Trump’s popularity is plummeting among Fox News fans

That is why some polling services are respected, and some are not. You did not discern something nobody ever thought of. The polls most often used are not the one Fox Gnus does as an example. Nor would one you did.
That is why some polling services are respected, and some are not. You did not discern something nobody ever thought of. The polls most often used are not the one Fox Gnus does as an example. Nor would one you did.
How many right wiing/Repub investigations do you require to understand Hillary is innocent of the fabricated charges in Uraniumgate? She has gone through several on that. Result nothing . The Repubs are launching another one. The Repubs use tax payer money on investigations for political gains. The distract the uninformed from the real problems. They smear the Dems and those who do not look for the facts, will think she is shady. They have no shame and no respect for people. The dumb ones will jump on board again because it meets their poorly crafted preconceptions.
tell me hull did you serve ,making little of someone's military service under the guise

intellagance, is just what liberal haters do,58,220 souls gave all i that conflict,you can go to hell .
I know you trumpsters arent very good at figuring things out but the poll said Clinton would win the election and Clinton did indeed win the election. How is this hard for you to process? Maybe you are just thick.

is it to hard for you to understand that we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC not a democracy,hillary Clinton's popular vote win in the presidential election came entirely from the state of California.
so California should decide who is president and the rest of America can eat cake.

for your dumb-ass , half of the US population lives in just 146 of its 3,000 counties.

President-elect Donald Trump won 3,084 of America's 3,141 counties; Hillary Clinton won just 57.

that is why we have an electoral collage is not about the popular vote , concencus man concencus .
is it to hard for you to understand that we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC not a democracy,hillary Clinton's popular vote win in the presidential election came entirely from the state of California.
so California should decide who is president and the rest of America can eat cake.

for your dumb-ass , half of the US population lives in just 146 of its 3,000 counties.

President-elect Donald Trump won 3,084 of America's 3,141 counties; Hillary Clinton won just 57.

that is why we have an electoral collage is not about the popular vote , concencus man concencus .

twist in the wind all you want trump is less popular than clinton
Did anyone take into account the effects of Russian interference?
No Scum bag would have never won without the interference of Russia. Yup these peoples God and Leader, scum bag sold out to the Russians. We have never had a president that sold out to our biggest enemy before. Now is that a traitor then?
Insults, how Vulpine, another immature righty. I missed where we elected presidents by county. Can you tell me when we started that? Of course we didn't, so that is scraping for a statistic that will make you feel better, because Trump lost the vote by 3 million. Do you have stats on left handed voters? Perhaps Trump won those. That would prove something, I don't know what, but if he won that, you could show me another stats that somehow is more important than the vote.
No Scum bag would have never won without the interference of Russia. Yup these peoples God and Leader, scum bag sold out to the Russians. We have never had a president that sold out to our biggest enemy before. Now is that a traitor then?

and it never would have happened if the republicans had not Gerrymandered and ID lawed so many voters out of their rights to representation
I like my heroes to not be captured....Trump. About McCain. Want some disrespect for the military, talk to the draft dodging president. He causes so much discord it is "Make America Grate Again"
I know you trumpsters arent very good at figuring things out but the poll said Clinton would win the election and Clinton did indeed win the election. How is this hard for you to process? Maybe you are just thick.

Trump Won 3,084 of 3,141 Counties, Clinton Won 57, we are a constitutional republic not a democracy,mr obama was elected under the same system that mr trump won under,stop whining.