Twitter is now interfering in the 2020 Presidential Election

Mail Man Charged With Attempted Election Fraud, Changed Mail-In Ballots That Were Given Out Due To Pandemic, Feds Say

Federal law enforcement officials announced on Tuesday that they charged Thomas Cooper, a mail carrier in West Virginia, for alleged attempted election fraud.

“Cooper, age 47, of Dry Fork, West Virginia, is charged with ‘Attempt to Defraud the Residents of West Virginia of a Fair Election.’ According to the affidavit filed with the complaint, Cooper held a U.S. Postal Service contract to deliver mail in Pendleton County,” The Department of Justice said in a statement. “In April 2020, the Clerk of Pendleton County received ‘2020 Primary Election COVID-19 Mail-In Absentee Request’ forms from eight voters on which the voter’s party-ballot request appeared to have been altered.”

Some of the ballots were reportedly changed from Democrat to Republican while other ballots were altered in other ways.

The investigation was conducted by the West Virginia Secretary of State’s office, the West Virginia Election Fraud Task Force, the FBI, and prosecutors from multiple U.S. Attorney’s offices in West Virginia.

The news comes as Twitter started attaching warning labels to President Donald Trump’s tweets on Tuesday that led to a series of articles from left-wing media organizations that claimed that Trump’s warnings about fraud coming from mail-in voting were “unsubstantiated.”

At first, this just seems like another funny/sad Trump rant that we all rolls our eyes over, then move on with our lives.

But the fact that he's saying as president, he won't allow this, that's pretty scary. And yes, he's not serious, he's only saying this as red meat for his base. But like so many other things Trump has said or done, he's helping to normalize this. His base now expects the president to be able to control what private companies say, and Trump might not do that, but what if the next president does? Will there be a backlash from both parties, or will the Republicans do nothing like when Trump tried to cheat in the next election?
Mail Man Charged With Attempted Election Fraud, Changed Mail-In Ballots That Were Given Out Due To Pandemic, Feds Say

Federal law enforcement officials announced on Tuesday that they charged Thomas Cooper, a mail carrier in West Virginia, for alleged attempted election fraud.

“Cooper, age 47, of Dry Fork, West Virginia, is charged with ‘Attempt to Defraud the Residents of West Virginia of a Fair Election.’ According to the affidavit filed with the complaint, Cooper held a U.S. Postal Service contract to deliver mail in Pendleton County,” The Department of Justice said in a statement. “In April 2020, the Clerk of Pendleton County received ‘2020 Primary Election COVID-19 Mail-In Absentee Request’ forms from eight voters on which the voter’s party-ballot request appeared to have been altered.”

Some of the ballots were reportedly changed from Democrat to Republican while other ballots were altered in other ways.

The investigation was conducted by the West Virginia Secretary of State’s office, the West Virginia Election Fraud Task Force, the FBI, and prosecutors from multiple U.S. Attorney’s offices in West Virginia.

The news comes as Twitter started attaching warning labels to President Donald Trump’s tweets on Tuesday that led to a series of articles from left-wing media organizations that claimed that Trump’s warnings about fraud coming from mail-in voting were “unsubstantiated.”
There has been instances of fraud at the polls as well, nothing is perfect.
Oh, no! Someone is actually taking a stand for THE TRUTH?

How dare they? Don't they realize that this is the Trump era? The post-truth era?

No facts allowed.
Is that code word for apply the same rules to the mango messiah that they do everyone else on their platform??

he is the biggest troll in the world, for gawd's sakes....:palm:
At first, this just seems like another funny/sad Trump rant that we all rolls our eyes over, then move on with our lives.

But the fact that he's saying as president, he won't allow this, that's pretty scary. And yes, he's not serious, he's only saying this as red meat for his base. But like so many other things Trump has said or done, he's helping to normalize this. His base now expects the president to be able to control what private companies say, and Trump might not do that, but what if the next president does? Will there be a backlash from both parties, or will the Republicans do nothing like when Trump tried to cheat in the next election?

Social media is the new public square, courts have already ruled that public officials can not ban people from their accounts so that logic should equally apply to twitter itself preventing people from addressing their public officials. Furthermore; Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc all get special legal exemptions claiming to be platforms while acting like publishers, not only should they have their platform status revoked opening them up to liability for defamation but they need to be slapped with anti-trust suits for their unfair practices such as coordinating with other big tech at apple and alphabet to block entry to competitors in their app stores.
Is that code word for apply the same rules to the mango messiah that they do everyone else on their platform??

he is the biggest troll in the world, for gawd's sakes....:palm:

The same rules dont apply to the left on their platforms the only reason Trump gets a pass is that they know half their users would leave if he's banned.
Social media is the new public square, courts have already ruled that public officials can not ban people from their accounts so that logic should equally apply to twitter itself preventing people from addressing their public officials. Furthermore; Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc all get special legal exemptions claiming to be platforms while acting like publishers, not only should they have their platform status revoked opening them up to liability for defamation but they need to be slapped with anti-trust suits for their unfair practices such as coordinating with other big tech at apple and alphabet to block entry to competitors in their app stores.


Anything to defend Fascism, I guess.
At first, this just seems like another funny/sad Trump rant that we all rolls our eyes over, then move on with our lives.

But the fact that he's saying as president, he won't allow this, that's pretty scary. And yes, he's not serious, he's only saying this as red meat for his base. But like so many other things Trump has said or done, he's helping to normalize this. His base now expects the president to be able to control what private companies say, and Trump might not do that, but what if the next president does? Will there be a backlash from both parties, or will the Republicans do nothing like when Trump tried to cheat in the next election?

Much of the hysteria and bullshit over this was generated by Twatters, Facebuggers and social media in general. People like you to be honest, ironically you are the ones that will most likely be lining up at the unemployment offices. Dontvsaybyoubwerent warned!
I'm not the one defending censorship in the new public square and shoving thought crimes down the memory hole you laughable fuck.

Who's getting censored? Twitter didn't censor Trump's lie, they just pointed out that it was a lie.
You're lying about censorship because you want Trump to have the power to make private companies do what he wants.