Trump's son in deep dodo

Disgusting. More organized crime connected to our President.

"Duh duh protect protect, deny, lie, disregard, fuck the USA" - ALL republicans.
Disgusting. More organized crime connected to our President.

"Duh duh protect protect, deny, lie, disregard, fuck the USA" - ALL republicans.

Anyone with half a brain who has lived in NY during the last 30 plus years knows of trump and organized crime connections in the construction industries
You're a serial liar. There is no connection to Trump. Zero.

Of course that is what you would say with such vehemence. A closed mind makes for a shitty poster. You do not know what it is about, but you know anyone named Trump is completely innocent.
What a puerile retort. Come on boy, you can do better that that lame smack. Then again, probably not.

Poor yurt.
Poor butthurt yurt

Still no answer to a political question on Just Plain Politics.


I don't why you have such a hard on for me and no idea your obsession with calling me Yurt, but it is clear you're a troll and can't discuss political issues, nor back up your claims.

Still no answer to a political question on Just Plain Politics.


I don't why you have such a hard on for me and no idea your obsession with calling me Yurt, but it is clear you're a troll and can't discuss political issues, nor back up your claims.


tell me about it fish lips.

Poor yurt.
Would be devastating to Republicans to have Mueller make his charges in September.

Everybody riding on Trump's coattails would then be scrambling to distance themselves from Trumpism.
Says guano


There you go again. Laughing at your own posts. I can see why, though. Nobody else laughs at them. You are too simple minded to be funny. Give up!

Poor yurt
Not funny yurt
Laughs at himself
brain dysfunction
Poor lame brain yurt.