Twitter is now interfering in the 2020 Presidential Election

Private ownership.

It's amazing how you can't seem to grasp that concept.
no i get it. I agreeded with you earlier.
But private ownership of the public square is an anathema to free speech rights.

Social media needs regulations since they have now decided to act as censors
no i get it. I agreeded with you earlier.
But private ownership of the public square is an anathema to free speech rights.

Social media needs regulations since they have now decided to act as censors

So you believe the internet is a public utility, then?

So you'd be all about nationalizing ISP's?

Strange times.
Where has that been infringed upon?
the right to make an unfettered political remark
you do get the idea that political speech is the "most protected" type of speech?

Instead we have a corporation acting to censor by attaching "Falsehoods" corrections-
the remedy is to argue/debate nt have a corporation attach their view as "correction" that may suit their agenda
the right to make an unfettered political remark

Which he can still do, but Twitter is adding a link to those tweets for people to choose to click on or not.

you do get the idea that political speech is the "most protected" type of speech?

From where are you getting that weird standard you just made up on the spot?

Instead we have a corporation acting to censor by attaching "Falsehoods" corrections-the remedy is to argue/debate nt have a corporation attach their view as "correction" that may suit their agenda

So...he wasn't stopped from tweeting lies, then. Does Twitter adding a factcheck to his tweet remove his tweet? No. His tweet is still there. You can choose to click on the factcheck or not.
the right to make an unfettered political remark
you do get the idea that political speech is the "most protected" type of speech?

Instead we have a corporation acting to censor by attaching "Falsehoods" corrections-
the remedy is to argue/debate nt have a corporation attach their view as "correction" that may suit their agenda

Lies and conspiracy theories are not "most protected." Many have argued that Trump is already being given preferential treatment by Twitter for not being banned for his unreal (and completely unfounded) attack on Scarborough.

You don't really understand free speech, or censorship. Ya can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater & all that.
red herring. It;s not a"public utility" it acts as a public platform

So does any private board w/ a comments section. You're confused w/ the "public square" analogy. Owners don't forfeit their ownership when multiple users start airing their views on the things they own.
red herring. It;s not a"public utility" it acts as a public platform

You're saying the same thing I am.

Twitter isn't a public platform, it's a privately-owned corporation.

You are conflating the internet itself with platforms that exist on the internet.

So if your argument is that the public "owns" the internet, then you can't simultaneously argue against the nationalization of ISP's.

I mean you could, but your argument would be cognitive dissonance, which seems to be the basis of most of your beliefs.
Lies and conspiracy theories are not "most protected." Many have argued that Trump is already being given preferential treatment by Twitter for not being banned for his unreal (and completely unfounded) attack on Scarborough.

You don't really understand free speech, or censorship. Ya can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater & all that.

yelling fire in a theater is a threat to public safety. as is inciting a riot. those aer crimes
they remedy for "lies" is to say the truth
I can't understand how you miss something So basic to American democracy

Fingers Biden woiuld never be banned no matter what he posts, Rumper. You know that as well as I do.

Twitter needs to register as a political action do CNN and MSNBC snd most of the media.

Earl, what is this??????????????
yelling fire in a theater is a threat to public safety. as is inciting a riot. those aer crimes
they remedy for "lies" is to say the truth
I can't understand how you miss something So basic to American democracy

You don't think Trump's lies & conspiracy theories have negative ramifications for others?
the right to make an unfettered political remark
you do get the idea that political speech is the "most protected" type of speech?

You lost that when you allowed AIPAC to trash the First and make it illegal to boycott Izrael.

YOU said fuck all about that.
You're saying the same thing I am.

Twitter isn't a public platform, it's a privately-owned corporation.

You are conflating the internet itself with platforms that exist on the internet.

So if your argument is that the public "owns" the internet, then you can't simultaneously argue against the nationalization of ISP's.

I mean you could, but your argument would be cognitive dissonance, which seems to be the basis of most of your beliefs.
I agree -i've said this like 3 times now -that social media is a private corp.
But it's UNIQUE in that it also serves as the public square -no other entity on the net has such reach.

If they are getting into the business of fact checking ( which can also be biased) then they are opening themselves up for regulations to ensure that public access
You don't think Trump's lies & conspiracy theories have negative ramifications for others?
perhaps. but again what is the remedy?
not censorship or or biased fact checking (citing CNN and WAPo for ex.)

the remedy is the same as the problem - allowing unfettered debate to counter falsehood.