Tucker Carlson confirms Vladimir Putin interview

Great piece by Tucker. Leftists will never get the idea or the reason why people like Tucker and Trump can and will talk to our foreign enemy leaders.
Notice that when Trump was postus he talked with Putin and put it on the line as to make Putin aware that he won't put up with his aggression toward
Ukraine, and that's why he (Putin) sat on his arse and did nothing until the weak biden came into office and allowed Putin to open up the military
flood gates against Ukraine.
Great piece by Tucker. Leftists will never get the idea or the reason why people like Tucker and Trump can and will talk to our foreign enemy leaders.
Notice that when Trump was postus he talked with Putin and put it on the line as to make Putin aware that he won't put up with his aggression toward
Ukraine, and that's why he (Putin) sat on his arse and did nothing until the weak biden came into office and allowed Putin to open up the military
flood gates against Ukraine.

Great piece by Tucker. Leftists will never get the idea or the reason why people like Tucker and Trump can and will talk to our foreign enemy leaders.
Notice that when Trump was postus he talked with Putin and put it on the line as to make Putin aware that he won't put up with his aggression toward
Ukraine, and that's why he (Putin) sat on his arse and did nothing until the weak biden came into office and allowed Putin to open up the military
flood gates against Ukraine.

leftists (oligarchists) want all those discussion in secret because they want to coordinate their public dramas each uses to enslave their population.
Leftie heads

This is big.......not sure how it came to be because just two months ago Putin said that he had no desire to speak to Americans, that Russia will speak through its actions till there is some indication that Americans are finally willing to listen.
I did hear Tucker say that he was surprised with how fast his reach went global when he moved to X...maybe that is it.

The corporate media is freaking out about Tucker Carlson interviewing Vladimir Putin.

Yet, history shows that the media has interviewed controversial figures in the past, like CNN with Osama Bin Laden in 1997, CBS with Saddam Hussein in 2003, 60 Minutes with Putin in 2005, and NBC with Putin as recently as 2021.

The NSA reportedly even spied on Tucker to prevent a pre-war interview with Putin.

Why are they so afraid of Tucker talking to Putin?

The corporate media does not want the American people to hear both sides.

They are mouthpieces for the U.S. military-industrial complex and the Washington DC political establishment.

Their fear is rooted in Tucker's criticism of the military-industrial complex and government.

He's rightly upset about the last two decades of Middle East wars that displaced 35 million, killed over 4 million, and cost taxpayers $8 trillion.

Like Tucker, many Americans are tired of endless wars and propaganda.

Since Trump won the presidency and the RussiaGate hoax happened, many people woke up to the fact that the legacy media operates without morals, ethics, or integrity—just pure propaganda.

Now, as the Biden administration escalates global wars, what the corporate media fears most is real journalism.