Trump's son in deep dodo

Good morning ptif219,

Problem is. is Mueller has nothing

How do you know that?

That makes no sense to me. I disagree. If he had nothing then why is the investigation ongoing, and why does he seek to question the President?

Mueller has already brought very serious charges against several key people form the Trump administration. Do you not believe this? Serious charges against key upper level people in the Trump administration is not 'nothing.' How do you rectify a belief that this is 'nothing?'

It has been shown that Russia manipulated our election process to help Trump get elected.
It has been shown that there were contacts between the Trump team and high level Russian operatives close to Putin.
Trump barely squeaked by in the election after most people and the polls believed Hillary would be the likely winner. It suggests the election was influenced by outside sources.

Do you deny any/all of that?
Hello ptif219,

30 states is not squeaking by

We will have to disagree on that. He lost the popular vote, barely getting victory (by only a percent or two) in FL and PA. If those TWO states had gone the other way, Trump would have lost the election. Most people would call that squeaking by.

Do you consider it a landslide?

How could it be a 'landslide' if he has less than half the nation's approval?

People who win by a landslide enjoy a wide popularity.

Or do you explain that by believing the polls are wrong...

Perhaps you are one who holds the belief that the President is actually much more popular than the polls indicate? That, once the 'fake mainstream news' is discounted for 'lying like they do,' that the President is actually supported, loved and appreciated by the majority of the nation?

Do you believe most people really do support the President?
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Hello ptif219,

More democrat lies. We need voter ID laws

I agree that voters should be required to identify themselves, but should we make that identification process so difficult to follow that many poor people of limited resources are actually thus prevented from voting?

Do we also need to shorten early voting periods so that it is less convenient to vote?

Do we also need to reduce the number of hours that polling stations are open in poor black neighborhoods?

Should we have an ample supply of the newest and best functioning voting machines in rich white Republican majority neighborhoods but have only a few old cantankerous voting machines in poor black neighborhoods such that those people have to wait in long lines while the rich white Republicans breeze in and out of their precinct voting places?

Do we also need to strike legal voters from voting rolls because their name matches that of a convicted felon? So if a Luther Washington commits a crime in one State, then everyone named Luther Washington in another State should automatically be prevented from voting?

Do we also need to prevent convicted felons from ever regaining their right to vote, thus punishing them for life, even after they have served their full court adjudicated sentence and completed their debt to society, as is done in Florida and a only a handful of other States?
Hello hvilleherb,

It is well known that some Trump supporters would support him even if it is proven that he is a dirty dealer. They simply don't care and would look the other way. Look at all they have accepted so far!

Regardless of that fact:

75% of the Republican Party is not enough to maintain political power. It took everything they had to just barely squeak by with the 2016 election. And even then, the Democrats had 3 million more votes.

Also, it is highly likely that if serious charges come out that many will turn on Trump. Those possible charges are not known at this time, so current polls cannot show what would occur in that event.

It is entirely likely that if serious charges come out, and tentative supporters begin to run away from the president, that the president could be impeached. That could happen before the election. Can you say 'blue wave?'

I can! #blue wave! :):thumbsup:
Problem is. is Mueller has nothing

Show proof of your claim. Wait, don't bother. Nobody has that info since Mueller works in private. So your statements are patently false. You should not say things like that because we all know it is a lie. You are a believer who makes statements with no knowledge at all. You proved it again.
Anyone with half a brain who has lived in NY during the last 30 plus years knows of trump and organized crime connections in the construction industries

Don't forget about his new jersey gambling casinos where he went bankrupt after skimming all the profits and stiffing the proles for their wages there.
Show proof of your claim. Wait, don't bother. Nobody has that info since Mueller works in private. So your statements are patently false. You should not say things like that because we all know it is a lie. You are a believer who makes statements with no knowledge at all. You proved it again.

Wow! You Gumped him with that zinger!
Hello Rat Robbersson,

Don't forget about his new jersey gambling casinos where he went bankrupt after skimming all the profits and stiffing the proles for their wages there.

Had HAD to skim the profits off the casino gambit to make the payments on all the previous debts he had.

He was, as they say, up to his eyeballs?
Show proof of your claim. Wait, don't bother. Nobody has that info since Mueller works in private. So your statements are patently false. You should not say things like that because we all know it is a lie. You are a believer who makes statements with no knowledge at all. You proved it again.

The only indictments regarding Russian interference said, no collusion with the Trump campaign.

Suck on it
Good morning ptif219,

How do you know that?

That makes no sense to me. I disagree. If he had nothing then why is the investigation ongoing, and why does he seek to question the President?

Mueller has already brought very serious charges against several key people form the Trump administration. Do you not believe this? Serious charges against key upper level people in the Trump administration is not 'nothing.' How do you rectify a belief that this is 'nothing?'

It has been shown that Russia manipulated our election process to help Trump get elected.
It has been shown that there were contacts between the Trump team and high level Russian operatives close to Putin.
Trump barely squeaked by in the election after most people and the polls believed Hillary would be the likely winner. It suggests the election was influenced by outside sources.

Do you deny any/all of that?

Then show what he has. After a year he shows us nothing
Hello hvilleherb,

Hello Rat Robbersson,

Had HAD to skim the profits off the casino gambit to make the payments on all the previous debts he had.

He was, as they say, up to his eyeballs?

OK, but you might be sorry you asked for this:

"He put up little of his own money, shifted personal debts to the casinos and collected millions of dollars in salary, bonuses and other payments."

The New York Times

The burden of his failures fell on investors and others who had bet on his business acumen.

In three interviews with The Times since late April, Mr. Trump acknowledged in general terms that high debt and lagging revenues had plagued his casinos. He did not recall details about some issues, but did not question The Times’s findings. He repeatedly emphasized that what really mattered about his time in Atlantic City was that he had made a lot of money there.

Mr. Trump assembled his casino empire by borrowing money at such high interest rates — after telling regulators he would not — that the businesses had almost no chance to succeed.

His casino companies made four trips to bankruptcy court, each time persuading bondholders to accept less money rather than be wiped out. But the companies repeatedly added more expensive debt and returned to the court for protection from lenders.

After narrowly escaping financial ruin in the early 1990s by delaying payments on his debts, Mr. Trump avoided a second potential crisis by taking his casinos public and shifting the risk to stockholders.

And he never was able to draw in enough gamblers to support all of the borrowing. During a decade when other casinos here thrived, Mr. Trump’s lagged, posting huge losses year after year. Stock and bondholders lost more than $1.5 billion.


Mr. Trump told the commission in 1988 that he could rein in expenses, because conventional lenders were lining up to give him money at low interest rates. He said he abhorred junk bonds, which were then popular, because they carried a bigger risk of default and thus came with higher interest rates.

Within months, he reversed course, issuing $675 million worth of junk bonds, with a 14 percent interest rate, to finish construction and get the Taj open.


Step 1 came in 1993, when his company sold more junk bonds, adding another $100 million in debt to the Trump Plaza casino. More than half of the new money went to pay off Mr. Trump’s unrelated personal loans.

Then, in June 1995, with the risk of being forced into bankruptcy just weeks away, Mr. Trump shifted ownership of the Plaza casino to a new, publicly traded company: Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts. In the initial public offering, 10 million shares were sold at $14. At the same time, the company also sold another $155 million in junk bonds, at a 15.5 percent interest rate.

A week after the initial public offering, the new company began using some of the almost $300 million it had raised to clear Mr. Trump’s personal debts.


The company also bought the Trump Taj Mahal and Trump Castle — soon renamed the Trump Marina — shifting more of Mr. Trump’s debt to shareholders.


In an August 1990 report, New Jersey regulators noted the “sheer volume of debt” on Mr. Trump’s holdings: $3.4 billion, including $1.3 billion on the casinos and $832.5 million in loans personally guaranteed by Mr. Trump. Regulators warned then that “the possibility of a complete financial collapse of the Trump Organization was not out of the question.”

The Taj Mahal missed its November debt payment. The Castle was also late. By December 1990, when Mr. Trump needed to make an $18.4 million interest payment, his father, Fred C. Trump, sent a lawyer to the Castle to buy $3.3 million in chips, to provide him with an infusion of cash. The younger Mr. Trump made the payment, but the Casino Control Commission fined the Castle $65,000 for what had amounted to an illegal loan.


Under Mr. Trump, the company had a long history of making rosy revenue projections and never meeting them, Mr. Icahn’s lawyer argued.


In retrospect, David Hanlon, a veteran casino executive who ran Merv Griffin’s Atlantic City operations at the time of the Resorts battle, said, Mr. Trump succeeded in repeatedly convincing investors, bankers and Wall Street that “his name had real value.”

“They were so in love with him that they came back a second, third and fourth time,” Mr. Hanlon said. “They let him strip out assets. It was awful to watch. It was astonishing. I have to give Trump credit for using his celebrity time and time again.”


Mr. Trump now says he looks back on the period as his golden era in the casino business. “Early on, I took a lot of money out of the casinos with the financings and the things we do,” he said in a recent interview. “Atlantic City was a very good cash cow for me for a long time.”


“He put a number of local contractors and suppliers out of business when he didn’t pay them,” said Steven P. Perskie, who was New Jersey’s top casino regulator in the early 1990s. “So when he left Atlantic City, it wasn’t, ‘Sorry to see you go.’ It was, ‘How fast can you get the hell out of here?’”
Poor deceived democrats that belie the fake news media lies

No, it is the less intelligent rubes in flyover country who know nothing about trumps shady dealings, people in NYC are have known for decades, the dumb and ignorant slackjaws in flyover country ,not so much

Donald Trump’s history of corruption: a comprehensive review

Over the past several months — and, indeed, the past few decades — reporters have unearthed many alarming stories that show this. They’ve reported on Trump’s many shady business practices. His shady charity. His shady fake university scam. His shady campaign spending. His many shady associates. And, last but by no means least, there is Trump’s refusal to release tax returns or other financial information that would shed further light on his business practices, associates, and philanthropic undertakings.
Show proof of your claim. Wait, don't bother. Nobody has that info since Mueller works in private. So your statements are patently false. You should not say things like that because we all know it is a lie. You are a believer who makes statements with no knowledge at all. You proved it again.

The proof is he is still on his witch hunt and still fishing
Hello ptif219,

Mueller is under no obligation to reveal what has been learned under his investigation at this time because a poster on an internet chat board demands it.

He has show he is a democrat with one goal get rid of Trump. That makes this a corrupt investigation. The investigation should be about Russia not Trump