Trump’s popularity is plummeting among Fox News fans


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President Donald Trump loves Fox News, but fans of the conservative-leaning network are starting to like him a lot less.

In June, 90 percent of respondents in a Suffolk University poll who said they trust Fox over other news networks viewed Trump favorably, but by October, approval had fallen to 74 percent and plummeted to 58 percent in December, The Washington Post reported on Thursday. That’s a 32-point drop in six months.
Accordingly, the percentage of Fox watchers who viewed Trump unfavorably grew in the December poll to more than a third, which was double the unfavorability percentage recorded among Republicans.

Also, Fox viewers who strongly approved of Trump’s job performance dropped from 55 percent in March to 32 percent in October. The Post notes that “what’s interesting” is that the president’s favorability dropped even though Fox viewers from October to November were slightly more inclined to say the U.S. was going in the right direction.

Trump loses support from Fox viewers as his approval rating continues to suffer. The president’s rating hit its lowest point since he was inaugurated in January in a Monmouth University poll published on Wednesday. More than half of respondents in the Monmouth poll, 56 percent, disapproved of Trump’s job performance, and he lost more support from women and independents
President Donald Trump loves Fox News, but fans of the conservative-leaning network are starting to like him a lot less.

In June, 90 percent of respondents in a Suffolk University poll who said they trust Fox over other news networks viewed Trump favorably, but by October, approval had fallen to 74 percent and plummeted to 58 percent in December, The Washington Post reported on Thursday. That’s a 32-point drop in six months.
Accordingly, the percentage of Fox watchers who viewed Trump unfavorably grew in the December poll to more than a third, which was double the unfavorability percentage recorded among Republicans.

Also, Fox viewers who strongly approved of Trump’s job performance dropped from 55 percent in March to 32 percent in October. The Post notes that “what’s interesting” is that the president’s favorability dropped even though Fox viewers from October to November were slightly more inclined to say the U.S. was going in the right direction.

Trump loses support from Fox viewers as his approval rating continues to suffer. The president’s rating hit its lowest point since he was inaugurated in January in a Monmouth University poll published on Wednesday. More than half of respondents in the Monmouth poll, 56 percent, disapproved of Trump’s job performance, and he lost more support from women and independents

If he's unpopular with you, it makes him more popular to me.
President Donald Trump loves Fox News, but fans of the conservative-leaning network are starting to like him a lot less.

In June, 90 percent of respondents in a Suffolk University poll who said they trust Fox over other news networks viewed Trump favorably, but by October, approval had fallen to 74 percent and plummeted to 58 percent in December, The Washington Post reported on Thursday. That’s a 32-point drop in six months.
Accordingly, the percentage of Fox watchers who viewed Trump unfavorably grew in the December poll to more than a third, which was double the unfavorability percentage recorded among Republicans.

Also, Fox viewers who strongly approved of Trump’s job performance dropped from 55 percent in March to 32 percent in October. The Post notes that “what’s interesting” is that the president’s favorability dropped even though Fox viewers from October to November were slightly more inclined to say the U.S. was going in the right direction.

Trump loses support from Fox viewers as his approval rating continues to suffer. The president’s rating hit its lowest point since he was inaugurated in January in a Monmouth University poll published on Wednesday. More than half of respondents in the Monmouth poll, 56 percent, disapproved of Trump’s job performance, and he lost more support from women and independents

how far is this poll from the poll that said clinton would win the election,i can make a poll say what i want.
citing polls,is a joke,what was the sample,the age group,what where the questions and how where they phrased exc,polls give me a brake.
how far is this poll from the poll that said clinton would win the election,i can make a poll say what i want.
citing polls,is a joke,what was the sample,the age group,what where the questions and how where they phrased exc,polls give me a brake.

Your kind loves polls when they are in your favor sweetie, but when not they are all a lie. Fuck off.
President Donald Trump loves Fox News, but fans of the conservative-leaning network are starting to like him a lot less.

In June, 90 percent of respondents in a Suffolk University poll who said they trust Fox over other news networks viewed Trump favorably, but by October, approval had fallen to 74 percent and plummeted to 58 percent in December, The Washington Post reported on Thursday. That’s a 32-point drop in six months.
Accordingly, the percentage of Fox watchers who viewed Trump unfavorably grew in the December poll to more than a third, which was double the unfavorability percentage recorded among Republicans.

Also, Fox viewers who strongly approved of Trump’s job performance dropped from 55 percent in March to 32 percent in October. The Post notes that “what’s interesting” is that the president’s favorability dropped even though Fox viewers from October to November were slightly more inclined to say the U.S. was going in the right direction.

Trump loses support from Fox viewers as his approval rating continues to suffer. The president’s rating hit its lowest point since he was inaugurated in January in a Monmouth University poll published on Wednesday. More than half of respondents in the Monmouth poll, 56 percent, disapproved of Trump’s job performance, and he lost more support from women and independents

American statistics and polling analysis site FiveThirtyEight gave Trump a 30 per cent chance of victory going into the final few days,that poll from old nate himself and yet who won,polls my ass.
American statistics and polling analysis site FiveThirtyEight gave Trump a 30 per cent chance of victory going into the final few days,that poll from old nate himself and yet who won,polls my ass.

Did anyone take into account the effects of Russian interference?
American statistics and polling analysis site FiveThirtyEight gave Trump a 30 per cent chance of victory going into the final few days,that poll from old nate himself and yet who won,polls my ass.

Of course if you want to consider "victory" who won the popular vote?
how far is this poll from the poll that said clinton would win the election,i can make a poll say what i want.
citing polls,is a joke,what was the sample,the age group,what where the questions and how where they phrased exc,polls give me a brake.

clinton won exactly what the polls said she would win.
popular vote,really who won 60% of the states ,TRUMP,that is a victory,Ca. and NY are not the county.

States dont mean anything in a popular vote, its people, not states who vote. You are simply offering up another in a long line of lame excuses.
Hard to place a number on that. Mueller will flesh that out in the future. Trump even asked the Russians to interfere when he asked Putin to find Hillarys emails for him. That showed he knew they were inside the American election and did not care as long as it helped him. trump is a real patriot, isn't he?
how far is this poll from the poll that said clinton would win the election,i can make a poll say what i want.
citing polls,is a joke,what was the sample,the age group,what where the questions and how where they phrased exc,polls give me a brake.

results not matching polls is a number one indication of election fraud
American statistics and polling analysis site FiveThirtyEight gave Trump a 30 per cent chance of victory going into the final few days,that poll from old nate himself and yet who won,polls my ass.

Polls not matching an election outcome is a huge indication of election fraud