Twitter is now interfering in the 2020 Presidential Election

You have no free speech rights on a private platform. Don't like it? Tough luck.
exactly so. and that is why these media needs to be regulated.They are biased, and now they are acting as censors.
Which is fine with you but goes against everything American..

Newspapers have dedicated writers and are protected, but social media is the platform for the masses -
why I call it the new public square -they are inhibiting free speech. it has to stop
exactly so. and that is why these media needs to be regulated.They are biased, and now they are acting as censors.
Which is fine with you but goes against everything American..

Newspapers have dedicated writers and are protected, but social media is the platform for the masses -
why I call it the new public square -they are inhibiting free speech. it has to stop

It's. A. Private. Enterprise.
exactly so. and that is why these media needs to be regulated.They are biased, and now they are acting as censors.
Which is fine with you but goes against everything American..

Newspapers have dedicated writers and are protected, but social media is the platform for the masses -
why I call it the new public square -they are inhibiting free speech. it has to stop

Please, continue to clutch your pearls, and maybe write your Congressman. You know, it's SO unfair that Trump can't just defame people on Twitter without being censored. It's an outrage I tell you. My God, you are a whiny baby.
The First Amendment only protects you from censorship by the government and there are only a few exceptions.
JPP can ban you too for violating their arbitrary posting rules.
JPP bans for 12b.
Ideally they should not but I think it's because of financial culpability getting sued)

You can't sue Twitter or FB -plus the matter of scale makes them a public square while here we are just some dudes in the back alley who like to bicker
You just knew Trump's loyal followers were going to be up in arms about someone FINALLY calling him out for posting endless conspiracy theories & falsehoods. Gotta protect that right to lie.
The First Amendment only protects you from censorship by the government and there are only a few exceptions.
it also protects the press- but social media is much larger in scale then just a newspaper.
Again it's how Americans ( and people worldwide) use our free speech rights.
It should be unfettered just like the old "public square" -if you don't like what was said the recourse is to make a reply, not have some corp. dweeb interfere
JPP bans for 12b.
Ideally they should not but I think it's because of financial culpability getting sued)

You can't sue Twitter or FB -plus the matter of scale makes them a public square while here we are just some dudes in the back alley who like to bicker

They are not the public square. They are privately-own platforms. If you want to make the argument that the internet is a public utility, then perhaps you could make the argument that these types of platforms shouldn't be censored, but I seriously doubt that you believe the internet is a public utility (and thus, a public right) because that would mean the dissolution of all ISP's.
Earl, if Biden starts to fib like Trump then he would deserves it.


Fingers Biden woiuld never be banned no matter what he posts, Rumper. You know that as well as I do.

Twitter needs to register as a political action do CNN and MSNBC snd most of the media.
it also protects the press- but social media is much larger in scale then just a newspaper.
Again it's how Americans ( and people worldwide) use our free speech rights.
It should be unfettered just like the old "public square" -if you don't like what was said the recourse is to make a reply, not have some corp. dweeb interfere

Also, Trump isn't being censored at all...Twitter is adding to his tweets a link you can choose to click on or not.
it also protects the press- but social media is much larger in scale then just a newspaper.
Again it's how Americans ( and people worldwide) use our free speech rights.
It should be unfettered just like the old "public square" -if you don't like what was said the recourse is to make a reply, not have some corp. dweeb interfere

The old "public square" was public. Twitter is private, and can control their content.

To suggest that a "reply" from a regular citizen to a President that has millions of followers & the bully pulpit is somehow equal - especially when trying to counter a blatant, damaging falsehood - is ludicrous.