Two basic types of Conservatives

Wow, didn't know that the police, judges, and juries were all conservatives! Brilliant.

Do I think that the poor and minorities are jailed disproportionately? Yes. A huge part is money, thus lawyers. Another part is the cultures of the accused and the system, they are different. Those with money are more likely to follow the same behaviors, language patterns of those in the system. The argument that, 'this could be your son, your daughter, have mercy...' works.

Something needs to be done about it on that we agree, to blame a political philosophy though is nonsense.
Something needs to be done about having different subcultures in a society? Or the culture of the SYSTEM must be modified to make it a conduit of change? Blackification, if you will?
Wow, didn't know that the police, judges, and juries were all conservatives! Brilliant.

Do I think that the poor and minorities are jailed disproportionately? Yes. A huge part is money, thus lawyers. Another part is the cultures of the accused and the system, they are different. Those with money are more likely to follow the same behaviors, language patterns of those in the system. The argument that, 'this could be your son, your daughter, have mercy...' works.

Something needs to be done about it on that we agree, to blame a political philosophy though is nonsense.

I'm sorry, there is some truth to what you're saying but I can tell from personal experience that you need to go out to the hood and spend some time on the street, get to know the people and their culture somewhat, then come back and tell me what you've just stated with out trying to laugh.

How comes when I went in for my second DUI charge I was able to plea bargain down to a reckless op and go to counceling. The black dude next to me on his first DUI charge got 60 days. He wasn't some ghetto puke either. He was a college graduate working a good job. He got 60 days, I got a fine.

Tell me why those arrested for crack cocaine, which is more popular in African American communities get longer sentences then white defendants busted with coke powder? I've been down on the street talking to black friends only to have a cop pull up and grab one of them for not liking their looks or for standing while black.

So if you don't think racism isn't endemic to our jurisprudence system then I'd have to have an image of you being a niave and sheltered house wife who either lives in a small town or doesn't make it out of the burbs to often and who's idea of social integration is playing cribbage with the Nazarene lady down the street.

Have you ever had the experience of going up in front of a jury where every single member of that jury is of a different race and you know that you're fucked even if your innocent? That's almost a universal experience in black communities. Almost every Black friend I have has a story of some member of family being charged with a crime they did not commit and having to go up in front of an all white jury and new right then and there that they were screwed and went to jail for something they did not do. Don't believe me? Just go ask a black friend, if you have any, if they know of that happening to a family member? It's almost a universal experience in our African American communities.
Thanks for the 'somewhat.' Much of the time do you, as does Motley, Solitary, (though I really hate 3rd person arguments. ;) ) Don't you think it would be better to ignore those that are 'always correct', rather than groups everyone into bible thumpers or anarchists?

sure but that would take the fun out, childish insults flung at the far left or the far right like monkey poo is half the reason for being here.
sure but that would take the fun out, childish insults flung at the far left or the far right like monkey poo is half the reason for being here.

seems to be the consensus. I guess I'm an anomaly on several fronts. :cof1: