Uh-oh, Reedy Creek will outlast DeSantis!

its cool when the fucking cunts use the N word and there's no reason to read the rest of their simple minded rambling........

But you are a Nazi, though. You're banning books. Nazis banned books. No leftist has ever banned a book, not even your pornography-filled Bible where two sisters get their father drunk so they can have sex with him.

Embrace it, don't just deny your Nazi heritage. Show your white pride. Why try to hide that white ass pride?

What are you so afraid of?
I wonder why they issued bonds in the past, then........

Well, they're not on the hook for those bonds now, so it kinda all worked out for them, didn't it?

Disney is very thankful you saved them $200M a year that they can use to promote the hell out of bisexual Thor.
I see that excites you......

Why wouldn't it? Gay people exist and deserve representation too.

Nazis don't, though. That's why you don't like Disney now, isn't it? Cuz they don't cater to Nazis anymore.

Thor is bisexual, Black and ASian people are leads in Pixar movies now, and the titular character in The Mandalorian is a socialist: "Our creed is solidarity and loyalty"

Nobody has banned a book, they simply chose not to have some used as textbooks, local districts choose textbooks to use and not use all the time. It's inane to pretend that is the same thing as banning something. Now if there were a monopoly on the subject, and they made it illegal to own the book, then this "ban" claim may stand up to scrutiny, until then it is just an appeal to emotion as pretty much all folks have a strong emotional response to the use of "Nazi"... a poor and obvious attempt to gaslight folks and manipulate them into "wanting" to side on the "not nazi" side of things.

From this kind of argument you get the stupid responses... "I'm not that, my best friend is...."... Which is just stupidity continued. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I am sure Deasantis knows he cannot do it. However he knows his lie is galvanizing the right into a paroxysm of Disney hate, and he thinks votes for him. I am sure the GOOFY governor knows better. he has some pros on staff. This is political red meat for the easily led.


He studied political hackery and hucksterism at the feet of the Orange Master himself.

Everything that tubby little toad DeShameless does stinks of political gamesmanship.
I say throw all the leaders, managers and flunkies (corporate and gov't) into a large, dark room with baseball bats for an hour. Whom ever is the majority that comes out get's there way. (:

He studied political hackery and hucksterism at the feet of the Orange Master himself.

Everything that tubby little toad DeShameless does stinks of political gamesmanship.

I remember a time when Disney was a totem pole for hate on the Left, how times change!

From Quora.

The present day Disney organization is just about as far from what Walt Disney envisioned as it can get. It is run by money hungry characters who kowtow to China in order to increase their profits. Its theme parks are nothing but commercialized plastic nightmares that overcharge the customers who are foolish enough to attend.
I remember a time when Disney was a totem pole for hate on the Left, how times change!

From Quora.

The present day Disney organization is just about as far from what Walt Disney envisioned as it can get. It is run by money hungry characters who kowtow to China in order to increase their profits. Its theme parks are nothing but commercialized plastic nightmares that overcharge the customers who are foolish enough to attend.

So, you have one person's opinion.


I don't recall Disney ever being a target of the left, but that's beside the point anyway re: my comments about DeShameless.

I actually agree with the law he signed prohibiting teachers in public schools addressing gender topics.

What makes me sick about the fat little toad is how he uses the power of his office to take revenge against those he sees as opponents and carry out personal vendettas against those who openly disagree with him.

He's Trump-lite.

You Brits may be more accepting of tyrannical, omnipotent rulers since so much of your history has been spent living under them, but that shit doesn't fly over here.

At least not among we who aren't subservient boot-licks.
So, you have one person's opinion.


I don't recall Disney ever being a target of the left, but that's beside the point anyway re: my comments about DeShameless.

I actually agree with the law he signed prohibiting teachers in public schools addressing gender topics.

What makes me sick about the fat little toad is how he uses the power of his office to take revenge against those he sees as opponents and carry out personal vendettas against those who openly disagree with him.

He's Trump-lite.

You Brits may be more accepting of tyrannical, omnipotent rulers since so much of your history has been spent living under them, but that shit doesn't fly over here.

At least not among we who aren't subservient boot-licks.

Obviously you need to be reminded of history, fella. What country declared war on Germany in September 1939 when they invaded Poland. Clue, it wasn't the land of freebie and the home of the depraved. This was at the time when IBM was supplying punched card tabulating machines to Nazi Germany to keep track on the likes of Jews and political dissidents. Ford and General Motors were also supplying them with tanks when the UK was battling them alone. What were you saying about subservient bootlickers?

As for Disney, as I said it wasn't that long ago that the Left targeted them.

The cruel reality of Disney's world

A new book strips away the last illusions about kind Uncle Walt to reveal an uncaring husband, bullying boss and rabid anti-communist witch-hunter

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not Florida's debt.....Disney's.....

It is Reddy Creek's debt. If Florida dissolves Reddy Creek, then they must take on Reddy Creek's debt. If they do not, then the bond holders do not get paid. Florida could next dissolve Miami's government, and default on that debt.

The way things work is that now that Florida has dissolved this government, they are on the hook for all the debts of the government they dissolved. That looks like over $1 billion in bond debt. Pension debts will be a $1 billion more. Maintenance of infrastructure will be several billion more over the next decade.

Reddy Creek could have paid this all, because they had a special deal that allowed them to tax higher, and Disney was overjoyed to pay the higher taxes (for infrastructure that they wanted). Now Reddy Creek no longer exists, Florida is on the hook for all those debts, and Disney no longer has to pay the higher taxes, there will be no way to force Disney to pay the higher taxes.

This presents a horrible problem for Disney. The infrastructure they desperately need will slowly crumble under State of Florida control. They will basically have a decade to get out of Florida.