Trump’s popularity is plummeting among Fox News fans

Trump is an embarrassment, Trump love and support is an un-American value today. It is a sort of hero worship alien to American thought. We are free individuals. Americans think of themselves as street smart and the dishonesty of most politicians as obvious - they serve themselves and their donors not America. What is it about Trump that brings out such hate for law, media, and even free speech? These are the institutions that keep us free from dictators and other charlatans. Dictators have an appeal to the weak as history shows.

"A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush." USA Today 12/12/17
Trump is an embarrassment, Trump love and support is an un-American value today. It is a sort of hero worship alien to American thought. We are free individuals. Americans think of themselves as street smart and the dishonesty of most politicians as obvious - they serve themselves and their donors not America. What is it about Trump that brings out such hate for law, media, and even free speech? These are the institutions that keep us free from dictators and other charlatans. Dictators have an appeal to the weak as history shows. "A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush." USA Today 12/12/17

Cry harder, Liberace. Elections have consequences, remember?
We still do not know the depth to which the Russian interference went. You speak of influencing the voters, well how about the polls themselves. What may or may not have been done to influence the counted ballots.

Yet, we do know how deep the effects went. Not in terms of the specific Russian cause, but in terms of how voter opinions were with the influence - we have the polls and we hav the voting results. There is zero evidence affecting polls or voting influence.
Well, I disagree, and being he thought there was nothing wrong with it, he didn’t know what he was doing. It will all come out if Mueller gets to complete his investigation.

If you want to invite your mother to dinner, do you call her or hold a press conference to ask her? Common sense. And no, it likely won't 'come out', because there isn't likely hard evidence on the issue beyond common sense as to his intent.
Yet, we do know how deep the effects went. Not in terms of the specific Russian cause, but in terms of how voter opinions were with the influence - we have the polls and we hav the voting results. There is zero evidence affecting polls or voting influence.

Whatever the evidence will be, it will come from the Mueller investigation.
If you want to invite your mother to dinner, do you call her or hold a press conference to ask her? Common sense. And no, it likely won't 'come out', because there isn't likely hard evidence on the issue beyond common sense as to his intent.
My mother is dead, I’d have to have a seance.
American statistics and polling analysis site FiveThirtyEight gave Trump a 30 per cent chance of victory going into the final few days,that poll from old nate himself and yet who won,polls my ass.

I know you trumpsters arent very good at figuring things out but the poll said Clinton would win the election and Clinton did indeed win the election. How is this hard for you to process? Maybe you are just thick.
President Donald Trump loves Fox News, but fans of the conservative-leaning network are starting to like him a lot less.

In June, 90 percent of respondents in a Suffolk University poll who said they trust Fox over other news networks viewed Trump favorably, but by October, approval had fallen to 74 percent and plummeted to 58 percent in December, The Washington Post reported on Thursday. That’s a 32-point drop in six months.
Accordingly, the percentage of Fox watchers who viewed Trump unfavorably grew in the December poll to more than a third, which was double the unfavorability percentage recorded among Republicans.

Also, Fox viewers who strongly approved of Trump’s job performance dropped from 55 percent in March to 32 percent in October. The Post notes that “what’s interesting” is that the president’s favorability dropped even though Fox viewers from October to November were slightly more inclined to say the U.S. was going in the right direction.

Trump loses support from Fox viewers as his approval rating continues to suffer. The president’s rating hit its lowest point since he was inaugurated in January in a Monmouth University poll published on Wednesday. More than half of respondents in the Monmouth poll, 56 percent, disapproved of Trump’s job performance, and he lost more support from women and independents

lol.....florafan believed rawstory......
Clinton was leading by a solid margin until Comey screwed up and announced new Emails, which were not.

Hildebeast was leading the day of the election, Nerdberg. She was given a 96% chance of winning.

One last look at the polls: Hillary Clinton's lead is holding steady

SurveyMonkey has polled more than 1 million Americans over the last 11 months, providing a pool of data that is bigger than any previous effort. Its final poll sits at the high end of what it has found for the year, showing Clinton leading Trump 47% to 41%, with 6% for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee, and 3% for Jill Stein of the Green Party.

Overall, SurveyMonkey estimates Clinton's chances of winning at 96%.

The final ABC/Washington Post tracking poll offers a very similar look — 47% for Clinton, 43% for Trump in a two-way contest. In the four-way matchup, the survey shows Clinton at 49%, Trump 46%, Johnson 4% and Stein 1%.

But, please, keep trusting polls. I want you to. I insist.
American statistics and polling analysis site FiveThirtyEight gave Trump a 30 per cent chance of victory going into the final few days,that poll from old nate himself and yet who won,polls my ass.
What kind of thinking would you expect from some clown walking around in his 60's and 70's with his old military uniform on everyday of his life.
These people aren't smart enough to know that they were sent to Vietnam as cannon fodder for a punch line of a joke, the Domino theory. What kind of blank thinking would you expect from these characters.
States dont mean anything in a popular vote, its people, not states who vote. You are simply offering up another in a long line of lame excuses.

When it comes to how we elect a President, states do mean everything when it comes to popular votes. It's those votes WITHIN each state that determine how that state's electoral votes are divided.
Here are Trumps approval rating compared to other presidents. Trump is way behind even Bush.
His aprovel rating as a president. is pitiful but the real scoreboard is his rating as a human being . That rating is right down in the scum bag level or less. Slime, shit, puss. There isn't a lower level. He's down there with the people who elected him. They make a great group.