Tucker Carlson confirms Vladimir Putin interview

Putin believes that much of the west is being led by a Satanic cabal. Putin is not wrong. If you do not know this already you are either totally blind, asleep, or willfully ignorant. It has been more than obvious now for quite some time.

Putin is a Stalinist - hence an Atheist. He isn't going to believe in Satan.

Putin and Biden are two peas in a pod - a couple of would be tyrants. Putin is a lot smarter than Obama - the one pulling Biden's strings and has gotten further - but he's just as much a pile of shit as Obama.
Putin is a Stalinist - hence an Atheist. He isn't going to believe in Satan.

Putin and Biden are two peas in a pod - a couple of would be tyrants. Putin is a lot smarter than Obama - the one pulling Biden's strings and has gotten further - but he's just as much a pile of shit as Obama.

What role has Joseph Stalin, who ruled the country of “victorious socialism” for nearly 30 years, played in it? Was he an ordinary tyrant, or did he have the unknown forces behind him? Unfortunately, we only have some random facts at our disposal.

It is known, for example, that Stalin attended Tiflis Theological Seminary, along with the future famous magician, philosopher and occultist Georgi Gurdjieff, and at one time was friends with him. There is also a theory that Joseph Dzhugashvili was a part of some kind of an occult “eastern brotherhood” that consisted of Gurdjieff and his followers.

The sources talking about Gurdjieff mention a mysterious figure, prince Nizharadze. This was a pseudonym of the man whose essence was replaced on an energetic level, which turned him into a zombie. Gurdjieff describes an expedition to the Persian Gulf, whose members included him and Prince Nizharadze.

He mentions that the “prince” on the way fell ill with fever, which made the travelers stay for a month in Baghdad. It is known that in 1899-1900 Dzhugashvili worked in Tiflis geophysical laboratory, so in theory he could have taken part in this expedition. The leader’s face was covered with pockmarks – could it be a side effect of the “Persian” fever?

The party leader’s nickname – Koba – also raises some questions. Translated from Old Slavic Church, it means “sorcerer” or “prophet.” This was the name of the Persian king Kobadesa, who at the end of the 5th century conquered Eastern Georgia.

Byzantine historian Theophanes says Kobades was a great magician and head of the sect with the ideals close to those of the communism, for example, division of property into equal parts to eliminate rich and poor.

In the Stalin’s era the state security services created an entire department dedicated to the search for the signs of extraterrestrial civilizations and ancient cultures. The Bolsheviks needed knowledge and technology that could make their power invincible.

They also say that in 1941 Stalin secretly visited the famous Moscow blessed Matrona (Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova). According to one theory, Matrona said to Stalin: “The Red Rooster will win. Victory will be yours. You are the only boss who will not leave Moscow.”

According to another theory, she slammed the leader with her fist on the forehead with the words: “Moscow does not give up, think, think, and as soon as Alexander Nevsky comes, he will lead everyone behind.”

The government at the time used a famous hypnotist Wolf Messing. They say that once Stalin summoned him and ordered him to get 100,000 in a bank using a clean piece of paper.

He had to convince the cashier that he sees a check for 100 thousand, but when the experiment was completed, and the cashier saw a blank sheet instead of a check, he suffered a heart attack. Messing’s other task was to go to Beria’s office without a pass, bypassing security guards. He performed it without difficulty.

There is also evidence that the “leader of the people” possessed magical knowledge and extraordinary abilities. Parapsychologists say that the majority of portraits depict Stalin with a pipe because the tobacco smoke was Stalin’s magical defense that did not let the “others” into his aura.

Daniel Andreev in his “Rose of the World” claimed that Stalin was able to enter into a special state of trance – hohha – that allowed him to see the deepest layers of the astral world.

The leader used to go to bed just before dawn, because he could only get into his astral body at certain times, when the night was running out. In these moments even the appearance of Stalin would change – his wrinkles would disappear, his skin would smooth out, and his cheeks would blush.

Hitler And The Secret Satanic Cult
Hitler atlantis
Hitler's Quest for the Holy Grail and the Atlantis
Stalin needed Hohha to get energy, as well as to predict future events. This way, Stalin found out what kinds of trouble or danger might threaten him, and tried to prevent them.

According to Andreev, during a trance, Stalin also communicated with spirits and demons. Mass executions were no more than sacrifices to these astral beings. This is why Joseph Stalin managed to stay in power longer than any other Soviet ruler.

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A few observations.

1. Putin is extremely smart - the polar opposite of Bought and Paid for.
2. Putin is full of shit. Did he really have the nerve to say that Hungary and Lithuania tried to destroy the identity of Ukraine? No, that was fucking Stalin.
3. Not surprisingly Putin has a very different view than we of the west do. Claims of NATO in Ukraine are false - NATO was not involved - much of the reason Hillary Clinton designated Ukraine the center for the embezzlement and laundering of USAID
4. It's nice that Putin brought up the American sponsored coup, and the fact that this violated the treaty we and Europe signed. Our shit media sweeps this inconvenient fact under the rug.
"I dont think Tucker Carlson understood Russia when he sat down for this interview, I dont know that he does now" Scott says....

Ya, that is my problem.....had he allowed any of about 10 guys on my grapevine to spend a day prepping him this would have been better.

Ritter is a convicted sex offender and a Putin sycophant

Ritter definitely spent three years in prison for sex crimes

Claim: "I went to prison for three years because of what I believe in."

Who said it: Scott Ritter, the disgraced U.N. weapons inspector, anti-war zealot, and Russian propagandist who was convicted of multiple sex crimes in 2011 after exposing himself on a web camera while chatting with an undercover police officer who repeatedly identified himself as a 15-year-old girl.

Context: The former inmate made these comments while promoting his new book in Russia, where he is warmly received thanks to his enthusiastic support for the invasion of Ukraine. Ritter was briefly suspended from Twitter last year for calling President Joe Biden a "war criminal" and accusing Ukrainian authorities of committing mass murder against their own citizens.

In 2001, Ritter was charged with attempted endangerment of the welfare of child for trying to arrange a meeting with an undercover police officer posing as a 16-year-old girl.

Analysis: Ritter definitely spent three years in prison for sex crimes and testified in court that he believed his actions were noble.

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It is not about the content of the interview with Putin. It is the fact that a person like Tucker Carlson is visiting a country like Russia to meet a political figure like Putin at such a critical time. Tucker Carlson’s trip to Moscow might be the last chance to stop the disappearance of humanity. The gigantic billion-strong attention to this pivotal interview from humanity itself, as well as the frenzied, inhuman rage of Biden, the globalists, and the world’s citizens intoxicated with decay, testify to humanity’s awareness of the seriousness of the situation.

The world can only be saved by stopping now. For that, America must choose Trump. And Tucker Carlson. And Elon Musk. And Abbott. Then we get a chance to pause on the brink of the abyss. Compared to this, everything else is secondary. Liberalism and its agenda have led humanity to a dead end. Now the choice is this: either liberals or humanity. Tucker Carlson chooses humanity, which is why he came to Moscow to meet Putin. The whole world understood why he came and how important it is.

by Alexander Dugin

From a much longer X text:

He insulted Tucker in the interview and used the fool

Tucker will never say a word against Putin

Putin owns his stupid ass

My issue was 2....Tucker does not understand Russia and appears to have made no effort to learn....and Putin said almost nothing I have not heard before....one exception was the top three nations proving mercenaries to the NATO war on Russians.....USA is #2.

MacGregor is pretty hot about it, he says that any American who puts on a Ukrainian uniform should be stripped of their citizenship.

My issue was 2....Tucker does not understand Russia and appears to have made no effort to learn....and Putin said almost nothing I have not heard before....one exception was the top three nations proving mercenaries to the NATO war on Russians.....USA is #2.

MacGregor is pretty hot about it, he says that any American who puts on a Ukrainian uniform should be stripped of their citizenship.

This is nonsense.

Putin invaded a peaceful country for nostalgia's sake. The amount of suffering he has caused from that decision is incomprehensible to the human mind. Lives upended, that will never be the same.

Putin is on par w/ the most ruthless tyrants in history. What a ridiculous take this guy has