Trumps misconduct around young women

No I'll discuss trumps misconduct all day all you have to do is type, "Joe Biden is guilty of the same misconduct". The last thing anyone needs is feigned moral outrage from a Joe Biden supporter of all people. Plus we have tons of video of the groper-chief-in chief in action. If you don't like being questioned don't start stupid threads.

Are these so called stupid threads stimulating you to post stupid replies????????????????????????
Has any woman ever said that they didn't want to be left alone with Joe Biden? Has any of his staff complained about him? All you can do is make up shit to change the subject from Trump being a sexual predator.

The thread is about Trump. It is you trying to change the subject. Trump is a proven in-court sexual abuser. There is proof of that.
Former White House adviser Alyssa Farah Griffin said that it was common knowledge throughout the Trump White House that the former president engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior around young women, reported The Daily Beast on Friday.

"Alyssa Farah Griffin, who is now a co-host of The View but was at the time among the dozen most senior staff in the West Wing, is sharing her experience in the Trump administration in the hopes that it will deter other women from working for the real estate mogul and reality TV star," the Beast reported.

"'I saw behavior and engagement with very young junior female staffers from the former president that made me uncomfortable,” she adds, alleging Trump’s behavior “was an open secret, open discussion in the West Wing,'" said the report. "'The way I was brought up, the way that I’ve behaved professionally is it is my duty to report that. So I took it to my direct report, which was the then-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows,' she added. 'He seemed very aware of the issue and said he was going to handle it.'"

This comes after Stephanie Grisham, the former White House press secretary, told CNN that she repeatedly did everything in her power to prevent Trump ever being alone in the room with one of her specific young female staffers, whom Trump casually made sexual comments about, because she was afraid of what he would do to her.

No one takes this leftist serial liar serious except the deranged, the dishonest and the stupid. You fit all three halfwit. :palm:
Hey, Trumpys do not care. When he was running the Miss Teenage America contest he told Stern that he walked into their locker rooms. He said when you own the contest, you can do what you want. Trump's own words and actions mean nothing to his fans. His staff knew he was a pig to women. He called Ivanka a piece of ass on Stern.
Trump is a plg.

The moron erupts once again. :palm:
26 women have gone on public record accusing trump of sexual assault.

It's reasonable to assume there are dozens or hundreds more women he assaulted who didn't want to go public

Not one charge. Not one conviction. It's an infantile fantasy promoted and gobbled up by brain dead mental cases like you. :palm:
You will do anything to change the subject from Trumps predatory actions. How bout you get back to me when this president is indicted, or formally accused. Short of that all you have is the usual bullshit.

Is Tara Read a liar halfwit? When you lying, low IQ morons on the left start holding Biden accountable for his lies and predations, well try to take your whiny lie filled bullshit more serious.

Tara Reade: What are the sex attack allegations against Joe Biden?
Seven women have now accused Joe Biden of inappropriate touching
When President Biden was informed women were made uncomfortable by his touch he did not respond like Trump and defame the women, he replied, “I get it” and promised o be more “mindful” of women’s personal space. It’s a vast difference between the two men.

Biden is a serial lying dumbass. See above. Are the women accusing Biden liars? When you dishonest low IQ leftist dumbasses start whining about him, we'll think about taking your bullshit seriously.
Has anyone ever said that they dont want young women alone with Biden as they have with the sexual predator. There are dozens of women who have voiced serious complaints about trump, but of course you dont care.

Only morons and halfwits would leave their children alone with Biden.

Joe Biden's Insane thoughts on Hairy Legs, Roaches, and kids