Trump's kids and former staffers get Secret Service protection at taxpayers' expense


The US was losing 600,000 jobs a month, you wanted to get that number up to 1.5 million in the months that followed?

Bet you don't want the government to step in with corona virus, that has similar numbers, people dying, people losing their homes and waiting in food lines.


I don't think you know, what you think it means.

Fascist-noun A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

almost right. fascism is a monolithic union of state and corporate power. it's more internationalist these days, so are multinational corporations.

internationalist fascism is what we have now.

you're for it. im against it.
That's nickel and dime shit compared to the real damage he's done.
Small minded reformers are another form of obstructionist.
We must concentrate on important stuff while we still can.
But can we still?
the constitution says state legislators decide election rules. these processes were change outside those narrow specifications. many state elections are technically invalid.

You're a fucking idiot. State legislation (passed by legislators, you know?) allowed executive officials to control and decide aspects of their respective elections. That's what happened. Go back to 4chan and leave us alone.
evidence was never looked at. cases were dismissed for bogus reasons.

biden is president now. probably not the first stolen presidency. we will go on.

what is biden going to do to make lives better?

That's because there was no evidence. There is no evidence. Do you think that the moon is made of cheese?
You're a fucking idiot. State legislation (passed by legislators, you know?) allowed executive officials to control and decide aspects of their respective elections. That's what happened. Go back to 4chan and leave us alone.

much of it was not passed by the state legislature. they just did stuff and changed rules capriciously.
Trump's kids and former staffers get Secret Service protection at taxpayers' expense

the SS can't save those useless fucks from Garland's DOJ

money laundering, bank fraud, tax fraud......list goes on

I wonder how Leticia James is doing with her huge batch of NY State indictments
Proof enough that the USA has a dumbass Constitution if it is allowing for this crap. Trump and his crime family incite violence at the Capitol and they get protection? :wall:

Someone needs to pull the plug on this thievery!

its not thievery its only for a short time for his adult kids ,because of democrats threats to his family in the past and present meat head.
perhaps if you radical SOBs in the democrat party would stop threatening cabinet members the president and his family they wouldn't need to all have extended secret service protection until things settle down .

Again if you radical democrat would stop making physical threats to cabinet members and his family it wouldn't be necessary, but you assholes just cant stop running your mouths and encouraging people to so .

by the way dumb ass Bath house Barry O bung hole signed a law giving life time secret service protection to former president first lady and kids under the age of 16.

Obama restores lifetime Secret Service for former presidents

By Mark Knoller

January 12, 2013 / 10:31 AM / CBS News

Under a new law signed today by President Obama, all former U.S. presidents and first ladies will receive lifetime Secret Service protection.

The measure also authorizes protection for the children of former presidents until they are 16 years old.

still wearing your little MAGA hat maggot?

from time to time I do and I wear my de fund democrats support the police blue lives matter shirt. O by the way , if Joe biter is threatened the way trump and his family were and his cabinet members I would want them tom have secrect service extended protection as well, not because I were a maga hat but because its the right thing to do.

now you dumb son of a bitch why dont you wake up and pull your own head out of you ass and stop being ignorant .
People wont run for public office that are not billionaires if they and their family and staff were not going to be safe after they were out of office you stupid bastard.

Bath house Barry O bung hole signed the law granting former president and wife life time secret service protection and their kids till they were 16.
trump simply extend that protection to his adult kids and cabinet members for a few months due to radical threats of violence from democrats and democrat politicians encouraging it.

Your just to stupid and ignorant to understand the results to comprehend what would happen if one of your fellow democrats killed one of his kids or cabinet members and how this would effect politics and politicians in the future. Your just to big a moron to understand.
from time to time I do and I wear my de fund democrats support the police blue lives matter shirt. O by the way , if Joe biter is threatened the way trump and his family were and his cabinet members I would want them tom have secrect service extended protection as well, not because I were a maga hat but because its the right thing to do.

now you dumb son of a bitch why dont you wake up and pull your own head out of you ass and stop being ignorant .
People wont run for public office that are not billionaires if they and their family and staff were not going to be safe after they were out of office you stupid bastard.

Bath house Barry O bung hole signed the law granting former president and wife life time secret service protection and their kids till they were 16.
trump simply extend that protection to his adult kids and cabinet members for a few months due to radical threats of violence from democrats and democrat politicians encouraging it.

Your just to stupid and ignorant to understand the results to comprehend what would happen if one of your fellow democrats killed one of his kids or cabinet members and how this would effect politics and politicians in the future. Your just to big a moron to understand.

Democratic House, Democratic Senate, Democratic wonder you're so upset lol
Democratic House, Democratic Senate, Democratic wonder you're so upset lol

No I'm not upset, I don't like having Joe Biden as my president but unlike democrat who claimed bide wasn't their president < I'm a man who accepts facts and Biden is my president .
Whats your problem o yes your a stupid bastard , Im betting if Biden and his family receive enough threat's along with his cabinet and decided they needed extra short term secret service protection , you would be ok with it wouldn't you asshole