Trump’s popularity is plummeting among Fox News fans

I cant wait to see If fox will start to attack trumpy or stay with him even if the viewers bail

it will show wether they are a Putin tool or just a shitty biased TV news station
Hard to place a number on that. Mueller will flesh that out in the future. Trump even asked the Russians to interfere when he asked Putin to find Hillarys emails for him. That showed he knew they were inside the American election and did not care as long as it helped him. trump is a real patriot, isn't he?

That wasn't a serious request to Russia. It was a PR statement to try to make an issue of Hillary's e-mails and to mock the Russia issue.

If it was a real request he'd do it through his private channels.
That wasn't a serious request to Russia. It was a PR statement to try to make an issue of Hillary's e-mails and to mock the Russia issue.

If it was a real request he'd do it through his private channels.
They were doing that for him, through the back channels.
clinton won exactly what the polls said she would win.

One last look at the polls: Hillary Clinton's lead is holding steady

SurveyMonkey has polled more than 1 million Americans over the last 11 months, providing a pool of data that is bigger than any previous effort. Its final poll sits at the high end of what it has found for the year, showing Clinton leading Trump 47% to 41%, with 6% for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee, and 3% for Jill Stein of the Green Party.

Overall, SurveyMonkey estimates Clinton's chances of winning at 96%.

The final ABC/Washington Post tracking poll offers a very similar look — 47% for Clinton, 43% for Trump in a two-way contest. In the four-way matchup, the survey shows Clinton at 49%, Trump 46%, Johnson 4% and Stein 1%.
It seems to be just that, if you look at the time line of events.

No, it wasn't. As I said, it was a PR move to try to hype the issue of Hillary's e-mails and to mock the idea of Russian influence. Any serious communication would use private channels. He didn't need to commit collusion in public.
Yes. If that money changed voter opinions, then the changes to opinions are shown in the polls of voter opinions. It doesn't show the cause, though.

We still do not know the depth to which the Russian interference went. You speak of influencing the voters, well how about the polls themselves. What may or may not have been done to influence the counted ballots. Only time will tell.
No, it wasn't. As I said, it was a PR move to try to hype the issue of Hillary's e-mails and to mock the idea of Russian influence. Any serious communication would use private channels. He didn't need to commit collusion in public.
Well, I disagree, and being he thought there was nothing wrong with it, he didn’t know what he was doing. It will all come out if Mueller gets to complete his investigation.