Tucker Carlson confirms Vladimir Putin interview

Tucker is a proven lying scumbag who readily admits in private one thing, how much he cannot stand Trump, while fellating and bowing to him in public , for ratings.

He admits he is lying to his audience, who he thinks is stupid, for ratings and money and honesty is simply not a requirement.

Nothing i say above is not public and known. He is a cartoon character grifter who found a willing derp audience.

translation ~ "waaah waaaah. waaaah"
I will watch it of course but my grapevine routinely reports what the Russians are saying, and Putin is quite the talker, he often goes on for hours, I am not sure that there will be anything new.
This deep history lesson on how we got here Putin as done before, to include fairly recently. I dont have much faith in Americans anymore....I spect ears glaze over.
Putin at multiple points dressing Tucker down for his ignorance and interruptions is classic Putin.
There has been a lot of chatter on my grapevine recently that until the last few years Putin was always pro West....and that the Russians have spent hundreds of years trying to join the West only to be continually given the finger.

That is certainly all over.
Putin, like him or not, he has his shit together. Comparing Putin to the rutabaga currently in the he White House is astonishing.
Putin says the CIA blew up Nord Stream....as I said from the jump.....the claims that it was DOD always made no sense.
I know he has said many times over the years "I am far from brilliant, I am a talk show host" but Come On MAN!
Putins "Are we doing a talk show or an interview? (or whatever)" is noteworthy. That might have been a clue to Tucker..."Look, I have studied you....did U bother to study me?".

Tucker has deployed the "Look, I am just a talk show host" many many times over the years.

That is exactly Putins speed.
I am getting increasingly concerned that Tucker wont mention China even once....that would be flat out negligence.