Two ways to fix our "Democracy"


Winged Wheel
1) The simplest solution is to offer those who show up to the poll, with a valid ID, a choice between a ballot and a $100 bill. The leeches will self select the $100 not grasping their vote would suck so much more out of productive Americans who pay the bills. And how many people who can't produce an ID will figure out a way to produce an ID...

2) The best answer, but more complicated, is that no one who is living on a government check of other people's money, like Social Security, should be able to vote. The people who pay the bills should decide what other people get of their money, people should not be able to decide what they get when it's confiscated with force from others
1) The simplest solution is to offer those who show up to the poll, with a valid ID, a choice between a ballot and a $100 bill. The leeches will self select the $100 not grasping their vote would suck so much more out of productive Americans who pay the bills. And how many people who can't produce an ID will figure out a way to produce an ID...

2) The best answer, but more complicated, is that no one who is living on a government check of other people's money, like Social Security, should be able to vote. The people who pay the bills should decide what other people get of their money, people should not be able to decide what they get when it's confiscated with force from others

You are either joking or insane...
I hope you are joking for your own sake.
You are either joking or insane...
I hope you are joking for your own sake.

What is "insane" about people who pay for government deciding what it does with their money?

BTW, I've consistently argued we are not and should not be a "democracy," which is mob rule. If the people paying for government decide what to spend their own money, government would be way more responsible. Letting you parasites vote clearly is not working
What is "insane" about people who pay for government deciding what it does with their money?

BTW, I've consistently argued we are not and should not be a "democracy," which is mob rule. If the people paying for government decide what to spend their own money, government would be way more responsible. Letting you parasites vote clearly is not working

My hopes are dashed ...
You are insane...
1) The simplest solution is to offer those who show up to the poll, with a valid ID, a choice between a ballot and a $100 bill. The leeches will self select the $100 not grasping their vote would suck so much more out of productive Americans who pay the bills. And how many people who can't produce an ID will figure out a way to produce an ID...

2) The best answer, but more complicated, is that no one who is living on a government check of other people's money, like Social Security, should be able to vote. The people who pay the bills should decide what other people get of their money, people should not be able to decide what they get when it's confiscated with force from others

That was why at our founding only property owners could vote. It was a way to limit the takers. The founders knew that once the takers figured out they could steal another's property with their vote it would be over
My hopes are dashed ...
You are insane...

You and your wife are going out with three other people. You and your wife are paying for dinner. You and your wife decide to go to a nice place, roughly $15 a dinner. No, the other three say, we want to go to the best restaurant in town! You're footing the bill, why is it "insane" for you to not agree to them outvoting you?
You and your wife are going out with three other people. You and your wife are paying for dinner. You and your wife decide to go to a nice place, roughly $15 a dinner. No, the other three say, we want to go to the best restaurant in town! You're footing the bill, why is it "insane" for you to not agree to them outvoting you?

The right to vote is not a restaurant.
Again your analogy and your lame argument for an elitist oligarchy for America, are insane.
The right to vote is not a restaurant.

No shit, dumb ass, that's how analogies work

Again your analogy and your lame argument for an elitist oligarchy for America, are insane.

So you and your wife are "elitists" since you won't pay for the dinner of people not paying?

And you think it's an "oligarchy" that people paying for government make the decisions? You think there are that few taxpayers? that's pretty sick, actually, that you want to live on the backs of just a few of us while the rest of you bleed us dry

Voting yourself money is what's sick
That was why at our founding only property owners could vote. It was a way to limit the takers. The founders knew that once the takers figured out they could steal another's property with their vote it would be over

Would you feel the same way if wealth were not the measure for your oligarchy?
What is it were education and only the PhDs are allowed to decide our fate?
You are every bit as insane as kaz to even imagine an oligarchy for America,
Would you feel the same way if wealth were not the measure for your oligarchy?
What is it were education and only the PhDs are allowed to decide our fate?
You are every bit as insane as kaz to even imagine an oligarchy for America,

"wealth" had nothing to do with my proposal. I only said people who live on money confiscated with guns shouldn't vote. You don't have to have any money. You just can't vote yourself more money. Learning is fundamental. And you're fundamentally an idiot
No shit, dumb ass, that's how analogies work

So you and your wife are "elitists" since you won't pay for the dinner of people not paying?

And you think it's an "oligarchy" that people paying for government make the decisions? You think there are that few taxpayers? that's pretty sick, actually, that you want to live on the backs of just a few of us while the rest of you bleed us dry

Voting yourself money is what's sick

The analogy still does not work.
And you are still insane.
The analogy still does not work.
And you are still insane.

Well, the shortcoming in my analogy is that the people you are buying dinner for aren't doing it at gunpoint.

So fine, let's say they inform you that you are paying for dinner and the three of them have outvoted wherever you want to go and you're buying them a meal from the best restaurant in town.

There you go, fixed now
"wealth" had nothing to do with my proposal. I only said people who live on money confiscated with guns shouldn't vote. You don't have to have any money. You just can't vote yourself more money. Learning is fundamental. And you're fundamentally an idiot

What about the PhD oligarchy?
You wouldn't have a vote in your fate would you ... and smart people would decide what the country does. It is at least as absurd and insane as your proposal.
Why do you hate democracy so very much?
Term limits, with no concurrent terms.

Maximum age on both voting and serving in office. No one over 65 is allowed to vote or hold office.
I said nothing about "smart." I said people who are living on money confiscated from others with guns. My point is about people acting in their own greedy personal interest.

And trust me, you don't have to be that smart to get a PhD. It's more about endurance than brains by far

How stupid are you?
I said nothing about "smart." I said people who are living on money confiscated from others with guns. My point is about people acting in their own greedy personal interest.

And trust me, you don't have to be that smart to get a PhD. It's more about endurance than brains by far

How stupid are you?

You obviously hate America and democracy. Did you get voted off the glee club in high school or something?
Your anti-social lack of humanity and your intense greed is duly noted.
If you seriously believe Trump will win and give your pipe-dream oligarchy an ear you are delusional as well as quite insane.
You obviously hate America and democracy. Did you get voted off the glee club in high school or something?
Your anti-social lack of humanity and your intense greed is duly noted.
If you seriously believe Trump will win and give your pipe-dream oligarchy an ear you are delusional as well as quite insane.

Are you capable of a point other than ad homenim?

So you and your wife won't buy the three guys who out voted you for a dinner you're paying for are "anti-social lack of humanity" and "intense greed." Got it.

As for Trump, what are you smoking? I didn't say anything about Trump.

And I don't hate America, I just hate Democracy at the Federal level. It's mob rule by you the parasites, you keep demonstrating that. Also, I keep telling you that, moron.