Act," as starters.

You are the one that is lying here.
Trump broke the law.

Several of them.

Smith was appointed to prosecute him for his crimes.

You want Trump to be above the law.

You are the one who is lying here.
I never said he did.

He invited a crowd of angry, brainwashed goofballs to violently storm the Capitol building with the intent of forcing Congress to not certify Biden's victory.

That is the lie you Stalinist love to tell - but it is just a lie.

Then he refused to try to call them off.

Trump had no power over the protesters. And he repeatedly urged for calm and peaceful protest.

Far more than Quid Pro did while democrat Brown Shirts raped, looted, murdered, and burned from coast to coast. In fact Kamaltoe was bailing out the few Brown Shirts that were arrested.

Then he lied and is still lying, about the election being stolen.


The hypocrisy of you Stalinists knows no bounds:

All you're doing is changing the subject/moving the goal posts.

IOW, typical Trumper sleaze tactic.

We know that 2020 was the most illegitimate election in American history.
That is the lie you Stalinist love to tell - but it is just a lie.

Trump had no power over the protesters. And he repeatedly urged for calm and peaceful protest.

Far more than Quid Pro did while democrat Brown Shirts raped, looted, murdered, and burned from coast to coast. In fact Kamaltoe was bailing out the few Brown Shirts that were arrested.


The hypocrisy of you Stalinists knows no bounds:

We know that 2020 was the most illegitimate election in American history.
Your pathetic propaganda is as transparent and empty as your skull.
Your pathetic propaganda is as transparent and empty as your skull.

What propaganda?

You keep telling the big lie with nothing to back it up.

Show us where the last legitimate President EVER told the crowd or ANYONE to "storm the capitol?"

You can't - because you're lying - and you KNOW you're lying.

And the idea that Trump could somehow direct the actions of 20,000 people who were being pelted by CS Gas (tear gas) and beaten with metal batons by capitol police is laughable.

HAD the crowd been democrats, not a person in the Capitol would have lived - but they were patriots and so the worst that happened was a few broken windows - until BLM affiliated Michael Byrd murdered Ashli Babbitt that is.
What propaganda?

You keep telling the big lie with nothing to back it up.

Show us where the last legitimate President EVER told the crowd or ANYONE to "storm the capitol?"

You can't - because you're lying - and you KNOW you're lying.

And the idea that Trump could somehow direct the actions of 20,000 people who were being pelted by CS Gas (tear gas) and beaten with metal batons by capitol police is laughable.

HAD the crowd been democrats, not a person in the Capitol would have lived - but they were patriots and so the worst that happened was a few broken windows - until BLM affiliated Michael Byrd murdered Ashli Babbitt that is.

Oh, I see what's going on here.

You think you're being clever.

You think that by spouting the most outrageous horse shit you can pull out of your ass, that flies in the face of the reality we all, yourself included, know to be true, that you're going to "trigger" and goad me to a point at which I will launch into an angry, insult hurling rant.

Got news for you.... you're nowhere near clever enough to accomplish that.

All I'm doing right now is laughing at your pathetic attempt.

You know what Trump tried to do as well as the rest of us.

You can play all the stupid little bullshit mind games you want to if it makes you feel like you've scored some kind of points or something, but all you're doing is cementing into the minds of everyone, the knowledge of what kind of lies Trump and his minions are willing to spew and how low you're willing to stoop. .
Fascism is already here....all one needs to look at to be sure is the partnership of the federal government and the tech overlords.

Trump’s Pattern of Sowing Election Doubt Intensifies in 2024​

Former President Donald J. Trump has baselessly and publicly cast doubt about the fairness of the 2024 election about once a day, on average, since he announced his candidacy for president, according to an analysis by The New York Times.

Though the tactic is familiar — Mr. Trump raised the specter of a “rigged” election in the 2016 and 2020 cycles, too — his attempts to undermine the 2024 contest are a significant escalation.

Trump is nuts. He first started talking about being cheated when his shitty TV show did not win an Emmy.
He said Obama's 2012 election was a sham.
He said Hillary cheated Bernie when she won Colorado.
When Cruz beat Trump in 2 primaries, he said Cruz cheated.
The common denominator is Trump's craziness. When he ran for Prez ,he said the only way he could lose was if he was cheated.
I was shocked when he said that.
I was sure Americans were too smart to fall for that bullshit lie. I overestimated the right.
Trump is nuts. He first started talking about being cheated when his shitty TV show did not win an Emmy.
He said Obama's 2012 election was a sham.
He said Hillary cheated Bernie when she won Colorado.
When Cruz beat Trump in 2 primaries, he said Cruz cheated.
The common denominator is Trump's craziness. When he ran for Prez ,he said the only way he could lose was if he was cheated.
I was shocked when he said that.
I was sure Americans were too smart to fall for that bullshit lie. I overestimated the right.
Most countries would locked up Trump by now.
Oh, I see what's going on here.

You think you're being clever.

I know, telling the truth is just the normals being clever and trying to trick you of the faithful

You think that by spouting the most outrageous horse shit you can pull out of your ass, that flies in the face of the reality we all, yourself included, know to be true, that you're going to "trigger" and goad me to a point at which I will launch into an angry, insult hurling rant.

Post it drone.

Got news for you.... you're nowhere near clever enough to accomplish that.

All I'm doing right now is laughing at your pathetic attempt.

You know what Trump tried to do as well as the rest of us.

You can play all the stupid little bullshit mind games you want to if it makes you feel like you've scored some kind of points or something, but all you're doing is cementing into the minds of everyone, the knowledge of what kind of lies Trump and his minions are willing to spew and how low you're willing to stoop. .

You keep telling the big lie with nothing to back it up.

Show us where the last legitimate President EVER told the crowd or ANYONE to "storm the capitol?"

You can't - because you're lying - and you KNOW you're lying.
So you don't think a guy who openly talks about retribution against his political enemies, tried to forcefully take an election that he obviously lost and won't clearly state whether or not he'll accept the results of the next one if he loses again, along with all of his other strongman rhetoric, projects shades of a Nazi and fascist style dictator?

And you think that the rest of us are supposed to be naive enough to not see it?

There's nothing inappropriate about using terms in regard to Trump that he brings on himself.
Nazi fascist style?

like Hugo Boss?

wow that 's pretty bad.

you better cancel democracy before trump cancels democracy.
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