U.S. Says Iran Has Enough Material for Nuclear Bomb


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<snip>WASHINGTON — The United States now believes that Iran has amassed enough uranium that with further purification could be used to build an atomic bomb, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff declared Sunday.<snip>
You know, I really should have contributed some commentary to the subject, rather than simply point out that FT had beaten the NY Times to the punch.

This is not good news. A nuclear capable Iran is a huge threat, not only to the region, but the world as a whole.

That being said, I find somewhat distressing that it took ten days for a U.S. paper to pick up the story.
You know, I really should have contributed some commentary to the subject, rather than simply point out that FT had beaten the NY Times to the punch.

This is not good news. A nuclear capable Iran is a huge threat, not only to the region, but the world as a whole.

That being said, I find somewhat distressing that it took ten days for a U.S. paper to pick up the story.

They waited for Gates and Mullen to make media rounds.
I look forward to the massive Israeli airstrike coming soon.

I don't think Israel will do any such thing. What most commentators fail to espouse, imo, is the obvious "Cold War" that has been happening in the ME for the last 20 years. This cold war, much as the one between the US and the soviets, manages to keep anyone from doing anything nuclear.

I read an article a couple years back that quite intelligently described why an actual nuclear war would not be triggered by Iran or Israel. The long and short of it pointed out that Iran would immediately suffer 30% loss of life with the likely-hood of it reaching 50% within a few short years. Whereas Israel does have missile defense keeping the losses down, though depending on Iran's sophistication, Israel would also suffer.
having sufficient fissionable material is different from being able to construct a bomb

of course a crude fission bomb can be put together, but its yield would be less than 30,000 tons of tnt...enough to do serious damage and kill lots of people, but the retaliation would wipe out the iranian capital and likely most of its rulers..but why wait, do it now:eek:
Israel is a democracy not hell bent on wiping other nations off the map. Using Israel's nuclear capabilities is a straw man argument and lends nothing to any real debate.

That's an absolutely ridiculous statement.

Isreal is an enemy of Iran, has a great many politicians and religious leaders who call for the wholesale destruction of Iran, it has nuclear weapons, has committed many atrocities and murders of innocent arabs, is in violation of more UN Resolutions than any nation in the world, and Iran has every right to defend itself against a sworn enemy.
of course, they will take over the world...ask some conspiracy nuts about the jewish conspiracy...:eek:

The Jewish Religion Does believe jews should run the world on behalf of god. They believe in a time called Olam Ha Ba when the world will be controlled under a jew led global theocracy.