turning off avatars....

I am not complaining, I am just pointing out how PC you are...!

Why did you need to "tell everyone" you were turning avatars off, you should simply do it.... I am happy for you to hide from things you find offensive.

because I wanted to bring attention to the fact you had used a photo of Hillary's ass for an avatar......
PIMP is afraid it might offend his boss. PIMP is a lawyer who does not have the ability to run his own firm. PIMP has to work for other people who get offended if he has an ass on his screen.

actually I have had my own firm since 1980......however when a client enters my office they can see my monitor.....I would rather not have to explain your choice in avatars to my clients.......thank you for demonstrating that once again you post things about which you have no knowledge.......
I love the fact that the board's Hilarytards are so desperate that they need to attack me for putting their avatars on ignore.......must suck to have a candidate that bad........
Is your profane language any better, Pimp?

actually yes......unless you are using exceptionally large font you would have to sit in my chair to read what is posted here........but then, if you weren't so incredibly stupid you wouldn't have needed me to point that out.......
I love the fact that the board's Hilarytards are so desperate that they need to attack me for putting their avatars on ignore.......must suck to have a candidate that bad........

I am not attacking you for protecting your sensitive constitution about seeing an ass, I am attacking you for having to make a public statement about it...!

I am not attacking you for protecting your sensitive constitution about seeing an ass, I am attacking you for having to make a public statement about it...!

??.....what is wrong with making a public statement about it.......are you embarrassed to be considered a fucking idiot by other posters?......
No, I was just pointing out the whining and how concerned with PC you are!

is there some reason you need to keep posting about it and attaching the picture of Hillary's ass that I have blocled?.......some reason besides the fact you're a whining cunt?.....