Twitter is now interfering in the 2020 Presidential Election

perhaps. but again what is the remedy?
not censorship or or biased fact checking (citing CNN and WAPo for ex.)

the remedy is the same as the problem - allowing unfettered debate to counter falsehood.

That's where it is NOT a public square, when individuals could face off against each other & have equal debate.

If Trump posts an unfounded conspiracy theory on his twitter, an individual who counters that as one of the hundreds of "reply" comments is nowhere near equal footing in terms of visibility and impact.
That's where it is NOT a public square, when individuals could face off against each other & have equal debate.

If Trump posts an unfounded conspiracy theory on his twitter, an individual who counters that as one of the hundreds of "reply" comments is nowhere near equal footing in terms of visibility and impact.
everyone has access/ well written posts go viral.

You are getting into the same argument that gave us Citizens United -it is impossible to fairly regulate political speech
Campaign financing clearly give those with more money more "speech" but the remedy is odious and unevenly done
so SCOTUS has said until their is a fair remedy across the board it's better to allow all speech
even with those who can buy more media.

And the thing here is ANYONE can get followers -without money
everyone has access/ well written posts go viral.

You are getting into the same argument that gave us Citizens United -it is impossible to fairly regulate political speech
Campaign financing clearly give those with more money more "speech" but the remedy is odious and unevenly done
so SCOTUS has said until their is a fair remedy across the board it's better to allow all speech
even with those who can buy more media.

And the thing here is ANYONE can get followers -without money

If the public square analogy doesn't work, it doesn't work. No qualifiers allowed.

Bottom line, and back to the start: it's a private enterprise. It doesn't belong to the public. They're well within their rights to label falsehoods as falsehoods.
But it's UNIQUE in that it also serves as the public square -no other entity on the net has such reach.

They all have the same reach. You are conflating reach with traffic. Twitter is more successful than other platforms when it comes to traffic, but they all have the exact same reach because they're all on the same internet.

If they are getting into the business of fact checking ( which can also be biased) then they are opening themselves up for regulations to ensure that public access

No they're not. They are privately-owned platforms and they can do whatever they want.

Trump isn't being censored. He can still tweet his lies. And wouldn't it be Twitter's right to free speech to add their factcheck to his tweets?
everyone has access/ well written posts go viral.

You are getting into the same argument that gave us Citizens United -it is impossible to fairly regulate political speech
Campaign financing clearly give those with more money more "speech" but the remedy is odious and unevenly done
so SCOTUS has said until their is a fair remedy across the board it's better to allow all speech
even with those who can buy more media.

And the thing here is ANYONE can get followers -without money

So, to sum up, you are on board with what you call the 'public square' of Twitter being used by a political candidate to lie and defame without any repercussions? Should we abandon libel and slander laws as well? You good with that? If I decide I want to call Melanie a transvestite prostitute and heroin addict and Trump is a pimp you think that's free speech even on a private platform. You would be okay with the DNC tweeting that out on Twitter. Me? Not so much. BECAUSE we've allowed that, we have given Trump's alternative facts the same marketplace as actual facts. I think a private entity has every right to say no to that.
If the public square analogy doesn't work, it doesn't work. No qualifiers allowed.

Bottom line, and back to the start: it's a private enterprise. It doesn't belong to the public. They're well within their rights to label falsehoods as falsehoods.
^willingly throwing away the right to make unfettered political speech. Your bottom line is worthless.
you are saying a private platform can censor (and making an attachment to a post/Tweet is imposing censorship as well) solely because it's private?

You completely ignore the FUNCTION of social media -it's not to be run to a corps desires
it's to function as a public square for all political speech.

Social media is acting as a political cop and it needs to be regulated otherwise
So, to sum up, you are on board with what you call the 'public square' of Twitter being used by a political candidate to lie and defame without any repercussions? Should we abandon libel and slander laws as well?
false construct
You good with that? If I decide I want to call Melanie a transvestite prostitute and heroin addict and Trump is a pimp you think that's free speech even on a private platform. You would be okay with the DNC tweeting that out on Twitter. Me? Not so much. BECAUSE we've allowed that, we have given Trump's alternative facts the same marketplace as actual facts. I think a private entity has every right to say no to that.
DNC should be able to say what it wants - but there are laws against liable and slander n particular
false construct DNC should be able to say what it wants - but there are laws against liable and slander n particular

So, claiming without evidence that a former US Congressman committed murder is actionable? Would you agree?
the laws against public officials/the press are almost impossible to enforce.
Much better to debunk them

I didn't ask that. I asked if you believe that accusing a former US Congressman of murder with no evidence is actionable. It's a yes or no question. The point is that there is no stopping the flow of verbal diarrhea coming from Trump, and fact checking is impossible because of the volume. And what Twitter is doing is DEBUNKING THEM.
I didn't ask that. I asked if you believe that accusing a former US Congressman of murder with no evidence is actionable. It's a yes or no question. The point is that there is no stopping the flow of verbal diarrhea coming from Trump, and fact checking is impossible because of the volume. And what Twitter is doing is DEBUNKING THEM.
I gave you the answer you didn't want to hear re: "actionable".

It's not up to Twitter to debunk as i've laid out post after post -Twitter needs to allow un-fettered free speech
That's the American way. argue it out, do not impose censorship under the guise of fact checking
I gave you the answer you didn't want to hear re: "actionable".

It's not up to Twitter to debunk as i've laid out post after post -Twitter needs to allow un-fettered free speech
That's the American way. argue it out, do not impose censorship under the guise of fact checking

Well, Twitter decided that it was up to Twitter to debunk. Tough. Isn't it fun to defend a guy who accused a former Congressman of murder with no evidence? You must be so proud of your Dear Leader.
Well, Twitter decided that it was up to Twitter to debunk. Tough. Isn't it fun to defend a guy who accused a former Congressman of murder with no evidence? You must be so proud of your Dear Leader.
talking in circles -truly you are a closed mind and a waste of time.
you completely ignore American traditions and the First for simplistic "Twitter is private"
talking in circles -truly you are a closed mind and a waste of time.
you completely ignore American traditions and the First for simplistic "Twitter is private"

And you are running away from Trumps defamation like your hair is on fire. Enough said.
Social media is the new public square, courts have already ruled that public officials can not ban people from their accounts so that logic should equally apply to twitter itself preventing people from addressing their public officials. Furthermore; Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc all get special legal exemptions claiming to be platforms while acting like publishers, not only should they have their platform status revoked opening them up to liability for defamation but they need to be slapped with anti-trust suits for their unfair practices such as coordinating with other big tech at apple and alphabet to block entry to competitors in their app stores.

Government can't ban people from the public square.
Public officials are the government.
Government officials can't ban people from their accounts because that would be the government banning people from speaking out.

Private companies are not the government. They are free to ban whoever they want. They are especially free to ban people that open them up to lawsuits. Government can't force them to allow posts that would get them sued.
And you are running away from Trumps defamation like your hair is on fire. Enough said.
I already answered. not running from anything. I gave the remedy as well. "fact checking" is not free from bias either (especially political fact checking with multiple p.o.v's)